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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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FatMagic addresses issues that affect blood pressure, fatty liver, obesity/overweight and pre-diabetic insulin-resistance.  Use it to control of your health and avoid use of medications that eventually kill you while perpetuating involvement in  sick-care medicine.

If obese or overweight [by as little as 10 pounds], assume you have a fatty liver and  that you are pre-diabetic insulin-resistant.  Fact is, the entire populace, regardless of lab tests and medical opinions to the contrary, suffer a version of metabolic syndrome.

You can be bean-pole thin and suffer from fatty liver and insulin resistance and not realize what is happening to you.  Insulin resistance can go on for decades without a clue until doctor issues a diagnosis.  Early-on, doctor and  lab tests mislead, especially if you are ‘thin.’

If you can’t shed excess weight and inches as fast as you put them on, your liver is compromised and you need to take your situation seriously, especially if you are over 40 years of age, because aging is liver driven.  Sex drive and ED issues are red flags of liver/heart problem in the making.

Fatty liver is not difficult to reverse, and it is very easy to avoid, too!  Liver cirrhosis is preceded by fibrosis and steatosis [fatty liver].  As custodian, our job is to assist with maintenance and restoration of our liver.  Neglect and abuse of the liver is inexcusable.  You must choose.

To avoid degenerative disease and suffering, learn to care for your liver by avoiding involvement with medications and sick-care medicine.  Medications destroy liver function!  Statin drugs destroy those who use them.  Conventional medicine is a death sentence for patients who fail to  realize that doctor works for Big-Pharma.  You must choose.

We do NOT die of drug deficiencies, but we do die because of drug usage.  Savvy patients play their God Card when confronted by practitioners.  Big-Pharma and sick-care medicine is a racket.

Your perception of your state of health is misleading!  Meaning, the physiology of your liver and your terrain.  Use FatMagic to resurrect liver function and restore your terrain and health.

FatMagic and the Young Again Club Protocols are powerful tools if used with guidance and a bit of patience.   Happy and healthy or sick and miserable; what do you want for yourself?


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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