Heart Magic

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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HeartMagic is John Thomas’ response to anyone interested in taking personal responsibility for their cardiovascular health, whether before or after an ‘event.’  Cardio disorders involve issues of oxygen delivery, blood flow, vessel dilation and ongoing, low-grade inflammation of blood and lymphatic circulatory systems.

What is done to avoid cardiovascular challenges is exactly what needs to be done to remedy the challenged state of health called, cardiovascular dis-ease.

For example, those with cardiovascular problems have a history of ongoing pre-diabetic insulin-resistance, fatty liver, magnesium-ion deficiency, poor digestion and low-grade inflammation, REGARDLESS if patient or doctor realize it or not.  Conventional medical thinking is a disaster for patients who have no idea how their bodies actually, work.

For example, despite millions of heart by-pass surgeries, practitioners are no longer pushing bypass to avoid embarrassment over 50 years of ignorance and arrogance.  Stents are next.  Researchers no recognize and few practitioners will admit, that stents are counter-productive!

Stents neither identify or address the causes behind millions of medical mis-diagnoses given to ignorant patients fill with fear of death and stress.  Statistically, patients who routinely embrace ‘stents’ are NO BETTER OFF than those who avoid this fraudulent procedure.

If you want control of your health and life and have the desire to escape sick-care medicine’s strangle hold on your life, you must play your God Card and withdraw from the sick-care system before your doctor, kills you!  Better to understand early and seek guidance to make-up for your ignorance of body physiology BEFORE an ‘event!’

Heart attack is NOT what people think it is; ditto for stroke.  The Cholesterol Theory of Disease is a FRAUD!  Statin drugs, proton pump inhibitors, blood thinners and drugs to control A-fib and arrythmia systematically deplete your magnesium ion stores and GUARANTEE you will succumb to the antics of sick-care medicine that is designed to slowly kill you.

Life after an event is not proof the medical procedure was necessary or wise.  Better to avoid any form of medical intervention and allow your body to heal itself as it was designed to do.

HeartMagic and Young Again Club Protocols help the body heal itself. Guidance is COST FREE!

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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