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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Charleyhorse: severe muscle spasm as a result of insufficient magnesium ion availability at eh cellular level.  Charleyhorse is a DEFAULT condition where the body has no alternative but to throw a muscle tantrum of a leg muscle [usually at night] or a so-called heart attack.

Heart attack is NOT some mysterious condition that happens without cause, but which doctors and medical lightweights like to blame on your ‘family’ history and/or The Cholesterol Theory of Heart Disease.

A heart attack is a massive ELECTRICAL EVENT caused by severe depletion of magnesium ions, NOT because of failure to use drugs and medications.

Heart by-pass surgery is avoidable and unnecessary if patients tended their terrains and changed their diets and lifestyles and addressed their single biggest driver of degenerative dis-ease:  insulin-resistance and maldigestion of food.

Heart attack and heart dis-ease are confirmations of a sick, dysfunctional liver, ONGOING insulin-resistance [be it in the form of pre-diabetes or diabetes] and ONGOING Metabolic Syndrome.

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  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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