ReSet [fat & metabolism enhancer]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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ReSet: lauric Acid coconut oil in convenient capsule form.

Lauric acid is an active component of coconut fat [oil]; in bio-active form lauric acid is very useful for restoring the terrain of the body.


Lauric acid/coconut fat is useful for boosting energy and weaning people off diets that trigger insulin/leptin-resistance.

ReSet Capsules provide lauric acid and full spectrum coconut fat that creates a hostile environment for parasitic life forms like yeast, fungus, viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and to prevent fungal takeover of the intestinal tract and weakening of immune function.

Use ReSet to reduce food ‘cravings’ and boost energy, ease gas and bloating and improve digestion and bowel activity.  It is also helpful for skin disorders from acne to rosacea and for aging skin.

ReSet is convenient to use and is designed to meet the needs of people who do not like the tase or texture of coconut fat. ReSet can be carried to work or play to maintain energy, mental sharpness and lose weight.

Reset is great for curbing appetite and food cravings associated with junk food, and for fueling cellular mitochondria for increased production of energy.

ReSet provides fat substrates for production of sexual and metabolic hormones and for maintaining hormonal balance.

ReSet is PERFECT for carrying to work, play to avoid foods that trigger your pancreas and cause your body to live in a perpetual state of insulin/leptin-resistance which is the universal forerunner of CANCER, DIABETES, ARTHRITIS AND CARDIOVASCULAR DIS-EASE.

Avoid insulin/leptin-resistance and you avoid the big four killer dis-eases.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.


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