Candida albicans

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Candida albicans: is an opportunistic fungus that is capable of taking over the body’s terrain.

Systemic yeast infestation causes loss of control of normal body  functions and organ take-over.  For details on the process, go to the Protocols Tab above and click on Molds & Fungus Protocol.


Cancer is a FUNGUS; cancer is NOT a bacterial or viral condition.  Fungus spores enter the blood stream through a wound, the lungs and/or a leaky gut wall.  In a healthy body, fungus spores are dormant and not a threat.  But when the body is acidic, fungus spores take on a life of their own.

[You may wish to read about the Terrain pH Protocol in the Protocols Tab above.]

In the acidic body, fungus spores HATCH, GROW and SECRETE deadly mycotoxins that kill healthy cells, sparking inflammation and autoimmune reactions.  A body burdened fungal mycotoxins is fertile ground for cancer, and acidity is the controlling factor

Candida albicans (yeast) is a normal flora of the intestinal tract; however, when antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids [think cortisone!] are used, yeast spores GROW and take over the body systemically and merge their DNA with that of the host [you and me].

Yeast overgrowth is a default condition, meaning yeast invades and takes control because the body is acidic, circulation is poor and sweets and carbohydrates have unbalanced hormonal regulatory systems related to leptin, insulin and adrenaline. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

When yeast takes over, female and male hormones feed the cycle and cause molds and fungus to grow and spread.  Candida diets help manage the misery, but when a DNA merger has occurred on a systemic level, the usual, faddish Candida approaches fail miserably.  [See the link for Mold & Fungus Protocol mentioned above.]

The conditions fueling the growth of yeast that results in  [candidiasis] must be corrected and the terrain of the body detoxified and cleared of metabolic waste, drugs, chemicals and heavy metals embedded throughout the system.

Follow the Tissue & Liver Protocol to clear your system of toxic waste and restore liver efficiency. Click hyperlink to read about it.

Attempts to kill off yeast overgrowth are totally misguided and are futile because of the nature of the condition, meaning, loss of control of the terrain and toxic, waste filled tissues that provide the perfect medium for yeast growth.

Please keep in mind, stress in general, and emotional stress in particular, is the TRIGGER that alters the energy state of the bio-electric body causing pleo-morphic bacteria already present in the body, to turn virulent and attack the host.

Practitioners have had very, very poor results dealing with Candida because they are working with an incorrect ‘model’, a model based on the Germ Theory of Disease.  Yeast is NOT the problem; the terrain is the problem.

Failure to restore the intestinal gut wall and settle immune system response dooms commonly used approaches. Yeast spreads when the gut wall is compromised by use of antibiotics, alcohol, emotional stress, high sugar diets, especially fructose from sweets and fruit.

Yeast generates waste toxins that severely aggravate and inflame every part of the body. Yeast overgrowth can be severe and in some cases life threatening and can only be corrected through improvements in diet, digestion, restoration of the small intestinal gut wall and balancing of the body’s regulatory hormone system. Yeast is a CLASSIC autoimmune disorder. See Terrain, Digestion, Inflammation, Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and Autoimmune Attack Cycle using Glossary link below.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.\

Follow the Tissue & Liver Protocol to clear your system of toxic waste and restore liver efficiency. Click hyperlink to read about it.

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