Signals (vibrations)

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Signals/Vibrations: electrical personality; electrical signatures that alter frequency.


Electrical “noise” sabotages the body’s ability to heal and maintain health. Worse, unfriendly electrical vibrations are EXACTLY the type of energy signals radiating from cell phones, etc.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy neutralizes the negative effects of negative signals and vibrations radiating from cell phones, microwave towers and ovens, computers and routers. It also dissolves states of unhealthy energy within the body’s terrain.

People are bombarded by unhealthy, electrical “noise” hammering away on their bodies 24/7/365. The long term effects of disharmonious electrical signals are cumulative.

Stressed terrains are weak terrains. Weak terrains cannot defend against invading negative energy, regardless if the signals derive from food, events, emotion or electronics.

Weak terrains are part of aging and suffering.


  1. Restore your terrain.
  2. Be open to new ideas.
  3. Ask for help.

See Special Insights, Cell Phones & Tissue Memory by clicking hyperlink.

Also, see mindfulness; entrainment, memory (muscle); tissue (angry); noise (vibrational) and frequency in Glossary link below.

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