Migraine (headache)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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MIgraine : is a condition of intense, extended headache.


Migraine headache are the product of insulin/leptin/adrenaline resistance, toxic, sluggish bowels and magnesium insufficiency.

Migraines occur in females more than males; and particularly, prior to onset of menstruation.

The reason for migraine occurrence prior to a period is because: as estrogen levels rise, magnesium is pulled into muscle and bone, leaving the blood somewhat starved for magnesium.

When blood magnesium levels drop, calcium’s effects become magnified.  Calcium dominance causes small clots to form in the brain with insufficient blood magnesium available to dissolve the clots and release the tension from the blood vessels of the brain.

Use of bio-active magnesium (R/MgO Spray) throughout the month, and particularly prior to the period does wonders for avoidance of migraine headaches and lessens body ache that often accompanies them.

Carbohydrate dependence, elevated blood sugar levels, overloading of sweets and lack of dietary fats plays a critical role in migraine recurrence, intensity and length.

Constipation and sluggish bowels, along with insufficient and regular intake of water has profound implications for occurrence of migranes.

For a thorough discussion of calcium and magnesium, go to Archive link below and click on Special Insights, Discoveries That Will Improve Your Life.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive.


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