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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Neurotoxin: neurotoxins are an extensive class of both endogenous and exogenous chemical  chemical toxins/poisons that adversely affect nerve function in both developing and mature nervous tissue. 

Toxic molecules that assault the nervous system by hampering the ability to do its job or by rendering it completely dysfunctional.

Neurotoxins are produced within the body and from without the body.  Some are the product of body chemistry gone wrong and others enter the body in food, air and water.

The body isolates neurotoxic substances by storing them in fatty tissue or by chemically neutralizing toxic substances.  Overly aggressive ‘cleanse’ programs can FORCE the body to release toxic substances that damage healthy tissue.

Providing a SHUTTLE for transport of toxic molecules out of the body is the safest and best way to transport toxic substances out of the body without doing damage to kidneys and liver, both of which are PRIMARY ‘excretory’ organs.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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