
A/B/C template

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A/G Ratio (meaningful tests)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas


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A/G Ratio: is the ratio of albumin to globulins.


The A/G Ratio is an antiquated test that measures the ratio between albumin and globulins in the blood. It is one of a very few test numbers I pay any attention to.

I use it as a measure of where someone is at between birth and death; meaning, where you are on the curve.  It is NOT to be used for predicting the future, but to establish where you are at.

Range is 1.0 – 2.32 and the higher the number, the better. It measures the amount of albumin and globulin that leaked past the kidney nephrons into the urine. It is a good indicator of the condition of renal glands (kidneys) which loose efficiency with age.

You must specifically REQUEST this test if you want it included on a blood panel, and prepare for justification with your practitioner because he will not know this one and will ignore your request.  Remember, the patient know NOTHING!

Another useful test is called: CRP which stands for C-Reactive Protein which measures LOW-GRADE inflammation in the body’s terrain.  This test is common; however, few practitioners seem to know what to make of it unless the numbers are extremely high.

Ideally, you want a CRP reading of ZERO as in -0-. Anything is too much. Normal range is .5 – 10. If you suffer in any way, know that your CRP is elevated because it is a measure of inflammation and you can’t have pain or suffering unless you have inflammation. A reading of 1.0 is extremely high and should not be ignored.

Another useful measure of your terrain system is pH of urine.  See Acidity/Alkalinity in Glossary link below for a full discussion of terrain pH.

Lastly, a VERY IMPORTANT test is your blood’s ferritin level which is an indirect measure of iron STORED in your blood.  Approximately 80% of iron is stored in blood.  See Special Insights, How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health by clicking hyperlink.

Common measures of blood pressure and pulse reflect systemic stress and hormonal imbalance between insulin and leptin.  Read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.

Personally, I ignore most medical tests because the standard answer is never, WHY?  Instead, all you hear is: take the purple pill 3x/day.  They don’t have a clue WHY you supposedly have the so-called, medical condition.

Your job is take care of yourself and steer clear of the sick-care system.  Once they instill you with fear and uncertainty, they own you!


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A1c (glycated hemoglobin/red blood cells)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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A1c: a three month “look-back” at blood sugar levels using glycation of red blood cells as the metric.  A1c is not a safe way to manage blood sugar, insulin-resistance or pre-diabetes.

A1c is used in place of fasting blood glucose readings previously used.

A1c ignores neurological deterioration and the ONGOING state of systemic, low-grade  inflammation and pre-diabetes that affects approximately 65% of the population who is are not clinical diabetics.


Elevated blood sugar causes ‘glycation’ [sugar coating] of red blood cells and neurologic deterioration.  Blood sugar levels above 90 is a condition of pre-diabetic insulin-resistance and low-grade inflammation of the body.  Elevated sugar levels leads to cognitive decline and formation of brain tangles associated with Alzheimers and dimentia.  Learn more.

Glycated hemoglobin is what the A1c test score is about.  A1c is very different than blood fasting blood glucose readings.  A1c looks BACKWARDS over three months which is the length of time red a blood cells exist before losing its nucleus which makes it a red blood corpuscle.  Red blood cells/corpuscles live for four months, three as a cell, and one as a corpuscle.

Contrary to medical theory which says if you maintain your A1c below 7,0 [and ideally below 5.5] you need not worry about diabetes.

A perfect A1c score ignores the inflammatory state of PRE-DIABETES witch is also a state of inflammatory, insulin-resistance.

Systemic, low-grade inflammation leads to eventual deterioration of the vital organs, cognitive decline and diabetes.


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Acid (acidic); alkaline (alkalinity)

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Acid: Having a pH value below 7.0 on the pH scale of 0-14; the opposite of alkaline.  Not the same as acidity.

Acidity: refers to the amount of acid waste stored in the tissues and circulating in body fluids [urine, saliva and lymph]; a condition that manifests in the face of insufficient bicarbonate reserves needed for de-acidification of acids in the system; the exact opposite of alkalinity.

Acidity is not pH and should not be confused with pH.  Acidity refers to total acid waste load that burden body tissues and fluids.  The more acid waste in the body, the higher acidity.

Alkaline: Having a pH value above 7.0 on the pH scale of 0-14; the opposite of acid.  Not the same as alkalinity.

Alkalinity: the exact opposite of acidity; a condition where bicarbonates are in sufficient supply and are available to offset and neutralize acid wastes in the body’s terrain.

Alkalinity is not pH.  Alkalinity refers to the body’s ability to buffer [neutralize] acidic hydrogen in circulation or locked-up in the tissues.   Body reserves of bicarbonate [reserve capacity] allows the body to manage and maintain pH.

Acid and alkaline are chemistry terms. In alternative medicine and health circles, the term alkaline is loosely and wrongly used to imply a patient’s level of alkalinity.  While it is true that healthy bodies are pH alkaline [above 7.0] and sick bodies are pH acidic pH [below 7.0],  both are bogus concepts.

Buffer [reserve] capacity is based on bicarbonate levels in reserve.  pH does NOT measure buffer reserves. pH is a measure of ‘potential’ hydrogen protons in circulation.


The proton hydrogen is your body’s primary source of energy.  Food and water are primary hydrogen donors, fats are the most energy dense foods.  Calories are an irrelevant metric.

Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens; water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens.  Hydrogen is lifeforceThe body’s bio-electric energy comes from non-thermal burning and metabolism of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is what powers the sun.  ATP [adenosine-triphosphate] only powers cellular metabolism, and is a weak molecule compared to the hydrogen’s energy potential.

‘p’ in pH stands for potential [hydrogen]!  Digestion releases covalent-bonded hydrogen in food and water.  Inability to digest food and free hydrogen is THE issue!

Failure to metabolize hydrogen turns body-fluid [urine] pH acidic.  Hydrogen and metabolic waste are acidicUrine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions in circulation.  Urine pH rises and falls as hydrogen ion levels rise and fall.

The better digestion, the more energy available for growth and repair.

Dis-ease and aging are side-effects of faulty hydrogen metabolism and maldigestion.

The Digestion Trio solves the maldigestion/hydrogen dilemma.  Ask for help.

See Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH in the Archive link above/below.

Acid vs. Alkaline Body

Sickness and disease manifest in bodies containing excess waste; waste is acidic because it is saturated with ‘unburned’ hydrogen protons.  Waste is a substrate for growth of  bacteria, fungus and yeast.  Iron levels [as measured by ‘ferritin’ iron in blood influence low-grade inflammation levels and ultimately the manifestation of dis-ease.

Yeast produces massive amounts of acid waste byproducts that causes the body to grow ever more acidic.

For example, cancer is a condition of high acidity, low bicarbonate reserves and extreme toxicity from acid waste accumulation due to FERMENTATION of glucose sugars, as opposed to complete burning of glucose during glycolysis. Acidic waste is corrosive in nature. Waste degrades body tissues and damps vital organ function.

A waste filled body is a toxic environment favoring proliferation of parasites and pathogenic microbes. A marginally sick body (sub-clinically sick) has a urine pH in the range of 5-6 range, where bodies suffering from serious, degenerative dis-ease has a urine pH below 5.0 and if severe, below pH 4.0.

The idea that healthy bodies are alkaline is erroneous, even though this idea is popularly believed by alternative practitioners and their patients.  To understand this statement, review the word definitions at the beginning of this discussion.

Understanding the Puzzle

The key to understanding the health and alkalinity vs. disease and acidity puzzle must be understood in terms of TISSUE waste load levels and FLUID waste load levels.

Tissue waste levels are measured by their shadows. The shadows are called symptoms. Some symptoms can be measured by medical tests that lead to the status of a clinical condition. Subtle, shadowy symptoms are are sub-clinical.

Medical tests do not measure early sub-clinical symptoms of trouble in the making.

If you are paying attention and know what to look and watch for, you will discover a fantastic early warning system already built into your body.

Urine pH is a good indicator of waste already resident in the system.  For example, body odor is a classic symptom of trouble in the making. So is bad breath and subtle changes in skin and gums. Snoring, vision changes and compromised hearing are some more examples.

The Bio-electric Age Test in Chapter three of my book, Young Again! provides a comprehensive list of signs and symptoms to look for.

Early, subtle symptoms are unlike clinical measurements of: blood, hormones, albumin, etc.  Other subtle symptoms are: arthritis, fibromyalgia, eczema and gout, all of which scream acid waste overload.

Fluid waste levels are best gauged by measuring urine pH.  Blood is not a practical measure and saliva is less accurate. Urine is an easy and useful tool.

Readers should acquaint themselves wit the TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL to better understand the connection between pH and acidity/alkalinity.

Often, people LOADED with non circulating tissue-bound hydrogen waste ‘urine test’ within acceptable ranges and may not experience or measure as having health issues. This is not uncommon.

BUT, when circulating waste levels and tissue waste levels rise and overload the body’s ability to cope [buffer/neutralize] the acidic wase, healthy people either develop non-life threatening issues or they suddenly manifest serious, life threatening signs and symptoms overnight.

Sub-clinically sick people seldom see major trouble coming because they ignore subtle changes going on under the surface in their urine pH.  Good health is good until it isn’t.

pH must be understood in terms of tissue load levels, circulation levels of hydrogen protons and the body’s ability/inabiltiy to manage and buffer the acid.  Stress and and anxiety levels both affect and are affecty by acidic pH.  Inflammation is associated with excess waste and the pre-diabetic/diabetic state.

People with, so-called, pH balanced systems [7.0] often contain heavy loads of acidic waste which explains why [so-called] healthy people age poorly and die prematurely even though they live a healthy lifestyle.

Acceptable pH Range

Healthy bodies maintain urine pH of 6.8 – 7.2.  7.0 is NEUTRAL and not much is going on here.  Below 7.0 is acidic and the need to introduce bicarbonate to neutralize the acids exists.  The food you eat and your digestive efficiency greatly determine acid waste levels and circulating pH as measured by urine.

Baking soda is used to raise bicarbonate reserves in the body and neutralize excess hydrogen protons in circulation.  The target of 8.0 pH [urine] when achieved gets the best results.  pH is always allowed to return to 7.0 or below before additional baking soda [bicarbonate] is repeated at the rate of 1 tsp. in a glass of water.

NOTE: because soda is 65% sodium, the product Vitality Complex is taken along with the soda to prevent sodium invasion of the cells and reduction of the cellular energy molecule ATP.  Sodium invasion occurs when the cells and tissues suffer from a deficit of Essential Elements.

Additionally, soda needs something highly acidic to REACT WITH.  The best source is plain, old ascorbic acid [vitamin-C] in pill or capsule form washed down with the soda water mix.  DO NOT mix vitamin-C in cup with soda; you want the reaction to occur in your stomach, NOT in the glass.

DO NOT be concerned if pH in the low 6s or 5s or 4s does not respond to soda.  Poor response says the body is LOADED with acidic hydrogen waste that CONSUMES the bicarbonate.  When acid waste release slows, urine pH will rise more quickly and maintain longer between doses of soda.

pH will rise and fall throughout the day according to hydrogen proton levels circulating in the body fluid, URINE.  Do not rely on saliva pH as it is not as accurate as urine.

Such is the ongoing cycle of waste management.  Be sure and STUDY the following information.  Here is the link

The lymphatic system is responsible for waste management and circulation of extracellular waste OUT of the tissue spaces; this is NOT the responsibility of the blood circulatory system.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients into the tissues and carbon dioxide out.  Both of these are gases. The gateways OUT OF THE BODY for acidic waste are the liver (90%) and the kidneys (10%).

FYI:  pH 6.0 is ten times LESS ACID than pH 5.0, but neither pH is alkaline; one is simply less acid that the other.

Less acid is always desirable. This is a vitally important concept to understand if you wish to enjoy perpetually enjoy good health and not experience premature aging or early death.


De-acidification of the body is an ongoing process. Every day, waste is produced and if it is not released from the system it accumulates in the tissues, organs and joints.

The absolute best and fastest way to remove accumulated structural waste from the body is by following the Tissue & Liver Protocol. You can read about it, here. Consider it your GET OUT OF JAIL CARD!

The Terrain pH Protocol should be practiced each and every day, forever, and you use pH test strips and guidance from YoungAgainClub to gauge decisions about pH.

The simplest daily routine you can adopt is the Enema Protocol.  Read about it here.

pH, Aging & Alkaline Water

Acidification of the body is a progressive process that takes place over one’s entire lifespan, but accelerates around age 244, again at age 35 and in the mid forties.

Drinking alkaline water and eating foods that are so-called alkaline forming has little to do with making the body more alkaline.  The health industry is overrun with half-baked experts who espouse all kinds of crackpot ideas. was established to teach people what actually works and hopefully, enlarge their knowledge base in chemistry and the life sciences; specifically, CRITICAL THINKING not based on formalized training.

Except for the field of biochemistry, very few credentialed experts know much of anything.  And proof is to be found in all the sick and dying credentialed experts and patients who rely on them for direction and understanding.


Bad food, junk food and non-food, along with poor digestion, drive acid waste overload and slow deterioration of the liver and kidneys plus progressive, mitochondrial dysfunction.

Body acid/alkaline balance is greatly influenced by the regulatory hormones: insulin, leptin, adrenaline, cortisol and glucagon.  See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.



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Read my book, Young Again! 6th edition for additional information.  It is available FREE by download on the website!

See the terms: toxic, waste, lymph and scar tissue in the Glossary link below.

See Special Insights, OSTEOPOROSIS and GOUT in the Archive link below.

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Acid Reflux (GERD)

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Acid Reflux [GERD]: a chronic symptom of mucosal damage that is WRONGLY blamed on a defective stomach valve and excess acid entering the esophagus.


Acid Reflux is a chronic condition involving many different aspects of gut dysfunction, bowel disorders and pre-diabetic, insulin resistance.

GERD is commonly referred to as heartburn and typically occurs in the evening and during sleep.  GERD is a forerunner of trouble in the making and should NOT BE IGNORED.

Inability to process food and regurgitation of food and stomach acid up into the esophagus damaging the mucous membranes of the esophagus.

Acid reflux is also known by the acronym, GERD which stands for: gastroesophageal reflux disease.  GERD is not a disease, but a symptom of thyroid dysfunction, hormone imbalance, reabsorption of discarded hormones [estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and adrenalin] by the gut and liver, along with poor bowel function and sluggish bowels.

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance. 

While all of the above issues impact GERD, thyroid dysfunction plays a part in the story, as does depletion of essential elements which you can read about by clicking hyperlink.  Please note, people who suffer from acid reflux are over age 40, but the disorder gets progressively worse with age.  In other words, it is a condition of deterioration and degeneration, NOT a disease.

Acid reflux also involves fungal takeover of the intestinal tract [i.e. fungi sinking their roots [called hypha] into the gut wall and production of potent mycotoxins that seize control of thyroid metabolism and regulatory hormones.  See the Mold & Fungus Protocol [click link].

Contrary to medical folklore, acid reflux has NOTHING to do with explanations  commonly provided by practitioners and so-called, experts.

Stomach acidity is NOT the cause of acid reflux, but LACK OF PRODUCTION of hydrochloric acid for digestion of proteins [in the stomach] most certainly is involved.

If you wish help or guidance, email or click here.

Additional Factors Of GERD [Acid Reflux]

When food cannot flow from the stomach into the intestine as intended, it has no place to go but up the esophagus because pyloric sphincter at the entrance to the stomach fails to close allowing food to enter the esophagus, particularly at night when people are in sleep position.

The bowel should empty at least three times a day, in line with eating three times a day.  The ratio should be 1:1; meaning one movement for each meal.

A meal to bowel ratio of less than 1:1 is called, constipation! What people think of as normal [for them] is not normal, at all.  Rather it is a sluggish bowel that is often the result of use of antibiotics and a dysfunctional mucosa and microbiota.

Please note, bowel function diminishes as people age, and with it comes acid reflux and hiatal hernia.  These conditions seldom manifest in people under age 35. [Both conditions are symptomatic of aging and degeneration.  Do not ignore them!]

Constipation is symptomatic of fungal infestation, poor diet, poor digestion, thyroid dysfunction, intake of sugar/sweets, failure to drink enough water and a sick, inflamed liver/gallbladder. Sluggish bowel is also influenced by resistance to the regulatory hormones: insulin and leptin (discussed below).

Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia is common among people who suffer acid reflux, and although they are very different issues, they have common origins.

Hiatal hernia is the product of 20 feet of backed-up intestine exerting upward pressure against the diaphragm [the flat, sheet-like muscle, separating the thoracic cavity (chest) from the peritoneal cavity (belly) that houses the stomach, small intestine, gut, pancreas, colon, liver, prostate, ovaries, uterus and spleen.

Continuous pressure against the diaphragm from a backed-up intestinal tract and bowel [along with deterioration of the connective tissues, of which the diaphragm muscle is one] causes hiatal hernia, a condition where the diaphragm surrounding the esophagus pulls away allowing the stomach to protrude up into the thoracic cavity (chest) where it does not belong.

Surgery for hiatal hernia is a very bad idea and does not work due to surgical inability to close the opening in the diaphragm around the esophagus.  Better to address the causes.

The diaphragm is made of connective tissue (muscle) and as people age, the connective tissues of the body fail to maintain and regenerate.  It is the inability to regenerate that prevents successful surgical intervention for hiatal hernia.  Behind tissue breakdown is INFLAMMATION caused all of the factors listed above.

The issues behind the original hernia must be addressed or the problem will grow progressively worse.  The longer acid reflux and hiatal hernia are ignored, the uglier these conditions become, so deal with them early on by asking for guidance.

Hiatal hernia produces pain and discomfort, but, acid reflux leads to esophageal cancer because of damage to the delicate mucous membranes of the esophagus.

Factors That Contribute to Acid Reflux

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for more details on this important subject.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle also play important roles in bringing about autoimmune responses, like eczema and psoriasis to outright autoimmune attacks, like asthma and fibromyalgia,  where the body attacks itself.

See, Inflammation & Your Future [Special Edition!] and The Sense Of, Well-being! Examples & Notes From The Field.

Solutions for Acid Reflux

The wise individual practices the YAC Enema Protocol daily to train the body to release waste in timely fashion, keyed to meals.

The Tissue & Liver Protocol is everyone’s GET OUT OF JAIL CARD because it allows a person to undo the damage imposed by poor lifestyle choices over many years.  Us it to speed the aging reversal process and lift years of abuse from overloaded tissues and joints.

If you wish help and  guidance, click here.

Comments on Acid Reflux

Colon polyps are not colon cancer, and removing them presents HUGE RISKS!  Better to address why you have them or never develop them in the first place.  See Colonoscopy (polyps) here.

The body can reverse most conditions and heal itself if given the opportunity, and YOU are the only one who can provide the opportunity!

Restoration of the body’s terrain is a Young Again Club concept.


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Acid/Alkaline Cycle

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Acids/Alkaline [AA] Cycle: is the rythmic cycle of the body as it attempts to regulate pH of body tissues and metabolism.


The AA Cycle can be summarized as follows:

Bicarbonate raises pH so the body can safely release stored acids.  Release of acids drives pH, down and bicarbonates drive pH up.  Up and down; up and down, that’s the process.  

The Acid Alkaline Cycle goes on perpetually from birth until, death.  When supplied with bicarbonate, tissues become less acidic and the body grows younger.   



The proton hydrogen is your body’s primary source of energy.  Food and water are primary hydrogen donors, fats are the most energy dense foods.  Calories are an irrelevant metric.

Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens; water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens.  Hydrogen is lifeforceThe body’s bio-electric energy comes from non-thermal burning and metabolism of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is what powers the sun.  ATP [adenosine-triphosphate] only powers cellular metabolism, and is a weak molecule compared to the hydrogen’s energy potential.

‘p’ in pH stands for potential [hydrogen]!  Digestion releases covalent-bonded hydrogen in food and water.  Inability to digest food and free hydrogen is THE issue!

Failure to metabolize hydrogen turns body-fluid [urine] pH acidic.  Hydrogen and metabolic waste are acidicUrine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions in circulation.  Urine pH rises and falls as hydrogen ion levels rise and fall.

The better digestion, the more energy available for growth and repair.

Terrain acidification causes urine pH to rise on the acid side, and muscle loss to accelerate!  pH stands for potential hydrogen.  Unburned hydrogen from UNDIGESTED food proteins is the effect of MALDIGESTION!  [The Terrain pH Protocol and Digestion Trio manage these issues.]

Hydrogen powers the Sun and it powers the body [ATP only powers the cell].  Inability to [non-thermally] burn hydrogen limits energy production from food and spikes circulating hydrogen proton levels, causing urine pH to become acidic.  Urine pH measures circulating, unburned, hydrogen protons, and the better digestion is the less unburned hydrogen in saliva, lymph, and urine.  Read about HydrogenMagic, here.]

Terrain management is about hydrogen management, not alkalinity.  Alkalinity as popularly accepted ignores non-circulating, tissuebound hydrogen.  The Terrain pH Protocol frees tissue-bound hydrogen.  [This example of Applied Physiology is counter to physiology taught at university.  [Please read again.]

Dis-ease and aging are side-effects of faulty hydrogen metabolism and maldigestion.

The Digestion Trio solves the maldigestion/hydrogen dilemma.  Ask for help.

The Terrain pH Protocol is how you manage the Acid/Alkaline Cycle.  The protocol is FREE!  Check it, out.

To learn more, read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, pH & Fermentation.


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Acne (psoriasis, eczema)

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Acne: a broad term applied to conditions of the skin manifesting as pimples and eruptions on the face, back and arms.  A common condition in teens that is wrongly blamed on puberty.

No discussion of skin issues would be complete without reference to systemic mold/fungus infection of the intestinal gut wall, and the effects that mold mycotoxins play on all skin related issues from skin cancer to acne, eczema and psoriasis.

For further information on mold and yeast related issues, read Special Insights, Cause Unknown! in the Archive Link above; and Molds & Fungus Protocol in the Protocols link above.


Acne, eczema and psoriasis are first cousins of each other and all of them are driven by an inflamed intestinal gut wall, a poorly functioning liver, leaky gut, bad diet, poor digestion and bowel issues.  These conditions are confirmation of hormonal resistance to leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon.  See Change Your Food Habits below.

The body stores toxic waste in the fatty tissues below the skin and when the terrain becomes unbalanced or stressed out, waste erupts from the skin in the form of redness, sloughing and weeping and pimples.

Skin conditions are CLASSIC terrain issues and should be address accordingly.  When they appear, know the liver is functioning poorly.  They always involve the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle by clicking hyperlinks.

Carbohydrate dependence is a given in all conditions of the skin, including skin cancers. See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


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Also, see Special Insights, Food Cravings, Fruit sugar Blues, Allergies & Sensitivities, by clicking hyperlinks.

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Acrylamide: toxic compounds resulting from processing food at high temperatures.


Hazardous compounds found in heat-treated starchy foods cooked above 248 degrees F, such as potato chips, french fries, and numerous fast food snacks; similar to health hazards related to creation of nitrosamines from grilling/BBQ fats/meat at high temperatures.


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Acute Flaccid Myelitis [AFM]

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Acute Flaccid Myelitis [AFM]:  a medical misnomer; a label and condition that is actually Gullain-Barre Syndrome in disguise.

AFM is closely related to and perhaps the very same condition as polio.  Polio is NOT a disease but it is a dis-ease brought on by vaccinations of children and adults.

Remedies are available.


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ADD & ADHD Disorder

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ADD & ADHD Disorder: a neuro-developmental-disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which which manifest as pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age inappropriate behavior.

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder.

ADHD stands for Attention-deficit Hyper-active Disorder.


ADD & ADHD disorder[s] are effects of vaccination and medical misuse of drugs.  Neither condition has anything to do with one’s genes or family history.

Medical misuse of vaccines and drugs along with glyphosate in the food chain are primary drivers of both conditions, especially in children.

Diet and insulin-resistance along with use of fluoride by dentists and use of fluoridated tooth paste plays a MOJOR role in development of ADD & ADHD.

Halide ions [fluorine/bromine] and heavy metal ions can occupy neurologic receptor sites and prevent the nervous system from functioning as designed.  Failure to dislodge toxic ions from receptors PREVENTS the body from self-correcting.


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ADE [Antibody-Dependent Enhancement & VED [Vaccine-Enhanced Disease]

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Antibody-Dependent Enhancement [ADE] and Vaccine-Enhanced Disease [VED]: a terrain condition that unleashes the body’s own immune system against internal VITAL ORGANS; a condition where those inoculated die-off in great numbers due to ‘metabolic priming’ of the immune system as a direct result of mRNA inoculation against imaginary boogeyman viruses such as COVID-19 and non-existent variants.

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement [ADE]: is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.  Autoimmune chaos follows ADE and VAC.

ADE/VED provokes respiratory disease and acute lung injury after respiratory virus infection (ERD) with symptoms of monocytic infiltration and excess of eosinophils in the respiratory tract.

ADE/VED hampers immune response because vaccines trigger production of antibodies which worsen the disease symptoms that the so-called vaccine is supposedly designed to protect against. This was a serious concern during late clinical stages of vaccine development against COVID-19.  We now know that so-called clinical trials for the COVID vaccine were either non-existent and flawed adding tremendous support to the idea of ADE/VED.

ADE/VED along with type 2 T helper cell-dependent mechanisms may contribute to a development of the vaccine associated disease enhancement (VADE), which is not limited to respiratory disease.

ADE/VED effects on pregnant women are a known risk manifesting in miscarriage and possible sterilization.

A contagious, pathogenic condition that is created when humans, animals and birds are inoculated against a threatening virus and, instead, the inoculated organism becomes the asymptomatic carrier and spreader [vector] of a dis-ease causing agent.

ADE/VED usually involves a DELAYED-REACTION  of attack on the lungs and other internal vital organs that manifests from time of inoculation up to one year.

ADE/VED is the result of recombinant alteration of one’s DNA [think Corona virus vaxx]  where the body BECOMES a literal factory for the manufacture of synthetic, NON-HUMAN proteins due to modification of DNA by mRNA type of vaccines [so-called].  mRNA inoculation is NOT a vaccine and does NOT prevent spread or infection by virus agents.

ADE/VED is the product of therapies DESIGNED to target T-cells rather than antibody.  T-cells protect against severe infection and re-infection, mRNA inoculants DO NOT PROTECT and DO NOT provide lasting immunity.

mRNA inoculants and resulting ADE/VED is the recipe for mass infection and killing of humans under the false banner of medical science.  Instead think, EUGENICS!


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Adjuvant[s]: ingredients added to vaccine formulas to PROVOKE a so-called immune response that in theory causes the body/immune system to produce antibodies against future infection from the target organism or invading, pathogenic agent.


Common adjuvants are mercury, cadmium, aluminum, formaldehyde, etc. that have no business in the body and for which the body has no defense.  Heavy metals circulate and lodge in the brain and vital organs and cause untold suffering and death.

Biological adjuvants include live and attenuated [dead] bacterial life forms, and synthetic exosome-like substances that supposedly provoke a healthy immune response.

mRNA vaccines are unlike any former vaccine or technology heretofore used on humans in misguided efforts to direct and control DNA directed synthesis of proteins that make life possible.

mRNA vaccines directly interfere with human DNA by splicing sections of synthetic [non-human] DNA into human DNA and result in effects that are unknown and unpredictable.

mRNA technology uses recombinant DNA technology to create a hybrid human being.

mRNA technology, along with quantum dot technology will be used to create human cyborgs [part human/part machine] in the near future.

It is NOT a stretch to assume nanoscaled chips, transmitters and receivers will be added as adjuvants to direct and control protein synthesis within cells.


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Adrenal Glands (Adrenals)

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Adrenals: hormone producing glands located on each kidney and responsible for production of adrenaline and cortisol and for coping with stress related issues.


The adrenals are ‘coping glands’ that are responsible for dealing with stress and anxiety; and are closely linked to leptin and insulin resistance.

The adrenals affect the ability to achieve DEEP SLEEP, and they heavily influence thyroid function and energy and fatigue levels.

Women handle stress differently than men, and stress which takes its toll on female physiology and hormone production.

Falling hair, loss of eyebrows, graying, thinning hair, particularly in females, is a sign of adrenal overload and dysfunctional thyroid.  Generally, it takes weeks and months for people with adrenal overload to ‘settle’.

Avoidance of sweets, medications and alcohol are critical to the process.  Deep sleep is mandatory.  A dependable source of magnesium ions and a transporter to shuttle ions into the cells cannot be ignored.

The adrenal glands are heavily influenced by the bowel and liver function.

For women who are having hormonal difficulties and who are under ongoing stress, and particularly women who are menopausal and post menopausal, the adrenals are critical for hormonal balance, management of sweats, hot flashes and ability to sleep deeply.

Insulin and leptin resistance is a core factor in adrenal and thyroid management.

Obesity, premature aging and systemic inflammation are driven by adrenal overload and inability to cope with stress in all its many forms.

There is STRONG evidence that cognitive issues from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to vascular dementia, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s and autism are closely related to low-grade inflammation in the brain and adrenal overload/burn-out.

For guidance, call John Thomas.

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Adrenaline (resistance)

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Adrenaline: a regulatory hormone produced by the adrenals that regulate metabolism of fat cells. The body has two adrenal glands; one on each kidney.


Adrenaline Resistance: refers to poor fat cell response to stimulation. As fat cells become leptin resistant, they do not respond to adrenaline stimulation. They become sluggish and accumulate fat more easily and refuse to give up fat when they should. A key obesity factor.

Properly functioning adrenals is highly dependent upon hormonal balance between insulin and leptin. Stress and anxiety create tremendous burden on the adrenals, which in turn burdens the thyroid.

Adrenaline resistance plays a MAJOR role in sexual hormone management, especially in females which partly explains why women cope with and express stress and anxiety differently than men.

Eliminate insulin and leptin resistance, dissolve sugar-based brain plaque, clear brain receptor function and the body automatically restores balance to the system, including pancreatic overload and adrenaline resistance.

Read Special Insights, Change Your Dietary Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink; see Special Insights, Fruit, Hormones, Carbs & Aging by clicking Archive link below.


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AdrenalMagic is a novel approach for natural self-restoration of regulatory hormone patterns and energy dysfunction caused by emotional stress, overwork and insufficient and DEEP sleep.  Use it to avoid burnout and stress-related hormones that interfere with health and vitality.

Once adrenal overload occurs, it is very difficult to break the cycle, especially when well-meaning, but ignorant, medical intervention and medications sabotage normal body functions.

Avoiding the effects of physiologic stress and emotional overload has EVERYTHING to do with preventing and coping with adrenal burnout and systemic, hormonal exhaustion.

AdrenalMagic is a useful aid for restoration of healthy sleep patterns and escape from the circular cycle of wide-awake nights, daytime exhaustion and brain fog.  [Adrenal Magic works best when used with Sleep Magic, magnesium ions and Youth Formula.]

Essential Elements are critical for long-term resolution of adrenal burnout; ditto for magnesium ions and a transporter to ensure that ions traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes and be available for production of the body’s energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

AdrenalMagic is a unique offering unlike any other with a 25-year track record.  John Thomas uses it regularly during periods of overload and emotional stress.

Women are particularly susceptible to adrenal burn-out and disruption of sleep/hormone rhythm.  Females suffer 100:1 compared to males due to physiologic and hormonal dynamics of female metabolism.  Male burnout typically manifests as anger, temper tantrums and depression; both sexes suffer loss of libido.  Stress respects no boundaries.

AdrenalMagic is used short-term [weeks/months] until physiology and rhythms settle and hormone and sleep patterns normalize.

Depletion of elemental reserves is central to long-term regeneration of vital organ function restoration of hormonal rhythm  recover from stress-driven exhaustion [in both sexes].

AdrenalMagic is a wonderful way to help yourself recover and defend against the stresses of life.


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AdrenalMagic uses a novel approach for natural self-restoration of regulatory hormone patterns, weight reduction and low energy caused by emotional stress, overwork, and insufficient and DEEP sleep.  Use it to avoid burnout and stress-related anxiety that interferes with health and vitality.

Once adrenal overload occurs, it is very difficult to break the cycle, especially when well-meaning, but ignorant, medical intervention and medications sabotage normal body functions.

Avoiding the effects of physiologic stress and emotional overload has EVERYTHING to do with preventing and coping with adrenal burnout and systemic, hormonal exhaustion.

AdrenalMagic is a useful aid for restoration of healthy sleep patterns and escape from the circular cycle of wide-awake nights, daytime exhaustion and brain fog.  [Adrenal Magic works best when used with Sleep Magic, magnesium ions and Youth Formula.]

Essential Elements are critical for long-term resolution of adrenal burnout; ditto for magnesium ions and a transporter to ensure that ions traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes and be available for production of the cell’s energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

AdrenalMagic is a unique offering unlike any other with a 25-year track record.  John Thomas uses it regularly during periods of overload and emotional stress.

Women are particularly susceptible to adrenal burn-out and disruption of sleep/hormone rhythm.  Females suffer adrenal issues 100:1 compared to males due to physiologic and hormonal dynamics of female metabolism.  Male burnout typically manifests as anger, temper tantrums and depression, while both sexes suffer loss of libido.  Stress respects no boundaries.

AdrenalMagic is used short-term [weeks/months] until physiology and rhythms settle and hormone and sleep patterns normalize.  Depletion of elemental reserves is central to long-term regeneration of vital organ function restoration of hormonal rhythm recover from stress-driven exhaustion [in both sexes].

AdrenalMagic helps the body recover from and defend against the stresses of daily life.


Aerobic (anaerobic)

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Aerobic: a condition where oxygen is present [or needed and available], as opposed to an anaerobic (without oxygen) condition or need.


Organisms such as bacteria are classified as aerobic (requiring oxygen), anaerobic (not needing oxygen) and facultative anaerobes (able to live and function with or without oxygen.

Disease in the human body develops and eventually presents under conditions of restricted oxygen or outright anaerobism.

For example, cancer is a fungal condition manifesting in the body under conditions of acidity, low or no oxygen and fermentation of glucose sugars at the CELLULAR LEVEL.

To learn more about how bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and molds access, grow and take over the body, click here.

Also, read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH in the Archive link below.


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Agave: a fruit sugar derived natural fructose sugar that comes from cactus.


Agave is one of the very worse so-called, natural sweeteners that goes 100% to formation of body fat.  The body has no way to process fructose sugars from agave causing fatty liver and development of NAFLD [non alcoholic fatty liver disease].

Agave is an extreme antagonist that provokes pre-diabetic and diabetic insulin-resistance and severe, systemic low-grade inflammation in the body.

There is NOTHING good or healthy about agave.  Avoid it!

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Alkaline (alkalinity); acid (acidity)

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Acid: Having a pH value below 7.0 on the pH scale of 0-14; the opposite of alkaline.  Not the same as acidity.

Acidity: refers to the amount of acid waste stored in the tissues and circulating in body fluids [urine, saliva and lymph]; a condition that manifests in the face of insufficient bicarbonate reserves needed for de-acidification of acids in the system; the exact opposite of alkalinity.

Acidity is not pH and should not be confused with pH.  Acidity refers to total acid waste load that burden body tissues and fluids.  The more acid waste in the body, the higher acidity.

Alkaline: Having a pH value above 7.0 on the pH scale of 0-14; the opposite of acid.  Not the same as alkalinity.

Alkalinity: the exact opposite of acidity; a condition where bicarbonates are in sufficient supply and are available to offset and neutralize acid wastes in the body’s terrain.

Alkalinity is not pH.  Alkalinity refers to the body’s ability to buffer [neutralize] acidic hydrogen in circulation or locked-up in the tissues.   Body reserves of bicarbonate [reserve capacity] allows the body to manage and maintain pH.

Acid and alkaline are chemistry terms. In alternative medicine and health circles, the term alkaline is loosely and wrongly used to imply a patient’s level of alkalinity.  While it is true that healthy bodies are pH alkaline [above 7.0] and sick bodies are pH acidic pH [below 7.0],  both are bogus concepts.

Buffer [reserve] capacity is based on bicarbonate levels in reserve.  pH does NOT measure buffer reserves. pH is a measure of ‘potential’ hydrogen protons in circulation.


The proton hydrogen is the body’s PRIMARY source of energy.  Calories are an irrelevant metric.

Food and water are hydrogen donors.  Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens; water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens.  Hydrogen is lifeforce

The body’s bio-electric energy comes from non-thermal burning of hydrogen.  Hydrogen powers the sun and the body.  ATP [adenosine-triphosphate] powers cellular metabolism.

The ATP energy molecule is weak compared to the energy potential of hydrogen.  ‘p’ in pH stands for potential [hydrogen]!  Digestion frees covalent-bonded hydrogen in food and water.

The body turns acidic if it is unable to process and burn available hydrogen.  Hydrogen is an acidic element.

Urine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions circulation.  Urine acidity rises and falls as hydrogen levels rise and fall.

The better your digestion, the more energy that is available for growth/repair of the body.

Terrain acidification causes urine pH to rise on the acid side, and muscle loss to accelerate!  pH stands for potential hydrogen.  Unburned hydrogen from UNDIGESTED food proteins is the effect of MALDIGESTION!  [The Terrain pH Protocol and Digestion Trio manage these issues.]

Hydrogen powers the Sun and it powers the body [ATP only powers the cell].  Inability to [non-thermally] burn hydrogen limits energy production from food and spikes circulating hydrogen proton levels, causing urine pH to become acidic.  Urine pH measures circulating, unburned, hydrogen protons, and the better digestion is the less unburned hydrogen in saliva, lymph, and urine.  Read about HydrogenMagic, here.]

Terrain management is about hydrogen management, not alkalinity.  Alkalinity as popularly accepted ignores non-circulating, tissuebound hydrogen.  The Terrain pH Protocol frees tissue-bound hydrogen.  [This example of Applied Physiology is counter to physiology taught at university.  [Please read again.]

Dis-ease and aging are side-effects of faulty hydrogen metabolism. The Digestion Trio solves the digestion dilemma.  Ask for help.

See Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH in the Archive link above/below.

Acid vs. Alkaline Body

Sickness and disease manifest in bodies containing excess waste; waste is acidic because it is saturated with ‘unburned’ hydrogen protons.  Waste is a substrate for growth of  bacteria, fungus and yeast.  Iron levels [as measured by ‘ferritin’ iron in blood influence low-grade inflammation levels and ultimately the manifestation of dis-ease.

Yeast produces massive amounts of acid waste byproducts that causes the body to grow ever more acidic.

For example, cancer is a condition of high acidity, low bicarbonate reserves and extreme toxicity from acid waste accumulation due to FERMENTATION of glucose sugars, as opposed to complete burning of glucose during glycolysis. Acidic waste is corrosive in nature. Waste degrades body tissues and damps vital organ function.

A waste filled body is a toxic environment favoring proliferation of parasites and pathogenic microbes. A marginally sick body (sub-clinically sick) has a urine pH in the range of 5-6 range, where bodies suffering from serious, degenerative dis-ease has a urine pH below 5.0 and if severe, below pH 4.0.

The idea that healthy bodies are alkaline is erroneous, even though this idea is popularly believed by alternative practitioners and their patients.  To understand this statement, review the word definitions at the beginning of this discussion.

Understanding the Puzzle

The key to understanding the health and alkalinity vs. disease and acidity puzzle must be understood in terms of TISSUE waste load levels and FLUID waste load levels.

Tissue waste levels are measured by their shadows. The shadows are called symptoms. Some symptoms can be measured by medical tests that lead to the status of a clinical condition. Subtle, shadowy symptoms are are sub-clinical.

Medical tests do not measure early sub-clinical symptoms of trouble in the making.

If you are paying attention and know what to look and watch for, you will discover a fantastic early warning system already built into your body.

Urine pH is a good indicator of waste already resident in the system.  For example, body odor is a classic symptom of trouble in the making. So is bad breath and subtle changes in skin and gums. Snoring, vision changes and compromised hearing are some more examples.

The Bio-electric Age Test in Chapter three of my book, Young Again! provides a comprehensive list of signs and symptoms to look for.

Early, subtle symptoms are unlike clinical measurements of: blood, hormones, albumin, etc.  Other subtle symptoms are: arthritis, fibromyalgia, eczema and gout, all of which scream acid waste overload.

Fluid waste levels are best gauged by measuring urine pH.  Blood is not a practical measure and saliva is less accurate. Urine is an easy and useful tool.

Readers should acquaint themselves wit the TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL to better understand the connection between pH and acidity/alkalinity.

Often, people LOADED with non circulating tissue-bound hydrogen waste ‘urine test’ within acceptable ranges and may not experience or measure as having health issues. This is not uncommon.

BUT, when circulating waste levels and tissue waste levels rise and overload the body’s ability to cope [buffer/neutralize] the acidic wase, healthy people either develop non-life threatening issues or they suddenly manifest serious, life threatening signs and symptoms overnight.

Sub-clinically sick people seldom see major trouble coming because they ignore subtle changes going on under the surface in their urine pH.  Good health is good until it isn’t.

pH must be understood in terms of tissue load levels, circulation levels of hydrogen protons and the body’s ability/inabiltiy to manage and buffer the acid.  Stress and and anxiety levels both affect and are affecty by acidic pH.  Inflammation is associated with excess waste and the pre-diabetic/diabetic state.

People with, so-called, pH balanced systems [7.0] often contain heavy loads of acidic waste which explains why [so-called] healthy people age poorly and die prematurely even though they live a healthy lifestyle.

Acceptable pH Range

Healthy bodies maintain urine pH of 6.8 – 7.2.  7.0 is NEUTRAL and not much is going on here.  Below 7.0 is acidic and the need to introduce bicarbonate to neutralize the acids exists.  The food you eat and your digestive efficiency greatly determine acid waste levels and circulating pH as measured by urine.

Baking soda is used to raise bicarbonate reserves in the body and neutralize excess hydrogen protons in circulation.  The target of 8.0 pH [urine] when achieved gets the best results.  pH is always allowed to return to 7.0 or below before additional baking soda [bicarbonate] is repeated at the rate of 1 tsp. in a glass of water.

NOTE: because soda is 65% sodium, the product Vitality Complex is taken along with the soda to prevent sodium invasion of the cells and reduction of the cellular energy molecule ATP.  Sodium invasion occurs when the cells and tissues suffer from a deficit of Essential Elements.

Additionally, soda needs something highly acidic to REACT WITH.  The best source is plain, old ascorbic acid [vitamin-C] in pill or capsule form washed down with the soda water mix.  DO NOT mix vitamin-C in cup with soda; you want the reaction to occur in your stomach, NOT in the glass.

DO NOT be concerned if pH in the low 6s or 5s or 4s does not respond to soda.  Poor response says the body is LOADED with acidic hydrogen waste that CONSUMES the bicarbonate.  When acid waste release slows, urine pH will rise more quickly and maintain longer between doses of soda.

pH will rise and fall throughout the day according to hydrogen proton levels circulating in the body fluid, URINE.  Do not rely on saliva pH as it is not as accurate as urine.

Such is the ongoing cycle of waste management.  Be sure and STUDY the following information.  Here is the link

The lymphatic system is responsible for waste management and circulation of extracellular waste OUT of the tissue spaces; this is NOT the responsibility of the blood circulatory system.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients into the tissues and carbon dioxide out.  Both of these are gases. The gateways OUT OF THE BODY for acidic waste are the liver (90%) and the kidneys (10%).

FYI:  pH 6.0 is ten times LESS ACID than pH 5.0, but neither pH is alkaline; one is simply less acid that the other.

Less acid is always desirable. This is a vitally important concept to understand if you wish to enjoy perpetually enjoy good health and not experience premature aging or early death.


De-acidification of the body is an ongoing process. Every day, waste is produced and if it is not released from the system it accumulates in the tissues, organs and joints.

The absolute best and fastest way to remove accumulated structural waste from the body is by following the Tissue & Liver Protocol. You can read about it, here. Consider it your GET OUT OF JAIL CARD!

The Terrain pH Protocol should be practiced each and every day, forever, and you use pH test strips and guidance from YoungAgainClub to gauge decisions about pH.

The simplest daily routine you can adopt is the Enema Protocol.  Read about it here.

pH, Aging & Alkaline Water

Acidification of the body is a progressive process that takes place over one’s entire lifespan, but accelerates around age 244, again at age 35 and in the mid forties.

Drinking alkaline water and eating foods that are so-called alkaline forming has little to do with making the body more alkaline.  The health industry is overrun with half-baked experts who espouse all kinds of crackpot ideas. was established to teach people what actually works and hopefully, enlarge their knowledge base in chemistry and the life sciences; specifically, CRITICAL THINKING not based on formalized training.

Except for the field of biochemistry, very few credentialed experts know much of anything.  And proof is to be found in all the sick and dying credentialed experts and patients who rely on them for direction and understanding.


Bad food, junk food and non-food, along with poor digestion, drive acid waste overload and slow deterioration of the liver and kidneys plus progressive, mitochondrial dysfunction.

Body acid/alkaline balance is greatly influenced by the regulatory hormones: insulin, leptin, adrenaline, cortisol and glucagon.  See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.



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Read my book, Young Again! 6th edition for additional information.  It is available FREE by download on the website!

See the terms: toxic, waste, lymph and scar tissue in the Glossary link below.

See Special Insights, OSTEOPOROSIS and GOUT in the Archive link below.

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Allergy (autoimmune reactions)

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Allergy: hypersensitivity of the immune system; an autoimmune response where the body appears to attacks itself, but this is not what is going on.


Systemic mold and fungus infection is common and is responsible for hundreds of symptoms, one of which is leaky-gut [syndrome].  The use of the word, syndrome, is admission by  experts that they do not have a clue how orwhy the condition manifests.

When molds establish themselves in the intestinal track, they sink their roots [hyphae] into the gut wall and create the condition of leaky-gut.  This in turn, gives birth to all kinds of so-called food allergies, gluten intolerance and skin related conditions, digestion issues, bowel disorders, asthma, ringing in ears [tinnitus], arthritis, etc.

Know that the DNA of fungi [such as Candida albicans] is so similar to human DNA that  both species can merge and create a HYBRID ORGANISM.

When this occurs, the body’s immune system no longer recognizes foreign DNA as foreign; rather, the immune system sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you, at least partly.

The problem occurs when the immune system allows molds and fungi to grow and spread throughout the body.

Know that the DNA of fungi [such as Candida albicans] is so similar to human DNA that  both species can merge and create a HYBRID ORGANISM.

When this occurs, the body’s immune system no longer recognizes foreign DNA as foreign; rather, the immune system sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you and allow molds and fungi to grow and spread throughout the body.

Be certain to learn how the Mold & Fungus Protocol can help, YOU!

Read, Special Insights, Cause Unknown! as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation and pH by clicking the hyperlinks.


Allergies are confirmation of a damaged, compromised gut wall (leaky gut) and introduction of food proteins into the blood stream.

Food proteins can only digest (break-down into their constituent amino acids) in a highly acid stomach.  If they fail to do so, they become foreign proteins if they get into the blood producing violent reactions of the immune system where it attacks the body.

Autoimmune responses occur because of mycotoxin secretion of molds and fungi. Manifestations of fungal take-over that present as the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.

Food reactions are similar to snake bite and stings of stinging insects because they are precipitated by invasion of “foreign” food protein access to the blood stream. [Venoms are foreign protein.]

Foreign proteins introduced into the body tissues and fluids by way of vaccination also provoke an antigen/antibody response that supposedly causes the body to build antibodies and acquire future ‘immunity’ (which is not true).

Common allergy responses people suffer are addressable conditions if diet, digestion and bowel and gut wall issues are not ignored; ; vaccinations cause serious and often irreversible damage to the small intestinal gut wall which haunts people throughout their entire lives in the form of unlimited syndromes and disorders.

Alzheimer’s, autism and Asperger’s have a lot to do with vaccinations and the introduction of formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury preservatives,  These CLASSIC autoimmune conditions all begin with “A”.

Please see Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for a thorough discussion of hormonal imbalance and resistance to leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon all of which have EXTREME relevance to all things ‘allergy’ related.


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Also see Autoimmune Attack Cycle™, Digestion, Inflammation in Glossary link below.

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Allergy Theory

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Allergy Theory: the false idea that allergies are caused by reactions to foods, rather than incomplete digestion of food proteins wrongful access of food proteins to blood.

Reactions to insect venom is similar, meaning invasion of blood by proteins foreign to the body.


Allergies are the result of blood invasion by foreign proteins.

Maldigestion [inability to process food proteins] and invasion of blood by undigested proteins is what is wrongly labeled, allergy.

Leaky-gut syndrome is always in-play with food-driven allergies.  Leaky-gut describes a porous gut lining that allows UNDIGESTED food proteins entry to blood.

Use the DIgestion Trio and the Immune Protocol to restore gut lining and the ability to FULLY digest food and food proteins.

See Special Insight, Food Reactions & Gluten Intolerance


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Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Dementia

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Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dimentia: are chronic, neurological, degenerative disorders of UNKNOWN origin [according to medical folklore.]


Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia: like most everything in the medical arena, have been presented to the public as diseases based on their progressive nature while completely ignoring the factors behind their development and the forces directing them.

These disorders are common and predictable because they are the products of diet and lifestyle and directly related to leptin, insulin and adrenaline resistance.

In addition, accumulation of ferritin iron in the brain eventually short circuits neurons, and when accompanied by loss of brain mass, tangles and holes in brain tissue [FOR LACK OF CHOLESTEROL] PRIMARILY DO TO USE OF STATIN DRUGS and fat/cholesterol deficient diets].

In other words, degenerative brain disorders don’t happen because of DNA and gene factors, rather because of self-inflicted neglect and abuse.

Another factor is emergence of mycotoxin dominance by infestation by fungal yeast.  See Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Cognitive disorders should be thought of and viewed in terms of pre-diabetes and diabetes driven by elevated GLYCATED blood sugar [think: A1c] of the brain which leads to type 3 diabetes.

In order to correct a problem, you must understand how and why it occurred, and that is precisely the problem here. To understand the dilemma  and nature of the sick-care system, read Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlink.

The word degenerative may describe the nature of disorders involving vascular dementia and loss of cognitive function, but cause is never discussed.

What is common with these so-called dis-eases is beta-amyloid “tangles,” inflammation of the brain and loss of mitochondrial function and activity.

Excess accumulation of FERRITIN IRON plays an important role in brain dysfunction [think inflammation and electrical short-circuiting of brain tissue/neurons]. To learn more, see Special Insights, How Iron Toxicity Affects Your Health by clicking the ARCHIVE TAB below.

The problem here is the medical model and the sick-care system itself.  “They” blame  genes and DNA or a boogieman to keep the public in a state of fear and confusion.  Oddly, they cannot even help themselves or their loved ones.

If you wish to take control of your life and future, you must begin by ending ignorance and fear about things you know little about and Young Again Club offers the perfect venue to learn.

Read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging to learn the rest of the story on this topic.  You will find it in the Archive link below.


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AminoMagic: a YAC product a superior way to rebuild worn-out muscle and restore body integrity.


Muscle loss [cachexia] is the opposite of youth and vitality.  Consider cachexia a SIGN of aging that is best described as Wasting Syndrome [the curse of those who neglect and abuse their terrain].

Cachexia is medically ill-define.  cachexia is late-stage dysfunctional metabolism, maldigestion, loss of vital organ function, and failure to regenerate connective tissue, such as muscle.  Cachexia, however, is the symptom, NOT the cause of Wasting Syndrome!

Cachexia [as defined by YAC Applied Physiology] is a SIGN and a SYMPTOM of degenerative dis-ease.  Cachexia symptoms parallel are wrongly associated with  autoimmunity and/or autoimmune dis-ease.

The label, Wasting Syndrome implies a wasted appearance, but Metabolic Syndrome is closer to the truth.  Regardless, low-grade inflammation and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Dis-ease are involved.

Cachexia accelerates around age 35, but noticeable muscle loss generally doesn’t generally manifest until about age fifty.  During the middle years muscle loss goes unnoticed because the fat layer [beneath skin] hides what is happening to the body’s muscles.

AminoMagic supplies high-grade factors the body needs for regeneration of muscle and restoration of vital organ function.  Regeneration requires daily supply of high-grade, bio-available, energy-formatted aminos that assimilate easily for maximum benefit.

John Thomas used AminoMagic to successfully regenerate his 77-year-body!  He also uses the Terrain pH Protocol to keep low-grade inflammation down and keep his CRP [C-reactive protein] score at zero!  Now, you can do the same!

The cachexia/collagen story is very similar to the osteoporosis/calcium story, meaning, calcium supplementation does NOT prevent bone loss, and collagen does NOT restore connective tissue.

Fact is calcium is highly INFLAMMATORY and long-term deadly!  When calcium settles-out of solution, it forms plaque and clogs blood vessels, makes bone spurs, spikes CRP and creates hot spots in breast tissue that mammograms detect to scare women!  For your information, osteopenia is a medical FRAUD; no such medical condition exists!  [Diagnosis of osteopenia is a statistical lie.  Ignore it!]

Read, New Bones for Old Bones! and learn how to avoid and safely remedy the bone dilemma.


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  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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Amyloid Plaque (beta-amyloid) (scar tissue)

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Plaque/Scar Tissue:  Non-soluble, fibrous, sugar-based, protein aggregates that form in the body due to excess waste, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, poor digestion, a poorly functioning liver and sluggish bowels.


Amyloid structures and plaques are unnatural, non-functional tissue structures that accumulate and do NOT break-down on their own without direct, intervention by each individual.

Scar tissue and plaque formation are closely related and can be corrected by the same protocols if the body is given the opportunity to dissolve the structural nature of these deposits.

Plaques are morbid in nature when severe; amyloid structures have much in common with scar tissue; these structural waste proteins limit blood and lymph flows and provide friendly breeding grounds for pathogenic organisms from yeast and fungi to bacteria and parasites.

Cellular waste proteins are initially ‘soluble’, but when not circulated out of the body’s ‘terrain’, they morph taking on structure and losing their solubility.

Plaques and scar tissue must be ‘dissolved’ before they can be circulated out of the body by the lymphatic and blood circulatory systems.  This is a PROCESS that takes time and guidance and the support of proteolitic compounds to dissolve them.

The liver is the primary gateway out of the body for all tissue waste. Please see the Tissue & Liver Protocol for a clear understanding of the process by which liver function can be restored and excess waste can be eliminated from the body.

The word ‘fibrosis’ is one way to describe breakdown and scaring of the liver, lungs and heart. Fibrosis involves formation of structural plaque and scar tissue.

Amyloid plaque formation leads to loss of hearing, senility and serious vision problems because it blocks and slows blood and oxygen into inflamed tissues and organs and limits lymph flow of waste and carbon dioxide out of inflamed tissues. Poor circulation of blood and oxygen into the brain is obviously a HUGE factor in functional reduction of all things related to the head: ears, eyes and brain!

If you are aging or suffering, know that amyloid plaque and inflammation are causing you to forfeit your life and health. These conditions are within your body’s capacity to reverse, but you must ask for guidance if you wish to make it happen.

Unfortunately, the health approach of eating good food, avoiding junk food, minimizing carbohydrate intake, exercise and active bowels will NOT reverse the damage inflicted upon the system by poor diet and choice of poor lifestyle.

Please read Specail InsightsPre-Diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Scar Tissue and Inflammation in glossary link below.

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Amyloid Plaque (scar tissue)

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Plaque (Scar Tissue): Non-soluble, fibrous, sugar-based, protein aggregates that form in the body tissues in response to: lack of circulating sulfates, INFLAMMAtioN, accumulation of waste, elevated acidity, leptin/insulin resistance, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, poor digestion, a poorly functioning liver and sluggish bowels.


Amyloid structures and plaques are unnatural, non-functional fibrous tissue structures that do NOT break-down on their own without direct, intervention by the individual.

Scar tissue and plaque formation are closely related and can be corrected by the same the body if it is given the opportunity to dissolve these structural deposits.

Plaques are morbid in nature, meaning, unnatural and not healthy.  Blastomas [cancerous brain tumor formation] involves accumulation of amyloid proteins.  Icelandic peradox [HCAA] involves abnormal invasion of heart and brain tissue by blood capillaries that form fibrous, growth.

Plaques limit blood and both blood and lymph flows and provide friendly breeding grounds for pathogenic organisms from yeast and fungi to bacteria and parasites.

Cellular waste proteins are initially ‘soluble’, but if not circulated out of the body’s ‘terrain’, they morph and form structures [tissue masses] and lose their solubility.

Plaques and scar tissue must be ‘dissolved’ before they can be circulated out of the body by the lymph, cerebral spinal fluid and blood circulatory systems.  This PROCESS that takes time, and requires guidance and use of proteolitic compounds to dissolve them.

The liver is the primary gateway out of the body for 90% of all waste; the kidneys process the remaining 10%. [See the Tissue & Liver Protocol for a clear understanding of the process by which liver function can be restored and excess waste can be eliminated from the body.]

The word ‘fibrosis’ describes pathological changes in tissue.

Amyloid plaque formation leads to: brain tumors, loss of hearing, senility and vision problems because it interferes with blood and oxygen flow into inflamed tissues and organs and limits lymph flow of waste and carbon dioxide out of inflamed tissues.

Poor capillary circulation of blood and oxygen into the brain is obviously a HUGE factor in degradation of all things related to the head: ears, eyes and brain!

Acidification of the body terrain is a HUGE COMPONENT in the formation and progress of amyloid plaque.  [Click hyperlink to read about the TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL and its implications for everyone, regardless of age, but especially for those beyond age 35.]

If you are aging or suffering, know that sub-clinical inflammation is causing you to forfeit your health and age prematurely.

Aging reversal is within everyone’s reach, but you will need guidance.  Ask.

Unfortunately, common healthy lifestyle ideas [eating good food, avoiding junk food, exercise and active bowels] will NOT reverse the damage inflicted upon the body terrain.

Amyloid plaque is the real-time expression of poor dietary choices and lifestyle.

Ask for guidance.

Read Special InsightsPre-Diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking hyperlink.

Also, read, Icelandic Phenomenon, here for a more complete understanding of sulfates.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Scar Tissue and Inflammation in glossary link below.

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Anabolic Lifeforce (anabolism vs. catabolism)

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Anabolism: is the building-up process of growth and repair where catabolism is the exact opposite.

Anabolic lifeforce: is the essence of life, meaning the stronger your lifeforce energy, the more vibrant is the total of your energy profile that comprises body, mind and spirit.


Anabolism is the ‘state’ in which the body heals, grows and repairs; a condition of youthfullness vs. symptoms old age.

The body reaches anabolic peak by age 24; degeneration accelerated by age 35.

Anabolism and puberty parallel each other just as catabolism and menopause/andropause parallel each other. Each is a mirror image of the other at opposite ends of the aging spectrum.

Regardless of one’s calendar age, anabolism must be achieved and maintained perpetually or else the body automatically deteriorate.

The following factors affect one’s ability to live in a state of ‘anabolism’: eight  hours of deep sleep nightly, three to five bowel movements a day, complete digestion of food and AVOIDANCE of age-related maldigestion, avoidance of insulin-leptin resistance and Metabolic Syndrome, healthy diet; absence of a junk diet, exercise, plenty of healthy water, magnesium ion sufficiency and a transport to move Mg ions OUT OF BLOOD,  ACROSS CELL MEMBRANES AND INTO THE ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN OF THE MITOCHONDRIA where hydrogen is converted to anabolic energy.

FYI: the cellular energy molecule ATP [adenosine triphostate] fuels cellular energy only, where anabolic energy is the end product of hydrogen metabolism.  These are NOT the same thing.

It is best to only consume 1. two meals, 2. take-in of large amounts of dietary fat (think butter, coconut fat, lard), and 3. drink enough clean, pure water to pee every two hours, 4. make sure your are using the Digestive TRIO to insure assimilation of dietary fat by the liver, 5. avoid dietary sweets (sugar, fruit, fruit juice and alcohol), and finally, 6. continuously monitor the pH of your terrain by testing your urine.


See Germ Theory of Disease, Inflammation and Terrain to learn more.

Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! for a full discussion of anabolism.


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Anaerobic (aerobic)

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Aerobic: a condition where oxygen is present [or needed and available], as opposed to an anaerobic (without oxygen) condition or need.


Organisms such as bacteria are classified as aerobic (requiring oxygen), anaerobic (not needing oxygen) and facultative anaerobes (able to live and function with or without oxygen.

Disease in the human body develops and eventually presents under conditions of restricted oxygen or outright anaerobism.

For example, cancer is a fungal condition manifesting in the body under conditions of acidity, low or no oxygen and fermentation of glucose sugars at the CELLULAR LEVEL.

To learn more about how bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and molds access, grow and take over the body, click here.

Also, read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH in the Archive link below.


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Analog [drug]

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Analog [drug]: something having analogy to something else.  In chemistry, chemical compounds similar in structure but different in respect to elemental composition and how it is metabolized and used in the body.


Steroidal drugs are analogs.  They are closely related in structure to sterols made by the body, but with unwanted characteristics and side-effects.


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Andropause (male menopause)

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Andropause: is also known as male menopause and involves falling-off of  sexual hormones including: testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone; a condition of aging and slowing of metabolic rate, not necessarily a ‘testosterone’ issue.


A common denominator of hormonal fall-off and loss of male and female sex drive/function is iodine ion insufficiency which you can read about in Special Insights, Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health in the Archive Link above/below.  This VERYI MPORTANT!

Drop in hormone levels in general, and testosterone in particular for men, is not what it appears and demands a totally different approach for men who are in trouble and who wish to avoid serious prostate problems that slowly manifest after age 35 and accelerate around age 45-50 and beyond.

The body needs a healthy supply of dietary fats in order to make its hormones; the liver is the processor of fats, hence, as liver function falls, so does hormone production; in order to process fats, the liver need to produce plenty of bile; without bile, the benefit of dietary fats is lost.

Fats can produce up to 80% of daily energy needs; so liver function and hormone production go hand in hand; so does increase in body fat which says food and cellular waste is going to fat production.

Erectile dysfunction is often blamed on low ‘T’ (testosterone), but the problem should be viewed as a general slowing of metabolism, poor liver function, poor capillary blood flow, inflammation in the prostate, lack of dietary fats and the ability to process them into energy.

In addition to slowing sex drive, reduced production of semen and inability to climax are classic symptoms of sexual slowing and should not be ignored. At the core of these issues is the prostate gland, which for men is the core of their issues.  This is one of those areas that men must directly intervene on a ‘physical’ level to reverse sexual function and drive.  Help is available for men who ask for assistance.

Note: Women need to realize that most men do not and will not ask for help with male sexual problems. Wise is the woman who gets her man to ‘have a talk’ with another man about how to address and avoid problems with the prostate which is every man’s nightmare and a potential time bomb that will manifest sooner or later.

Men have the similar problems like women face after age 35 and up, which is a general slowing of the system, loss of muscle mass, inability to grow muscle to replace loss; physical activity and vigorous workouts and activity are extremely beneficial for both sexes.

Restore the terrain should be the mantra for men who are losing it or who wish to revive their sexual drive and function. Meaning, the body slows and grows old over time and it takes time and guidance to reverse the process known as, aging.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for a good understanding of regulatory hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline and their effects on male sexual issues.

Also see Hormones, Inflammation, Digestion, Fats, Bowels, Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Male Protocol in the Glossary link below.

Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! and ask for guidance men, before your problems become serious and challenging.

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Anecdotal (observations & evidence)

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Anecdotal: based on personal observation and experience rather than case studies and official reports and scientific evaluation (so-called).


The anecdotal approach is hated by science and medicine, but any professional worth his salt will tell you, the teacher always learns more than the student; meaning, people who observe and ask questions become street smart and develop good gut instincts that are often at odds with so-called science, but which benefit the patient.

Young Again Club principles and teachings are anecdotal in nature because humans naturally see, observe and make choices of their own free will, absent coercion from credentialed ‘experts’ with the help of authority.

‘Officialdom’ mocks and attacks ‘anecdotal’ because they say it lacks ‘merit’ and does not have ‘standing’; the anecdotal approach is at odds with the scientific method; peer review has merit, but gifted intelligence has no equal and no peers; peer review sounds rational but is used as a ‘club’ to crush free thinking.

Nothing beats experience, personal observation and instinct; and with rare exception, all major advances in the sciences were and are made by people who have insight and vision, yet they are officially marginalized and mocked; universities rarely, if ever, turn out geniuses in any field; instead they ‘hire’ them to gain official prestige and credibility after their ideas have gained acceptance; for example consider the likes of: Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Pauling, Levy, Franklin, Tesla, Steiner, Turing, Jobs, etc; and when mainstream finally concedes and adopts the ‘obvious’, the same experts in the universities are quick to attack anyone who challenges their new dogma.  Human nature is at play here, but the reader must come to understand that he or she is on their own and only they have a vested interest in discovering truth; in the medical field, something is very wrong when people seek’ cures’  from their practitioner when the practitioner is also sick and dying; or when people line up to get their medications after they have been warned about the contraindications and side effects.

How can this be?  Because no one is thinking! For 1600 years Galen’s idiotic ideas were propagated and taught as dogma to anyone entering the field of medicine, only to finally be discredited when it was obvious that his teachings were false.

Unfortunately, Galen’s false teahings were replaced with absurdities and foolishness like: the Germ Theory of Disease, the Cholesterol Theory of Disease, cancer theory, chemotherapy, fluoridation of water supplies; mass inoculations based on the false idea of antigen ‘induced’ immunity, etc.

Welcome to the world of ‘anecdotal’ where you are free to think, challenge and observe for your own benefit and satisfaction.

The hard sciences like engineering, physics, mathematics, chemistry provide excellent training if students can avoid indoctrination while regurgitating concepts and ideas that are either already obsolete. As for the quasi-hard sciences like biology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology etc. these disciplines are forever changing, as they should, but always over obstruction and objection of those with vested egos and financial tentacles who are afraid of truth.

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Anemia: low levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and heme iron with lessened ability to carry oxygen.


Anemia has nothing to do with generic understanding of BLOOD IRON LEVELS, which is wrongly equated with low levels of elemental iron, called ferritin iron.

Anemia is a condition of low hemoglobin, not low ferritin iron.  If you have low red blood cell count, you will have low hemoglobin, low energy and limited ability to transport oxygen.

Unfortunately, most professionals are confused about ‘normal’ blood iron levels.  Often, they blame low energy on low iron, when exactly the opposite is true.  Television ads further confuse the public with the words, ‘iron deficiency anemia’.  The result: everyone is CONF– USED!

‘Normal’ blood ferritin is the lab test range seen among a population; nothing more.  Anemia has nothing to do with elemental iron poor blood and EVERYTHING to do with why people [and pets] suffer and age due to systemic, low-grade inflammation.

The problem with the iron deficiency model is this:  consuming elemental iron or taking iron pills does not improve hemoglobin.  For example, iron fortified food is a VERY BAD IDEA that drives-up ferritin levels and increases inflammation while doing nothing for anemia.  And, the higher your ferritin IRON level, the faster you will age.

Tip: For low hemoglobin [or so-called, anemia], use liquid chlorophyll to boost hemoglobin formation and oxygen levels.  Chlorophyll is to plants what hemoglobin is to humans.  Chlorophyll so resembles human blood, it can be substituted when blood is unavailable.

For a full discussion of IRON and the toxic side effects of elevated blood iron, click this hyperlink.

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Anger (emotional anxiety, moodiness, depression, stress)

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Stress, emotional anxiety, moodiness, depression, anger & behavior: are an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental factors and/or  physiological and psychological stimuli.

Mycotoxins [made by mold and fungal infestation and take-over of the human body] are perhaps the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL factor behind HOW WE COPE with stress, emotional anxiety, moodiness, depression and particularly EXPROSIVE ANGER whether in adults or children

For more information read Special Insights, Cause Unknown! 

To understand more on issues involving fungal infestation of human DNA, read Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis and the Mold & Fungus Protocol.


Stress, anxiety and depression are by-products of fungal invasion and mycotoxin affects on activity and lack of regulatory balance of the hormones: leptin, insulin, and cortisol.

Please read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging listed in the Archive link above and below.

Depression is reflective of physical and psychological stress on body, mind and spirit as a result of mycotoxin activity.

The effects of stress & emotional anxiety (SEA) varies greatly from person to person, but ALWAYS has an undercurrent of mold and fungal infestation as well as insulin/leptin resistance.

How you ‘cope’  or fail to cope with stress and anxiety is more pronounced in females than males because of mycotoxin activity.  Anxiety and stress inflict damage upon the small intestinal gut wall [and visa-versa] where the immune system is located and on your pancreas functions and brain response to hormone resistance.

Diet, digestion and dietary habits play a HUGE role in coping skills for stress and anxiety, For example: sweets and undigested proteins escalate irritability and behavioral problems, and more often than not, are at the very core of anger outbursts and mood swings that seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear for no apparent reason.

Stress and anxiety are side-effects of mycotoxins and fungal infestation.  No one is immune to the effects.

Furthermore, Stress and anxiety initiates and drives the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ that haunts the general population.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here to better understand regulatory hormones by clicking on hyperlink.

Additional factors are: dietary sweets and alcohol, drugs and NSAIDS, junk food, birth control pills, steroids and antibiotics. Incomplete digestion of food creates and fuels damage on the body’s terrain and affects everyone by age 35.

After age 35, the immune system goes into the ATTACK MODE [called: autoimmune!] and the older you are the more pronounced are the effects of stress and emotional anxiety on health and physiology.

Stress and anxiety can be the deciding factors as to how fast you age and what forms of ill health and suffering you will incur.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle can be broken and hormone resistance can be rectifed, IF AND  ONLY IF, a person is willing to follow directed protocols and  change their lifestyle and dietary habits.

Only then can the body can heal and regenerate.

The choice is yours.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

The Tissue & Liver Protocol is the quickest way to detoxify your body’s terrain.

The more the gut wall heals, the better people cope with stress and emotional anxiety as well as the ability to shut-down food cravings.

I would remind the reader that it is the ‘physical’ body that drags us to the graveyard, not mind and spirit.

Read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging in Archive link below.

Also, see Digestion, Inflammation, Gut and Terrain in Glossary link below.

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Angry Tissue

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Angry Tissue: inflamed tissue; tissue that refuses to heal; tissue invaded by negative energy.

Also see Special Insights, Cell Phones & Tissue Memory by clicking hyperlink.

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Angry/Inflamed tissue

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Angry/Inflamed tissue: tissue that refuses to heal and function as designed; tissue that is ‘angry’ and in chronic pain/suffering.


Angry, inflamed tissue lacks the ability to heal and settle-down for lack of bio-active aminos.

Regeneration of muscle and restoration of vital organ function requires a daily supply of high-grade, bio-available, energy-formatted aminos that assimilate quickly for maximum benefit.

AminoMagic supplies high-grade, bio-available, energy-formatted aminos the body needs and because everyone’s digestive efficiency is compromised and their essential elements are depleted, supplementation with the Digestion Trio and Essential Elements is of critical importance.

AminoMagic helps yo grow muscle, restore joints, and put an end to ANGRY TISSUE THAT REFUSES TO HEAL.  Formatted aminos and Essential Elements fill the collagen substrate of the body’s seven connective tissues [ligaments, cartilage, muscle, tendon, gums, skin, and bone].

Know collagen supplementation is useless without bio-active aminos, and that the cachexia/collagen story mimics the osteoporosis/calcium story.  Calcium does NOT prevent bone loss and collagen does NOT restore connective tissue.  Calcium is INFLAMMATORY and long-term, deadly!

When calcium settles-out of solution, it forms plaque and clogs blood vessels, makes bone spurs, spikes CRP, and creates hot spots in breast tissue that mammograms detect!  [FYI: osteopenia is a medical FRAUD!  Read, New Bones for Old Bones! and learn how to solve the bone, dilemma.  [FYI: AminoMagic is easy to use; 2 caps, 2x/day without food.]

John Thomas used AminoMagic to successfully regenerate his 77-year-body!  He also uses the Terrain pH Protocol to keep low-grade inflammation down and his CRP [C-reactive protein] score at zero!  Now, everyone can use AminoMagic and look forward to a more youthful body.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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Anodyne: in literary usage, the term anodyne has escaped its strictly medical meaning and id now commonly used to convey anything soothing or relaxing or anything non-contentious, blandly agreeable, or unlikely to cause offense or debate.

Etymologically: any substance or concoction that reduces pain, but doctors used it more narrowly. Some definitions restrict the term to topical medications; other definitions include ingested narcotics, hypnotics, and opioids [primary anodynes were opium, henbane, hemlock, tobacco, nightshade, and chloroform.

Certain compound medicines were also called by this name, such as anodyne balsam. It was recommended not only for easing extreme pain, but also for assisting in discharging the diseased tissue that caused or occurred with the pain.


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Antibiotics: are medications used to kill pathogenic organisms believed to be responsible for the ‘state’ of disease.

Unfortunately they kill friendly flora and open the body to mold and fungal infestation and infection.


Antibiotics are anti-life in their action and indiscriminate in their affect on friendly organisms; and while extremely useful and absolutely necessary when control of the body terrain is lost and the patient is in serious trouble, they must be AVOIDED at all cost unless a true medical emergency.

Antibiotics are two edged swords. They do terrible damage to the small intestinal wall (gut).  Antibiotics promote manifestation of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™.  When used, the damage inflicted on the body must be repaired and reversed.

The only way to protect one’s self from fungal take-over is to SIMULTANEOUSLY use the MOLD & FUNGUS PROTOCOL during antibiotic usage.  Elective and emergency room surgery are  good examples; little else is justifiable.

Antibiotics seveely alter the gut microbiome and open the door to invasion and take-over by pathogenic and opportunistic microbes, the worst of which is mold which opens the door for bacterial and viral manifestations.

Women with chronic bladder infection histories and people with known Candida (yeast) are good examples of individuals with SERIOUSLY damaged intestinal tracts and fungal take-over. g

Those with any type of bowel disorder, suffer from previous antibiotic usage mold take-over.

People under stress or heavy emotional anxiety with poor diets and problematic digestion perpetuate the need for antibiotic usage and ongoing, CHRONIC mold infestation.

The Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle develop from fungal issues.  To learn more, read Special Insights: The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link below.

Also, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life to understand the connection between antibiotics, hormone resistance and molds.  Click hyperlink to read.

See: Fungus, Germ Theory of Disease, Terrain,  Inflammation, Gut, Toxic, Enema, and Terrain in Glossary link below.

Read in the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Antibodies: are the body’s response to the introduction of an antigen into the system.

The presence of antibodies are confirmation of an antigen response.  They are generally thought to be confirmation of immunity to the antigen, but the presence of antibodies is not in and of itself confirmation of immunity.  The proof is the need for vaccination ‘booster’ shots to supposedly protect the individual from whatever boogie man potentially present in the environment.

For example, if you get chicken pox you will have antibodies for this condition.  However, while vaccinations do cause the body to produce antibodies, vaccinations do NOT produce immunity like one experiences having the actual condition.

Introduction of various bacteria and viruses thought to be the agent of whatever disease is being targeted by means of vaccinations creates an artificial antigen response to the agents injected and particularly to the aluminum, formaldehyde and mercury preservatives present in all vaccines.

See Germ Theory of Disease in Glossary link below.

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Antigen (antigen/antibody response)

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Antigen: a foreign protein in the blood stream or lymphatic fluids that causes the body to ‘react’ with an autoimmune response.

Insect stings, spider bite and snake bites involve an antigen response as do undigested food proteins in the gut that enter the blood via a porous wall which is commonly thought of as an allergy to a food when it is really the inability to digest food proteins.

Parasites are ‘living’ food proteins. See Germ Theory of Disease in Glossary.

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Antioxidant (PACs)

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Antioxidant: substances that prevents formation of oxygen reactive species [free radicals].


There are many foods and supplements that contain and function as free radical scavengers in the body.

All such foods and supplement are useful.  Many, however are far more effective than others.

John Thomas’ absolute favorite is called, PACs.  These go far beyond anything currently available, period.

PACs are a mainstay of the Tissue & Liver Protocol because this program requires self-protection as serious waste in the form of STORED free radicals and heavy metals are released into circulation on their way through the liver on the way to the toilet.

Similar issues arise when doing the Mold & Fungus Protocol, but here the problem is transitional management of mycotoxins; meaning, reducing their effects on the system to make the transition easier and less difficult.

Lastly, highly toxic people and older people appreciate the buffering effects of PACs as they slowly work their way along various Young Again Club, protocols.

PACs are disolved in the mouth and are very tasty.  Try them, you will like them.

You can read about the Tissue & Liver Protocol, here.

You can also request John Thomas email you an overview and actual instructions.


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Anxiety (moodiness, depression, stress)

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Stress (emotional anxiety, moodiness, depression, anger & behavior): are an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental factors and/or  physiological and psychological stimuli.

Mycotoxins [made by mold and fungus] takeover the human body and are perhaps the SINGLE MOST POWERFUL factor behind so-called anxiety attacks.  Please be sure and read about the Mold & Fungus Protocol.

For more information read Special Insights, Cause Unknown! 

To understand more on issues involving fungal infestation of human DNA, read Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis and The Sense Of, Well-being! Examples & Notes From The Field


Stress, anxiety and depression are by-products of fungal invasion and mycotoxin affects on activity and lack of regulatory balance of the hormones: leptin, insulin, and cortisol.

Please read Special Insights, Premature Aging & Pre-diabetes Causes, Answers & Solutions

Depression is reflective of physical and psychological stress on body, mind and spirit as a result of mycotoxin activity.

The effects of stress & emotional anxiety (SEA) varies greatly from person to person, but ALWAYS has an undercurrent of mold and fungal infestation as well as insulin/leptin resistance.

How you ‘cope’  or fail to cope with stress and anxiety is more pronounced in females than males because of mycotoxin activity.  Anxiety and stress inflict damage upon the small intestinal gut wall [and visa-versa] where the immune system is located and on your pancreas functions and brain response to hormone resistance.

Diet, digestion and dietary habits play a HUGE role in coping skills for stress and anxiety, For example: sweets and undigested proteins escalate irritability and behavioral problems, and more often than not, are at the very core of anger outbursts and mood swings that seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear for no apparent reason.

Stress and anxiety are side-effects of mycotoxins and fungal infestation.  No one is immune to the effects.

Furthermore, Stress and anxiety initiates and drives the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ that haunts the general population.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here to better understand regulatory hormones by clicking on hyperlink.

Additional factors are: dietary sweets and alcohol, drugs and NSAIDS, junk food, birth control pills, steroids and antibiotics. Incomplete digestion of food creates and fuels damage on the body’s terrain and affects everyone by age 35.

After age 35, the immune system goes into the ATTACK MODE [called: autoimmune!] and the older you are the more pronounced are the effects of stress and emotional anxiety on health and physiology.

Stress and anxiety can be the deciding factors as to how fast you age and what forms of ill health and suffering you will incur.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle can be broken and hormone resistance can be rectifed, IF AND  ONLY IF, a person is willing to follow directed protocols and  change their lifestyle and dietary habits.

Only then can the body can heal and regenerate.

The choice is yours.


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The Tissue & Liver Protocol is the quickest way to detoxify your body’s terrain.

The more the gut wall heals, the better people cope with stress and emotional anxiety as well as the ability to shut-down food cravings.

I would remind the reader that it is the ‘physical’ body that drags us to the graveyard, not mind and spirit.

Read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging in Archive link below.

Also, see Digestion, Inflammation, Gut and Terrain in Glossary link below.

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Apoptosis [cell death]

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Apoptosis: a form of programmed cell death brought on by conditions and events that lead to cellular changes (morphology) and cell death.

Acidic [urine] pH is below 7, with 6, 5 and 4 being lower and lower pH.  Invasion of sodium along with depletion of essential elements sets the stage for accelerated apoptosis and unnatural loss of cells.

Sodium invasion occurs due to loss of potassium INSIDE cells which opens the door for sodium to invade.  The purpose of Vitality is to prevent sodium invasion and to drive-out sodium from cells where it never belongs.

The average adult human loses about three cells each day due to apoptosis.  The condition of the body terrain, dietary intake of unnatural chemicals, medications and alcohol plus a toxic, poorly functioning liver accelerates apoptosis.

In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of traumatic cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis is a highly regulated and controlled process that confers advantages during an organism’s life cycle.


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Appetite: the desire to eat and is generally considered a good sign, particularly following illness.


However, food cravings and the need to east constantly are CLASSIC symptoms of hunger and malnourishment driven by an inflamed gut, poor digestion, bad diet, intake of sugar and sweets, bowel issues and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle.

Insulin and leptin resistance play a HUGE part in the need to eat constantly and in volume.  Obesity is confirmation of regulatory hormonal imbalance. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in the Archive.


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See Special Insights, Food Cravings, Fruit Sugar Blues, Yeast, Why You Should Care, Allergies & Sensitivities and others located in the Archive by clicking the link below.

The above terms are indexed in the Glossary and can be accessed using links on this page.

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Applied [human] Physiology

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Applied physiology: practicable application of human physiology according to how the body actually works, rather than according to what is taught in university.

Applied physiology helps people understand human metabolism and learn to apply principles of healthful living while avoiding involvement in sick-care medicine.


Physiology as taught is incomplete; and worse, it is NOT how the body actually works.  Academic nonsense mixed with fiction and proof is everywhere around us.

Confusion reigns among all the aging, sick, and dying people who embrace mainstream medicine as practiced,

Applied Physiology is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what was taught and believed for 1600 years after Glaudius Galen’s idiotic machinations of fraud and hyperbole masquerading under the ill-conceived idea of legitimate medical knowledge; machinations that became the foundation of myasmic medicine and eventually morphed into  Germ Theory.

To expand your understanding of Applied Physiology, read and study Special Insights from Young Again Club and implement the ColorSmart Learning system to become functionally knowledgeable in physiology according to how the body actually, works vs. academic theory.


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Arrhythmia (cadiac dysrhythmia, irregular heart beat)

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Arrhythmia: is an irregular heart rhythm.


Arrythmia is a very common condition brought on by irregular energy flow and abnormal [less than healthy/ideal] electrical signals that reflect a body terrain that is out of balance i.e. toxic, overloaded, insulin/leptin/adrenaline resistant, iron toxic and a calcium dominant system in the face of magnesium insufficiency.

Arrythmias are NOT, in and of themselves, a symptom of impending crisis, although they most certainly are not good or normal.

The condition is most easily addressed with bio-active magnesium which MUST include boron.  Pill form is the LEAST MOST EFFICIENT form of magnesium due to poor absorption, regardless of type of magnesium [citrate, malate, taurate, etc.] and the problem of ‘loose bowel’.

THe most efficient approach is via skin application of bio-active, liquid magnesium with correctly ‘charged’ boron in ionic form.  The only product offered with the desired characteristics is called, R/MgO Spray from

Do NOT expect doctor to agree with this analysis.  These days, anyone with any kind cardiovascular issue [hypertension (think, high blood pressure), cholesterol, plaques, clots, etc.] are put onto various and sundry medications that carry substantial RISK!

And, once you are on ‘meds’, they own you and you lose control over your life.  You must choose how you wish to live your life.

If you wish to solve non-structural issues [defective heart valve, damage from a previous heart attacks, etc.], email or call for guidance.

Even where structural issues exist, people MUST understand that it was their own ignorance that lead to their demise.  Neglect is just a different name for abuse.

Note: there is no justifiable reason for people to develop or have to tolerate so-called ‘heart problems’ unless they are unwilling to educate themselves and self treat.

Know this: heart issues always involve: insulin/leptin resistance, iron toxicity; calcium overload and magnesium insufficiency.

To learn more, read Special Insights, Discoveries For A Better Life by using link below, choosing Publications, then scroll to bottom of pate and clicking on title in the Archive.

See Special Insights, Heart Disease & Gout and Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking links or in Archive Link below.


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Arthritis (osteo/rheumatoid)

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Arthritis: inflammation of the  joints and connective tissues.

Arthritis is a  condition of low-grade inflammation that most parts of the body, but with different names.

Arthritis is classified as osteo or rheumatoid, but these diagnostic labels are useless descriptions because the central issue is WHY is there underlying inflammation in the body?

The word [arthritis] is commonly tacked onto medical words such as crystal arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, etc.  The name does not matter.

Medical labels describe symptoms and location and make the patient feel special, but NEVER explain or offer a solution other than palliative drugs and often, killer drugs.


Arthritis is wrongly labeled an autoimmune response.  Patients and practitioners WRONGLY believe that so-called AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE is caused by the immune system attacking the host’s body, hence, AUTOimmune.

There are two type of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid . Osteoarthritis is a crippling condition and a KILLER!   Rheumatoid is a killer because here, the joints of the body DISSOLVE.  Arthritis limits movement and leads to ongoing pain.

The body is fully capable of reversing arthritis and can and will do so if the individual assists and stops sabotaging the process. Calcification of joints and connective tissues can be DISSOVLED and REVEDRSED with bioactive magnesium ions and a transport molecule called Youthing Formula.

Arthritis is NOT a disease; it a condition of neglect and abuse.

Osteoarthritis involves swelling, stiffness and restricted movement.  Rheumatoid arthritis causes the joints to dissolve and fall apart putting it into the same category as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

NSAIDS and medications are used to combat arthritis related pain and suffering, however, they are do not address why the patient suffers and what to do about reversing the problem.

Pain killers provoke the Autoimmune Attack Cycle making it ever more pronounced. Understanding the Autoimmune Attack Cycle is critical to resolving issues of arthritis, regardless of type.

For women who are having hormonal difficulties, particularly menopausal and post menopausal women, it is important to understand that the adrenals and thyroid influence hormonal balance, sweats, hot flashes and sleep and often manifest as arthritis pain.

And behind issues HORMONE and issues AUTOIMMUNE is mold and fungal takeover of the vital and regulatory organs and hormones.  See the Mold & Fungus Protocol to learn more.

It should be noted that insulin and leptin resistance is a CORE factor in arthritis; so much so, that if resistance issues are not resolved, hypothyroid, obesity, premature aging and systemic inflammation, (particularly in women) can be expected.

Lastly, there is more than STRONG evidence that cognitive issues from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to vascular dementia, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s and autism are directly related to low-grade inflammation in the brain and adrenaline resistance.

Brain and neurological disorders are manifestations of systemic, LOW-GRADE inflammation [the symptom] driven by mycotoxin dominance and unopposed calcium dominance along with elevated acidity of body tissues and organs.


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Ascorbic Acid (ascorbate, Vitamin C)

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Vitamin C: is ascorbic acid and serves as a common enzymatic cofactor in mammals.


The history of Vitamin C is well established; however, the delivery aspects of this vitamin is anything but settled both within the alternative and conventional medical communities.

To begin, the Vitamin C molecule is too large to pass through the gut wall and very little of it is absorbed. Moreover, when large amounts are taken under the mistaken idea that the body will make use of it, either stomach pain or damage to the intestinal wall occurs.

Loose bowel is often the side effect of the inability to absorb and use ascorbic acid. Buffered products are avoid some of the side effects, but do nothing for absorption.

Common over the counter Vitamin C products are generally useless because they cannot overcome the absorption issue. A superior approach exists where the Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) molecule is ‘nano-scaled’ to reduce its molecular size so it be embedded in a fatty carrier to transport it as a fat.

The liver processes the fatty carrier and releases the Vitamin C directly into the blood stream as if injected via a needle IV style which is the only other way to get Vitamin C into blood and elevate serum levels.

The body uses the fat ‘carrier’ for repair and regeneration of brain cells and tissue repair after the Vitamin C is released for double benefit.

The focus here is ‘absorption’ not quantity; meaning, if you can elevate blood serum levels of Vitamin C, two times a day, the body automatically uses it as a cofactor for synthesis of ‘collagen’,

Collagen is the basis of 95% of the body’s connective tissues (bone, cartilage, muscle, ligaments, tendon, skin and gums) without which the body ages for the inability to repair and regenerate.

Young Again Club offers its members the most viable way to enjoy the benefits of Vitamin C including its anti-oxidant qualities.

So-called ‘natural’ Vitamin C is a somewhat meaningless description commonly used within health circles; meaning, whatever benefit natural Vitamin C provides, it is not from the ascorbic acid itself, but from the cofactors hesperidin, rutin and bioflavonoid cofactors that accompanied the Vitamin C assuming it was a so-called natural form.

Urban legend and medical folklore ignore important details when it comes to ‘cures’; for example: the story of sailors of old suffering from scurvy who became known as limeys because they ate limes and lemons to avoid or ease scurvy.

The experts assumed it was the juice that contains Vitamin C (uptake is limited) and ignored the rind for the cofactors the rind contained. Another example of popular myth is that bubonic plague was the product of fleas from rats rather than weak, inflamed, sick, body terrains incapable of defending itself.

Those who died of the plague were unhealthy; the strong survived. Head lice is another example. Lice do not infest everyone exposed to them, rather those with toxic body terrains and excess waste that offers a food supply and environment for the lice to live and multiply.

[Instead of using toxic chemicals for head lice, use plain, raw, undiluted apple cider vinegar. It kills lice safely without exposure to toxic chemicals.]


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See Connective Tissue, Germ Theory of Disease, Toxic, Antigens & Antibodies and Acidity in Glossary link below.

Please pay particular attention to Chapters 36 and 37, Silkworm Blues and Moonshine, in the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Asperger’s syndrome

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Asperger’s syndrome: is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

The experts do not have a clue about the cause or etiology of Asperger’s.


Asperger’s is very closely related to Autism, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s and vascular dimentia because all of these conditions involve low-grade inflammation in the brain and poor circulation between brain neurons.

Diet and vaccination overload plays a part in cognitive disorders like Asperger’s, but single most influential factor is insulin and leptin resistance and Factor-X.

Please read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking hyperlink.  Also, read Overweight, Underweight & Unaware in the Archive link below.

It would also be helpful to understand how the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle affect disorders such as Asperger’s.  Click hyperlinks to read about them.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive.


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Assimilation (assimilate)

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Assimilation: the process by which something is absorbed.


Assimilation infers to incorporate and make part of the body. For example; dietary fats are of crucial importance to health and longevity, but if you do not or cannot assimilate fats, they are of no benefit and you suffer accordingly.

Eating good food, as opposed to eating junk, is NOT sufficient to maintain good health and avoid premature aging. You MUST be able to digest and assimilate your food.

In order to insure assimilation of fats, you need ‘bile’, which is the product of the liver that is stored in the gallbladder.  When bile production (by the liver) is insufficient, the use of bio-active bile is recommended.

Emulsification is a closely related term that also applies to assimilation of fats. Emulsification refers to the mixing of two different liquids that would otherwise not mix. Oil and water, for instance. Or, fats and digestive juices.

Proteins are another food ‘assimilation’ issue. Leakage of undigested proteins through a leaky gut wall triggers the Autoimmune Attack Cycle setting off autoimmune responses throughout the body. Proteins should never gain access to the blood stream.

Protein assimilation requires that the peptide bonds between amino acids be broken and this ONLY occurs in a highly stomach environment.


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Association NOT causation

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Association is NOT causation: a catch-phrase used by scientists to demean and [sometimes] correctly puts counterparties in their place.

While it is certainly true that associations are NOT causation, they are, however, indicative of meaningful aspects of observation.

Fact is most so-called ‘settled’ medical theories are NOT valid and are NOT necessarily useful tools for diagnosis and treatment of dis-ease in all its many manifestations.

In the end, meaningful observations often carry the day regardless whether they are ‘causative’ or not.  Disease is NOT the same as dis-ease, and symptoms of dis-ease are always TERRAIN issues, NOT actual disease.

So, both sides of a medical and science debate can make the claim that ‘association is not causation’.  Those who learn to interpret medical facts according to Applied Physiology stand a greater chance of being correct in their observations.

Never forget, medical theory is theory and not settled science.


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Asthma: chronic inflammatory AUTOIMMUNE dis-ease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms of airflow obstruction.


Asthma is a classic autoimmune response and a side effect of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle. The condition is often triggered by environmental aromatics and inhalants that trigger an already inflamed small intestinal wall which feeds directly to the brain and vital organs via the vagus nerve.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for a better understanding of food and dietary influences on the body’s terrain.

Onset and development of asthma is associated with administration of vaccine inoculants and adjuvants particularly in children, but also in adults.  The reaction is in response to foreign proteins entering the blood stream. The same response occurs when incomplete breakdown of food allows foreign proteins into the blood steam.

Asthma is very much a digestion issue and a leaky-gut issue.


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See Allergies, Autoimmune Attack Cycle; Digestion, Inflammation. Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Asymptomatic: means without symptoms.

The current Corona virus pandemic and mRNA inoculants are a classic example of CREATING hundreds of millions of ‘asymptomatic’


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Atherosclerosis: xxx


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ATP (Mg-ATP): cellular energy units produced by the mitochondria in the cells for powering cellular activity and NON-THERMAL burning of the proton element, hydrogen.  Note: the Mg prefix before ATP.  WIthout available magnesium ions, ATP production falters and so does non-thermal burning of hydrogen.


The proton hydrogen is your body’s primary source of energy.  Food and water are primary hydrogen donors, fats are the most hydrogen-rich foods.  Calories are a useless, antiquated measure of potential hydrogen-rich foods.

Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens; water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens.  Hydrogen produces anabolic lifeforce. The body’s bio-electric energy comes from non-thermal burning and metabolism of hydrogen.

Hydrogen powers the sun.  ATP [adenosine-triphosphate] only powers cellular metabolism, NOT general metabolism.  ATP is a weak molecule compared to the energy potential of hydrogen.

‘p’ in pH stands for potential [hydrogen]!  Digestion releases covalent-bonded hydrogen in food and water.  Inability to digest food and free hydrogen drives production of anabolic energy and age-related digestion is the biggest source of acidic waste [unburned hydrogen].

Failure to metabolize hydrogen turns body-fluid [urine] pH acidic.  Hydrogen and metabolic waste are acidicUrine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions in circulation.  Urine pH rises and falls as hydrogen-ion waste levels rise and fall as measured with pH test strips with urine flow.

Terrain acidification causes urine pH to rise on the acid side, and muscle loss to accelerate!  pH stands for potential hydrogen.  Unburned hydrogen from UNDIGESTED food proteins is the effect of MALDIGESTION!  [The Terrain pH Protocol and Digestion Trio manage these issues.]

Hydrogen powers the Sun and it powers the body [ATP only powers the cell].  Inability to [non-thermally] burn hydrogen limits energy production from food and spikes circulating hydrogen proton levels, causing urine pH to become acidic.  Urine pH measures circulating, unburned, hydrogen protons, and the better digestion is the less unburned hydrogen in saliva, lymph, and urine.  Read about HydrogenMagic, here.]

Terrain management is about hydrogen management, not alkalinity.  Alkalinity as popularly accepted ignores non-circulating, tissuebound hydrogen.  The Terrain pH Protocol frees tissue-bound hydrogen.  [This example of Applied Physiology is counter to physiology taught at university.  [Please read again.]

The better digestion, the more energy available for growth and repair.

Dis-ease and aging are side-effects of faulty hydrogen metabolism and maldigestion.

The Digestion Trio solves the maldigestion/hydrogen dilemma.  Ask for help.

Mitochondria: microorganisms within the cells responsible for the production of the energy molecule, ATP and non-thermal burning of hydrogen within the electron transport chain of the Krebs [citric acid] cycle.

Magnesium ions must traverse the cell membrane as well as the outer and inner membranes of the mitochondria to be available for production of Mg-ATP.

Traversing of cell and mitochondrial membranes is accomplished with Youthing Formula acting as the molecular shuttle for Mg ions.  Supplementing with common magnesium supplements  DOES NOT accomplish magnesium ion migration across membranes in sufficient quantity to meet the body’s needs.

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.

Electron-transport chain: a series of complex reactions occurring within the inner mitochondria as part of the Krebs cycle [citric acid cycle  aka: TCA cycle).  The cellular energy molecule Mg-ATP happens within the mitochondria.

Addition of a hydrogen ion to NAD+ forms the high-energy molecule NADH.  Please note the ‘H’ on the NADH molecule.  Once the hydrogen proton  is non-thermally burned and used, the molecule becomes NAD+.  When the ‘H’ is added back, the high energy molecule NADH is ready to repeat the cycle for formation and release of the Mg-ATP energy molecule.


A body in peak health has about 10,000 mitochondria per cell and the more ATP the body can produce, the more cellular anabolic energy available for anabolism and regeneration.

However, there is a catch, and few people [regardless of academic credentials] seems to recognize that without bio-active magnesium ions for use in the electron transport chain of the Krebs Cycle, the ATP energy molecule can neither come into existence or provide energy for operation of the cell.

The body DOES NOT operate on ATP energy; it only energizes the cell.  General metabolism is powered by the same energy source as the sun, meaning hydrogen.

Specifically, magnesium ions are needed to convert ATP into Mg-ATP and to produce anabolic lifeforce for anabolisnm.

For ATP transformation to occur, the body must have magnesium ions in storage and readily available, and therein is the rub.  Hydrogen is supplied by water and food.

To increase magnesium ion availability, Young Again Club chose a highly active and powerful form of magnesium ions.

Food & Mg-ATP Production

Complete digestion of food is required for cellular production of ATP and anabolic lifefore. High metabolic activity is associated with youth and health.

People over age 35 [whose bodies are slowing] can’t produce enough Mg-ATP or anabolic lifeforce to efficiently operate and maintain their bodies.

Mitochondrial Disease

Like other so-called diseases, Mitochondrial Disease is not a disease but a condition that develops due to terrain acidity and loss of control of the body’s terrain, cellular waste accumulation, and depletion of the Essential Elements IN THE FACE OF ongoing pre-diabetic insulin-resistance.

Other factors related to onset and development of mitochondrial disease is hormone imbalance, thyroid dysfunction and dysfunctional sugar metabolism.


Supply the body with essential elements and avoid pre-diabetic insulin-resistance by using Sugar Blues, Icelandic Magic, UltraBiue, Youthing Formula, and BioCarbon Complex. All are useful adjuncts for restoration of metabolism and production of Mg-ATP.

The liver is central to healthy metabolism and mitochondrial activity. Please review the Tissue & Liver Protocol for insight into healthy liver function by clicking hyperlink.

Deep sleep, good diet, complete digestion, exercise, active bowels and absence of dietary sweets and alcohol are core issues in health maintenance and restoration of mitochondrial activity.


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Atrial fibrillation (A-fib)

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Atrial fiblrillation (A-fib): is a conditon of irregular heart rhythm [arrythmia] that is not the result of damaged or defective heart valves.


Atrial fibrillation is the most common [serious] abnormal heart arrythmia.

Arrythmia is a very common condition brought on by irregular energy flow and abnormal electrical signals indicative of a body terrain that is out of balance i.e. toxic, overloaded, insulin/leptin/adrenaline resistant, iron toxic and unopposed, calcium dominant with magnesiumiun insufficiency.

Arrythmias are NOT, in and of themselves, a symptom of impending crisis, although they most certainly are not good or normal.

The condition is easily addressed with bio-active, nano-scaled magnesium ions which MUST include boron that is both sprayed on skin and taken orally in water throughout the day.

Pill forms of magnesium are the LEAST EFFICIENT form of magnesium due to poor absorption, and overly large molecular size regardless of type of magnesium tablet used [citrate, malate, taurate, etc.]

‘Loose bowel’ effect from taking magnesium

The most efficient approach is via skin application of bio-active, liquid magnesium with ‘charged’ boron and a full array of over 80 trace minerals in ionic form.  The only product offered with the desired characteristics is called R/MgO Spray and Liquid Sea Minerals from

Do NOT expect doctor to agree with this analysis.  Today, anyone with a cardiovascular issue [hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, plaque, atherlosclerosis and arteriosclorsis, clots, etc.] are put onto various and sundry medications that carry substantial RISK!

And, once you are on meds, they own you and you lose control over your life.  You must choose how you wish to live your life and learn to play your GOD CARD when necessary.

If you need assistance with your issues, email or call for guidance.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Note: there is no justifiable reason for people to develop or have to tolerate so-called ‘heart problems’ unless they are unwilling to educate themselves and self treat.

To learn more, read Special Insights, Discoveries For A Better Life by using link below, choosing Publications, then scroll to bottom of pate and clicking on title in the Archive.

See Special Insights Archive below for more information on all things, cardovasciar.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Autism: is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior


The experts do not have a clue about the cause or etiology of autism.

Autism is very closely related to Asperger’s, brain fog, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s and vascular dimentia because all of these conditions involve low-grade inflammation in the brain and poor circulation between brain neurons.

Diet and vaccination overload plays a part in cognitive disorders such as autism, but single most influential factor driving the condition is insulin and leptin resistance and Factor-X.

Please read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking hyperlink.  Also, read Overweight, Underweight & Unaware in the Archive link below.

It would also be helpful to understand how the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle affect disorders such as Asperger’s.  Click hyperlinks to read about them.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Auto-brewery Syndrome

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Auto-brewery syndrome (A/BS) is self-fermentation with the intestinal gut.  It is also known as, gut fermentation syndrome.


Medically, it is a rare medical condition where intoxicating quantities of alcohol are produced through endogenous fermentation within the digestive system.

However, this condition is neither ‘rare’  or new, and to one degree or another, it affects 99% of the population based on EXPOSURE TO ANTIBIOTICS, plus diet, terrain, digestion etc.

A/BS is a symptom of the  Sugar/Alcohol Cycle that dominates people’s state of health.  Extreme personality swings and even sociopathic and chronic expressions of mood and temperment are closely linked to Auto-brewery Syndrome and manipulation of hormones and blood sugar levels.

A/BS is also a component of the Autoimmume Attack Cycle that signals loss of balance in the gut microbiome [in favor of pathogenic organisms] and Leaky Gut Syndrome which is the predictable result of exposure to antibiotics and NSAIDS (over the counter pain killers), birth control pills and steroids of every, type.

One aspect of leaky gut that is unrecognized or appreciated by both conventional and alternative practitioners is fungal takeover and perforation of the gut wall by fungal roots called, hypha.

Stress most certainly plays a part in degeneration of and mismanagement of the small intestinal (gut) wall.  Stress and medications are, wild cards in personality disorders which are really nothing more than fungal mycotoxin control over body metabolism.

Be sure and read the overview for Mold & Fungus Protocol because fungi and yeast affect everything about the way people look, act and feel.

Please read, Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.

A/BS has everything to do with inability to properly and fully digest food, carbohydrate dependence [see Pre-diabetes}, junk food diets and bowel issues of every description.

Auto-brewery Syndrome is the product of neglect and abuse of the body’s terrain.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Remedies include: balancing the gut matrix, digestive support using bio-active ,Young Again Club supports and detoxification of the ‘terrain’. See Tissue & Liver Protocol by clicking hyperlink.

See Digestion, Cravings, Inflammation and Probiotics in Glossary link below.

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Autoimmune (disorder/response)

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Autoimmune: an ‘autoimmune’ response is popularly believed to be the effect of the body attacking itself which is simply NOT TRUE.  The body never ‘attacks’ itself.  Self-attack is a violation of the body’s innate God-given intelligence.

Things autoimmune  occur when the organism’s immune system REACTS to invasion of foreign [food] proteins and venoms of insects and animals.

Examples are: eczema/psoriasis, asthma, asthma, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, type 1 diabetes, pancreatitis, Dysfunctional Gut Syndrome, so-called gluten-intolerance and common food allergies; snake/insect bites, etc.

There are thousands of autoimmune-type responses and NONE of them occur because the immune system is attacking itself.  The body NEVER attacks itself and accepted medical theory is wrong!

Autoimmune responses are the stuff of medical myth used to explain-away or cover-up the fact that medicine and practitioners don’t know the ’cause’ behind the misery or condition.  In other words, autoimmune is a  wild-ass-guess that misleads patients and justifies medical intervention and use of drugs.

What actually occurs is the immune system reacts violently to invasion of foreign proteins which are generally of food sourced, but can and often are a secondary effect of invasion of the terrain by fungal-yeast.

Fungal molds and yeast that produce poisons, called mycotoxins that are used to control and orchestrate body functions and organ activity. Special Insights Cause Unknown discusses these issues. To access, click hyperlink.


An autoimmune response is not so much a confused immune system response as it is a condition where body is either unable to identify and unable to correct toxic overload.

Such reactions are driven by inflammatory mycotoxin and/or leakage of foreign [food] proteins into the blood stream via dysfunctional gut wall.

Protein leakage occurs when the gut wall becomes porous due to the roots [hyphae] of fungal molds in their vegetative forms penetrating the mucous membrane wall of the intestinal mucosa giving UNDIGESTED food proteins direct access to the bloodstream.

Autoimmune effects ALWAYS involve systemic, low-grade inflammation caused by other factors involving ferritin iron overload, infected teeth, bacterial or fungal invasion/infection and insulin/leptin-resistance.

Please read Special Insights, Premature Aging & Premature Diabetes to better understand the implications of insulin resistance regardless if you are diabetic or not, and if you are not diabetic, you are pre-diabetic.  Count on it!

A1c is a measure of RBC [red blood cell] glycation that prevents brain receptors from accurately measuring insulin levels and shutting-down pancreatic production of excess insulin.

Poor dietary choices, compromised digestion and leakage of foreign proteins through the gut wall into the blood stream plus hormone resistance, triggers immune response and systemic low-grade inflammation.

A common denominator to all things autoimmune is insufficiency of elemental ions of iodine, selenium and zinc which MUST all be available and present in sufficient for proper immune response.  To learn more, read Special Insights, Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health in the Archive Link above/below.

Vaccine overload is a classic example of foreign antigen invasion by either live or attenuated organisms into blood and tissues. Vaccines are composed of adjuvants, such as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, etc. that are used to FORCE the body to respond and supposed produce antibodies.

Vaccines DO NOT produce immunity, but they do result in autoimmune responses that can last a lifetime or kill the patient. To better understand this concept, read Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlink. Also read Toilet Paper Paranoia.

The advent of the fake Corona Virus pandemic in 2020 resulted in introduction of mRNA vaccines in November 2020 and onset of a whole new era of vaccine adjuvants in the for of messenger RNA assault on human DNA and totally unknown and unpredictable results and adverse immune responses. See Vaxxes.

For women who are having hormonal difficulties, particularly menopausal and post menopausal issues, it is important to understand that stress, and the inability to cope, causes adrenals and thyroid imbalances that present as, sweats, hot flashes and sleep issues.

It should be noted, that insulin and leptin resistance [think latent pre-diabetes is a CORE factor in adrenal and thyroid issues; so much so, that if resistance issues are not resolved, hypothyroid, obesity, metabolic syndrome, premature aging and systemic inflammation should be expected.

Lastly, there is STRONG evidence that neurodegenerative cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia along with brain fog, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s and autism are directly related to low-grade inflammation of the brain along with adrenaline resistance provokes autoimmune responses..

Autoimmune responses are symptomatic of the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle..  Click hyperlinks to learn more.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Please read, Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.

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Autoimmune Attack Cycle™

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Autoimmune Attack Cycle: a complex series of immune system reactions stemming from maldigestion, compromised [inflame] intestinal gut wall, invasion of fungal-yeast hypha that have perforated the gut wall, poor diet and lack of essential elemental ions.

Included in the above description is systemic take-over by molds and fungi and their production of mycotoxins they use to control and orchestrate body functions in order to complete their life cycle within the human body.

Implied above is merger of fungal DNA with human DNA so the immune system only sees ‘self’ and not foreign agents [mold, yeast and fungus] and their toxic excretions.

To understand more on issues involving fungal infestation of human DNA, read Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis and the Mold & Fungus Protocol.


Gut reactions manifest as signs and symptoms of disease, disorders and syndromes. The Autoimmune Attack Cycle can affect anyone of any age, including newborn babies due to the ability of molds [and their toxins] to traverse the placenta while in the womb.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle is one of the PRIMARY driving forces behind aging and dis-ease.  Know that MALDIGESTION [inability to fully digest and process food] drives and perpetuates so-called autoimmune symptoms.

The Sugar/Alcohol Cycle is yet another degenerative cycle by which the body loses control of vital organ function and response.

A third factor is imbalances in the regulatory  mechanisms of the body in the form of resistance to the hormones: leptin, insulin and adenaline/cortisol.  See the Glossary in link [above] for more information on these terms.

Autoimmune responses (A/I) are the “effects” of immune system operating in overdrive and REACTING to blood invasion of UNDIGESTED food proteins.,

A/I effects are symptoms maldigestion and yeast produced mycotoxin,  bacterial endotoxins and toxins leaching into the blood stream through a leaky-gut wall.

Behind gluten and food-related reactions [including so-called allergy responses] are a number of factors, including systemic mold and fungus take-over of metabolism and organ functions by their toxic waste that act as hormones on body systems.

A/I reactions are commonly triggered by one or more of the following: undigested food and foreign proteins, carbohydrates, food born chemicals, and aromatic off-gassing of perfumes, room deodorizers and laundry products, just t name a few.

Allergies are reactions to foreign proteins and chemical molecules [mycotoxins and endotoxins] that the body interprets as a threat to the system. allergies are not autoimmune response, but a REACTION to undigested food proteins in the bloodstream.

Insect stings, snake bites and undigested food proteins are foreign proteins capable of provoking an immune response when they access the blood stream.  The response is not an ‘allergy’ as commonly described and understood by sufferers.

Proteins are chains of amino acids that should NEVER access the blood in protein form. Undigested i.e. less than completely broken-down proteins, provoke so-called autoimmune responses in the body.

Proteins require an EXTREMELY ACID stomach environment to break-down into their constituent amino acids.

Proteins not digested in the stomach raise hell by producing toxic organic chemicals that poison the body. Gas, bloating, indigestion and acid reflux are digestion and bowel issues are examples of digestion problems.

There is NO SUCH THING AS GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The symptoms are real, but the theory behind GERD is a, hoax.  GERD is not disease, but a label created to capture an idea.

Disease should be spelled dis-ease and explained in terms of the body’s terrain and response to foreign proteins rather than on the basis of FRAUDULENT MEDICAL THEORY known as The Germ Theory of Disease.

Behind GERD is maldigestion, leaky-gut, dysfunctional microbiota, microbiome and epigenome along with dysfunctional adrenal and thyroid glands and compromised liver function.

Use of antibiotics, birth control pills, and steroidal medications and overconsumption of carbohydrates [particularly sweets and alcohol], alter the intestinal environment in favor of pathogenic organisms such as yeasts, viruses and parasites.

High fructose corn syrup, agave, fructose (even from fresh fruit) and juices are highly reactive substances and should be avoided. Wine is a fruit based alcohol; avoid it!

Autoimmune-type reactions can be as complex as: asthma, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or as simple as eczema, psoriasis, Lyme, acne, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, sinus issues, vision problems, bladder and prostate troubles, nail fungus and memory and cognitive disorders.

The list of autoimmune symptoms and responses is ENDLESS.  ALL degenerative medical conditions are autoimmune in nature. They are called diseases when they are NOT diseases; rather, they are A/I responses and if ignored or perpetuated will lead to serious health issues.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition where food proteins and toxic chemical molecules access the blood stream due to a compromised intestinal wall. Probiotics CANNOT restore a damaged gut wall.

Restoration of a compromised intestinal gut wall can only be accomplished with use of endospheric, master bacteria exclusively available from YAC [under the name EndoBiotica.]

In addition to endospheres, systemic bound endotoxins and mycotoxins must be broken down and eliminated from the body to avoid absorption and continuation of autoimmune issues.

Hyphal invasion of the gut wall by the root structure of molds and fungi creates the “leaky” mechanism that manifests as Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Junk foods and sweets severely alter gut wall integrity and destroy the gut microbiome (DNA and healthy bacterial microbe populations). Unless the Autoimmune Attack Cycle is stopped and the terrain immunity restored with endospheric, master bacteria, it is impossible to escape the problems associated with leaky-gut and autoimmune associated problems.

Drugs, both over the counter such as: NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and prescription medications of all types, do serious damage to the intestinal mucosa (small intestinal wall).

Chlorinated water and fluoridated tooth paste also do serious damage and should be avoided. Antibiotics are the MOST damaging of all drugs.

And once damaged, the gut wall is incapable of repairing and regenerating itself on its own. Regeneration requires guidance and use of endospheric, master bacteria.

Emotional issues, stress and anxiety raise havoc with the gut wall and do severe damage regardless of dietary choices and food digestion issues.

In cannot be over emphasized how vitally important activated, liquid iodine, selenium and magnesium ion sufficiency is to maintenance of immune function.

To learn more, read Special Insights, Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health by clicking hyperlink or by using the Special Insights Link below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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B-Vitamins: are a class of water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cellular metabolism.


The B’s are crucially important for maintenance of the body’s ‘terrain’ including: growth, repair and regeneration; B-vitamins are critical for women, particularly for maintaining mental acuity and memory function beginning in the mid thirties, during the menopause years and after.

Women require twice the amount of B’s as men. Unfortunately, most B’s end up in the toilet via the urine because they are not absorbed. The B’s are very useful in maintaining natural hair color, so if you have hair issues (loss of color, thinning hair, balding), please realize Young Again Club members enjoy the benefit of the B’s because they achieve up to 100% absorption of them via the fat/liver pathway.

Nano-scaled B’s are easily absorbed into the blood, producing wonderful effects in the bio-electric body.  Vegetarians and vegans suffer and age prematurely for lack of animal proteins and their inability to fully digest and absorb their limited diet.

Use of Young Again Club B’s provide a significant edge for members.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Be sure and read Chapters 36 and 37, Silkworm Blues and Moonshine, in the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Bacteria [aerobic, anaerobic & facultative anaerobes]

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Bacterium [pl. bacteria]: organisms that occur as aerobes [require oxygen], anaerobes [function without oxygen] or facultative anaerobes [can function with or without, oxygen.


Bacteria function and manifest according the conditions within the body’s, terrain.

Furthermore, bacteria can [and do] morph into different forms and strains, again, according to the conditions within the body’s, terrain.

Contrary to official microbiology, according to the Germ Theory of Disease, bacteria are not FIXED species, but pleomorphic in every way.

See above links for more information on topics that affect/influence bacteria and how they manifest in the body.


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Bad Breath (halitosis)

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Halitosis: bad breath.


Halitosis is a TERRAIN condition driven by a toxic terrain, sluggish bowel, poor liver function, under hydration, poor digestion and poor diet.

A HUGE factor is hormonal imbalance in the regulatory hormones leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon.  See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.

Halitosis has little to do with the “mouth” unless there are teeth and gum problems i.e. decay and inflammation.

The best approach for halitosis is the Tissue & Liver Protocol, Also, the Enema Protocol. Read about them by clicking the hyperlinks.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Please see TERRAIN in Glossary link below.

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Balding (loss of hair/thinning hair)

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Balding: loss of hair in men; women tend to experience “thinning” rather than outright balding.


Hormonal resistance of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin and adrenaline along with restricted blood supply to scalp, insufficient bio-active electrolytes, failure to drink enough water, consumption of sweets, fruit and alcohol, insufficient dietary fats,  inability to digest and assimilate dietary fats, poor liver function, sluggish bowels, limited digestion of food and insufficient production of bile.


If you have hair issues, you have liver issues and the best way to restore liver function is to follow the Tissue & Liver Protocol and by making major changes in diet, digestion and balancing of regulatory hormones.

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Ask for help so your program can be personalized for you.

Ask for guidance.

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Behavior: is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a psychological stimulus.


Physical and psychological pressure on body combined with systemic inflammation affecting mind and spirit in addition to the body.

Behavior problems are the effects of Stress & Emotional Anxiety (SEAABD). Behavioral manifestation varies greatly from person to person, depending on diet, digestion, bowels, stress levels, hormonal resistance to leptin, insulin and adrenaline/cortisol; all of which are your ‘coping’ and management tools.

Stress damages the small intestinal gut wall where the immune system is located more than any other single issue and stress can easily dictate behavior, particularly in children and people who have poor diets and hormonal resistance. See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.

Diet plays a huge role in SEAABD. For example, sweets and undigested food proteins like peanuts escalate irritability and behavioral problems and are at the center of anger outbursts as well as mood swings, and disciplinary problems.

Conditions such as ADD and ADHD are merely labels that describe the problem. Neither condition is a mental issue, although symptoms manifest as such.  Both are definitely linked to diet, digestion, gut and bowels.

SEAABD account for at least 50% of damage incurred by the gut wall by age 35. No one is immune to the effects produced by gut issues and hormonal imbalance regardless of age.

SEAABD initiates and drives the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ which haunts most people all of the time. Key factors like sweets and alcohol, drugs and NSAIDS, junk food and antibiotics play a role behavior as does incomplete digestion of food.

Medications account for the balance of gut wall damage incurred by the average person by age 35.  Thereafter, mood and behavioral problems become more pronounced because of systemic inflammation throughout the body.

SEAABD along with the factors mentioned above are the deciding factors as to how fast you age and what forms of ill health and suffering you will incur.

The Attack Cycle can be broken and the body can heal, but the body cannot regenerate a damaged gut wall without direct intervention by the body’s owner and help and guidance.

Interestingly, the more the gut wall settles, the better people cope with stress and emotional anxiety and the less people suffer food cravings  and mood swings.

I would remind the reader that it is the ‘physical’ body that drags us to the graveyard, meaning, you must take care of your body.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Autoimmune Attack Cycle, Digestion, Inflammation, Gut and Terrain by clicking Glossary link below.

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Belly fat [belly flap/obesity]

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Belly fat: is a condition latent pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome that includes insulin-resistance and type 3 diabetes.

BellY Flap: a condition where belly fat accumulates and hang-over the lower abdomen/pubic areas.  Click Belly Flap for more information.


The presence of excess belly fat is confirmation of the pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome where food is converted to fat instead of being burned for energy.

Belly fat and obesity are symptomatic of insulin/leptin and adrenaline resistance.

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.

To understand the dynamics behind belly fat formation and type 3 diabetes, please read Special Insights, Pre-diabetes & Premature Aging.

It would also be helpful to understand the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. Click hyperlinks to read about them.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Belly Flap

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Belly Flap: abdominal presence of excess belly fat  that often extends over the pelvic region and upper thighs.

Belly flap is the product of bad diet, slow metabolism, low-grade inflammation, compromised digestion and excess tissue waste.

The condition is aggravated by and should be viewed as confirmation of imbalance of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon.

Belly fat is a SIGN of a major health risk because of its effects on vital organ functions.

Many factors are in-play with this condition and it should NOT be ignored.  It is a SIGN of serious metabolic distress that will eventually result in major dis-ease, ongoing inflammation and chronic suffering.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.

Belly flap is a CLASSIC terrain management problem that must be solved by lifestyle changes combined with Young Again Club Protocols.

Ask John Thomas for guidance.


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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Benign: an abnormal or foreign condition that is present, but not harmful or threatening.  A foreign agents can be a virus, bacteria, yeast or fungus, tumor, growth or cyst.

The term, benign, however, takes on a totally different light when understood in terms of pleo-morphism (see Glossary in link below) where the foreign agent “morphs,” turns virulent and attacks the host.

The opposite of benign is virulent, meaning disease related.

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Bicarbonate [baking soda]


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Bicarbonate: is the body’s primary buffer for neutralizing body acids. In the stomach, it releases carbon dioxide for improved transport of oxygen to cellular mitochondria. It also stabilizes pH, and it is the basis for production of HCl for protein digestion and pancreatic secretions for blood sugar and insulin management.

Bicarbonate is an inexpensive, naturally occurring compound.


Baking soda and vitamin-C are the basis of the Terrain pH Protocol, and is used with plain ascorbic acid vitamin-C in TABLETED FORM, non-chewable, non-buffered Vitamin-C. Tablets are broken into pieces in mouth and wash down with the soda drink.

Vitamin-C powders will work, but must be taken in water before the soda drink is taken.  Do not mix powdered C in soda water because the CO2 will be lost; you want the reaction in your stomach.

See Terrain pH Protocol here.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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Bicarbonate of Soda [baking soda]

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Bicarbonate of soda: xxx


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Bidet: a device and or method used to wash the rectal/genital areas of the body following defecation or sexual intercourse.


The common enema can serve the same purpose as a bidet, plus the added advantage of functioning as a bowel wash and relief for constipation, easing the passing of stool, avoiding stool antagonism of and formation of rectal hemorrhoids and a practicable way to stimulate liver function and ease gut and colon intestinal issues.

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Bile (activated)

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Bile: a surfactant and critically important digestive support filtered and removed by the liver from blood.  Bile is stored in the gallbladder.


Young Again Club offers bio-active bile [called Pro-Ox] in supplement form.  Inquire for more information.

Bile is an emulsifier and is EXTREMELY important for processing of dietary fats and for BREAKING-DOWN toxic wastes as they move through the intestinal tract.

For example, glyphosate [RoundUp] must be broken down from incoming food OR it is released through normal cell death of 2-3 millions cells/day.  passage through the intestine is the ONLY opportunity available for getting rid of glyphosate BEFORE it can be reabsorbed back into the body.

Bile is filtered by the biliary ducts of the liver from blood. Sea sickness is the effect of the liver dumping bile and the body reabsorbing it, hence, the green color and nausea that accompanies sea sickness.

A bilious personality is a bitter, difficult, hateful personality.  Hangover after drinking too much alcohol is the manifestation of an overloaded, inflamed liver.

Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) is the effect of a poorly function liver and elevated bilirubin levels in the blood.

The liver makes hundreds of soft pellets daily that are stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine about 2 inches below the outlet of the stomach.  The bile duct outlet is located opposite the outlet from the pancreas.

Pellets that take on the characteristic of stones are combinations of waste, minerals and cholesterol. If this material hardens in the biliary ducts of the liver the waste is referred to as nails because of their shape.

Gall stones are generally the size of small pebbles [think of lentils to green peas, but can be as large as gold balls.  Both stones and nails can be softened and purged from the liver/gallbladder using the Tissue & Liver Protocol. [Click hyperlink to read about it.]

Bile is a VERY alkaline substance as are pancreatic enzymes both of which transform highly acid stomach juices and food into the alkaline state for passage down the small intestine.

Acidity and alkalinity of food during passage should NOT be confused with acidic waste lodged in the tissues and joints.  pH of body fluids vs acidity of waste STORED in the tissues are not the same thing.

Eating triggers the release of bile, and release of bile triggers bowel activity. Bile production diminishes after approximately age 35; lack of bile production accompanies onset of symptoms of premature aging and plays a part in both menopause and andropause and degenerative disease in general.

Colon cancer and bowel disorders have everything to do with poor bile production. Bile is critical for longevity and good health.

Failure to remove excess waste from the body by way of the liver/bile pathway leads to many health issues. A healthy liver and lots of bile production are absolutely critical for health and longevity, particularly these days because of the ubiquitous nature of glyphosate [RoundUp] in the entire food chair.

YAC offers bio-active bile called Pro-Ox.  It is one of the components of the Digestive Trio, the other two being activated R/BHCl and DisorbAid #3.

ProOx is also a key component of the Immune Protocol. Click hyperlink to learn more.

Also, see Tissue & Liver Protocol here.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Also see previous issues of Special Insights in the Archive link, below.

The 6th edition of Young Again! offers a fuller discussion of the liver and liver function as it relates to health and dis-ease.

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Bio-Active (Bio-Friendly)

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Bio-Active: something that is functionally useful in the body.

Bio-Friendly: something that is friendly to the body and useful for promoting good health and homeostasis.


Bio-active means a substance is available to the body for maintenance of health and normal metabolic functions.

Bio-active has everything to do with the energy footprint and profile of a substance; hence, the term racemization, a term used to capture the concept and energetic functionality of Young Again Club products.

Expansion of the energy footprint means more activity and results yielded compared to products that have not had their energy footprints expanded.

Anything that is not useful to the body is a hindrance and burden. Many foods as well as supplements are either unavailable or unusable to the body regardless of their ingredient profile because their energy footprint is biologically unfriendly.

Medications and NSAIDS are never included in this definition of bio-active because they weaken the body due to their adverse side effects.

And neither are unhealthy food and sweets, meaning they take away from a health, rather than promoting a healthy terrain, Negative energy foods and medications produce the opposite effects of body friendly substances.

All Young again Club products are bio-active and bio-friendlyThe central theme of the book, Young Again! is that control of the terrain is a process of management of ENERGY!

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Bio-electric energy [bio-electric body]

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Bio-electric energy/body: is the composite body (body, mind and spirit).


The bio-electric body is often called the ‘terrain’.  A healthy body is the sum of all systems and functions; hence a healthy terrain or a sickly terrain.

The word ‘homeostasis’ is a word used in the medical arena to capture the idea of normal and healthy i.e. the absence of dis-ease.

If a body is chronologically 50 years of age, but has a bio-electric age of only age 20, that body is said to be biologically and energetically ‘young’.


The proton hydrogen is your body’s primary source of energy.  Food and water are primary hydrogen donors, fats are the most energy dense foods.  Calories are an irrelevant metric.

Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens; water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens.  Hydrogen is lifeforceThe body’s bio-electric energy comes from non-thermal burning and metabolism of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is what powers the sun.  ATP [adenosine-triphosphate] only powers cellular metabolism, and is a weak molecule compared to the hydrogen’s energy potential.

‘p’ in pH stands for potential [hydrogen]!  Digestion releases covalent-bonded hydrogen in food and water.  Inability to digest food and free hydrogen is THE issue!

Failure to metabolize hydrogen turns body-fluid [urine] pH acidic.  Hydrogen and metabolic waste are acidicUrine pH is a measure of unburned hydrogen ions in circulation.  Urine pH rises and falls as hydrogen ion levels rise and fall.

The better digestion, the more energy available for growth and repair.

Terrain acidification causes urine pH to rise on the acid side, and muscle loss to accelerate!  pH stands for potential hydrogen.  Unburned hydrogen from UNDIGESTED food proteins is the effect of MALDIGESTION!  [The Terrain pH Protocol and Digestion Trio manage these issues.]

Hydrogen powers the Sun and it powers the body [ATP only powers the cell].  Inability to [non-thermally] burn hydrogen limits energy production from food and spikes circulating hydrogen proton levels, causing urine pH to become acidic.  Urine pH measures circulating, unburned, hydrogen protons, and the better digestion is the less unburned hydrogen in saliva, lymph, and urine.  Read about HydrogenMagic, here.]

Terrain management is about hydrogen management, not alkalinity.  Alkalinity as popularly accepted ignores non-circulating, tissuebound hydrogen.  The Terrain pH Protocol frees tissue-bound hydrogen.  [This example of Applied Physiology is counter to physiology taught at university.  [Please read again.]

Dis-ease and aging are side-effects of faulty hydrogen metabolism and maldigestion.

The Digestion Trio solves the maldigestion/hydrogen dilemma.  Ask for help.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Terrain, Toxic, Inflammation in the Glossary using the link below.

Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! for a broader understanding of bio-electric body.

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Bio-Friendly (Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium)

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See Iodine (ion) discussion by clicking Glossary Link above

BioCarbon Complex

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BioCarbon Complex: is biologically active, biodynamic carbon.


BioCarbon Complex

Release Heavy Metals & Old Medications

∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙


CARBON is the building block of life, and when we deplete the body of bioactive CARBON, we grow weak, sick and old. Now, there is an exciting, new way to restore health, eliminate unnecessary supplements and save a pile of money in the process! To learn more, read on.

BioCarbon Complex boosts your CARBON LEVELS! Carbon is vital to health and survival in today’s toxic world, and BioCarbon Complex supplies it! BioCarbon Complex does NOT conflict with medications and can be used by itself or in combination with Icelandic Magic [as discussed in last month’s, Special Insights.]

Q. Is there a way to sequester environmental chemicals and poisons like glyphosate [Roundup!] and clear your body of toxins and excess medications using CARBON as the transport mechanism? A. There is, now!

Q. Is there a way to raise your body’s CARBON LEVELS, restore health and experience good results in 30 days, instead of years? A. There is, now!

BioCarbon Complex safely shuttles heavy metals out of the body and brain. Please think in terms of micronized aluminum, beryllium and mercury from vaccinations and contrails in the air we are forced to breathe.

BioCarbon Complex is BIODYNAMIC CARBON IN PILL FORM. Use it to restore your health in the same way biodynamic carbon restores degraded, polluted soil. You will want to experience it for yourself! Restore your CARBON RESERVES and health-related issues take care of themselves!

Now, for the first time ever, you can avoid carbon depletion from CELLPHONE AND MICROWAVE RADIATION as well as neuter the word, cancer; especially the colon variety!

Take BioCarbon along with Icelandic Magic and you can FERMENT FOOD in your colon and make your own vitamins for a powerful, whole body effect.

Carbon Paves The Way For Better Health

BioCarbon Complex BOOSTS BOWEL VOLUME, thus replacing laxatives, herbals and probiotics! Use it to REDUCE SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION and chelates toxic substances buried in your tissues!

BioCarbon Complex IMPROVES everything. Carbon is nature’s answer to degenerative disease and autoimmune issues. Carbon is life! [See Chapter twenty-one in Young Again!] Now, after 25 years, BioCarbon is available.]

Biodynamic Carbon Is Unique In Every Way!

Bio Carbon Complex supplies bio-active, bio-dynamic carbon and SBO cofactors the body needs to function. Bio- Carbon has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH CHARCOAL which is dead carbon and should be avoided.

BioCarbon draws-out toxic chemicals such as RoundUp [glyphosate] now everywhere in the food chain along with heavy metals. The benefits are CUMULATIVE! [BTW: Icelandic Magic lets you make your own vitamins!]

Q. What’s in BioCarbon Complex? A. Biodynamic carbon and SBO cofactors. Q. How do you use it? A. Take one capsule 2x/day with or without food. [Capsules can be opened and mixed with water or juice.]

One bottle of BioCarbon is a two-month supply! Order three bottles and save big!  BioCarbon Complex [and Icelandic Magic] are revolutionizing human nutrition.

Here are a few benefits: more energy, deeper sleep, better bowel activity, less inflammation, less drug residues, better digestion, smoother cardiovascular activity and improved brain function and making your own, vitamins!

Get a FREE bottle of Icelandic Magic with initial order of BioCarbon Complex.  This is an ongoing offer for all first time orders.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Biodynamic [Creative] Vortex Effect

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Creative [biodynamic] Vortex Effect: the process by which Jurassic carbon is activated and transformed into JURASSIC Magic.


Vortexing of a solution is a biodynamic principle elucidated by Rudolf Steiner and put into action and implemented for the production of healthy food plants/animals by Alex Podolinsky of Australia.

With regard to JURASSIC MAGIC, Creative Vortex energetically enlivens and ‘fixes’ the carbon/ion/amino-acid matrix of Jurassic carbon deposits of the Jurassic Period, two-million years ago.

Creative Vortex is used in Stage Two of production of JURASSIC MAGIC to amplify  and make available carbon’s potential for healing and regeneration.

The process GIVES life to dead, lifeless soils and BOOSTS lifeforce-energy of solutions to plants and animals that eat and/or inhabit soils treated by this method.

Specifically, when a solution [mixture of a solute in a liquid] is vortexed both clockwise and counter-clockwise in rapid fashion over hundreds of cycles ending in a high energy state.

The process literally creates cosmic energy and the footprint is transferred to the solution.  The effect is fixed upon the solution.

Specifically, when a solution [mixture of a solute in a liquid] is vortexed both clockwise and counter-clockwise in rapid fashion over hundreds of cycles ending in a high energy state.

The process literally creates cosmic energy and the footprint is transferred to the solution.  The effect is fixed upon the solution.

Once the solution is moving at correct velocity, direction of the vortex is INSTANTLY REVERSED. At the very moment of directional reversal, MAXIMUM electrical effect is created and merges with the components of the circulating solution.

At the moment of ‘chaos’ NEW energy comes into being and millions of volts of electricity generates a CREATION-LIKE effect.

The more energy your body can create, the healthier and younger you look and feel.  Youth have boundless energy.  People who are aging, need that energy and will progressively continue to age without it.

When all factors are present, LIFEFORCE is created and something that did not exit prior to the moment, comes into being.

God shows his hand, show his hand so to speak, and man partakes in creation, much the same as when egg and sperm join and creation of 480,000 volts initiates a new life.  This phenomenon was discussed my book, Young Again way back in 1994 in Chapter 24, Brown Fat.

Biodynamic vortex energy is God energy we people experience on a spiritual level.  This very same energy [in biodynamic form] is what heals and restores sick soils and plants.

In the hands of a Godly healer, this same energy heals sick bodes and compromised immune systems.  In the case of energy created through Creative Vortex Energy enlivens  terrahyrite binary-bonded,  carbon/ion/amino-acid solutions so it can fix and hold the newly created energy.

For example, Podolenski OVERNIGHT converted millions of acres of land in Australia [that had hardly grown a weed in millions of years] into the most productive land on the continent.

This same energy is what Jurassic Magic is about; meaning, now there is a way to get it and use it to repair and restore your worn-out, prematurely aged, body.

Unlike ‘organic’ agricultural/gardening practices, biodynamics energizes and creates whole new energy dimensions within soil and the creatures that live on crops grown on such soils.

Creative vortex was developed by John Thomas of

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Biodynamics [biodynamic gardening]

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Biodynamic gardening and agriculture: is about production of food using natural methods to raise the energy state and nutritional profile of food crops.

To learn more and gain a fuller understanding of the esoteric principles of biodynamic food production, read:

Quantum Agriculture: Biodynamics and Beyond: Growing Plentiful, Vital Food 1st Edition

which is available from Amazon.

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Biofilm: a sticky matrix produced by microorganisms; accumulated cellular waste that is acidic in nature; biofilms adhere to tissues and cells and interfere with metabolism and organ function.

Waste accumulation and infestation by fungal yeast sets the stage for biofilm formatio, as well as provides a friendly environment for growth of fungi and production of tmycotoxins. See Mold & Fungus Protocol.


Biofilm is a polymeric slime composed of waste proteins and polysaccharides that provide a breeding ground and shelter for pathogenic microorganisms.

Low-grade inflammation comes with biofilm formation and accumulation.  Biofilms limit blood and lymphatic circulation and is a side-term effect of pre-diabetes, meaning, blood sugar levels over 90.

People who are fragile and environmentally challenged suffer from biofilm controlled environments. Once biofilms form, restoration of the terrain becomes challenging because of the self-perpetuating nature of biofilm.

Biofilms formation is driven by acidification of the body’s terrain, as well as proliferation and growth of pathogenic organisms.

A biofilm may also be considered a hydrogel, which is a complex polymer that contains many times its dry weight in water. Biofilms are not just bacterial slime layers but biological systems; the bacteria organize themselves into a coordinated, functional community.

Biofilms can attach to a surface such as a tooth, rock, or surface, and may include a single species or a diverse group of microorganisms. The biofilm bacteria can share nutrients and are sheltered from harmful factors in the environment, such as desiccation, antibiotics, and a host body’s immune system.

See Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle to better understand the nature biofilms and biofilm environments.

Also, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life to understand the connection between biofilm and insulin/leptin resistance.  Click hyperlink to access.


Here are three key elements for dealing with biofilm:

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Biologic [therapeutic, antiviral]B

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  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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