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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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BloodMagic is John Thomas’ answer to compromised blood circulation and misdiagnosed symptoms of dis-ease and aging, such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular.

So-called, heart disease [A-fib, arrhythmia, plaque, high blood pressure, angina and heart attack] are SYMPTOMS of ion deficient and oxygen-poor circulation that limits the ability to make, ENERGY.  Aging and dis-ease are CONFIRMATION the body isn’t making enough, ENERGY.

Insufficient blood flow affects every aspect of body physiology and is central to diabetes, arthritis, cancer and lesser disorders.  Improve flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery solves many issues.

BloodMagic naturally assists blood flow and nutrient delivery by helping the body to help, itself.  For example, when blood vessels are inflamed, FLOW and VOLUME drop dramatically, depriving tissues and cells what they need to function and stay healthy.  [Cancer is a classic example of a toxic, oxygen deprived tissues; cancer has NOTHING to do with genes and family history.]

Behind issues of flow and volume is loss of blood vessel wall FLEXIBILITY; walls that can’t expand as fresh blood enters the loop.  Flexibility is controlled by the epithelial cells that line the arteries and capillaries.  These amazing cells are responsible for making nitric oxide.

BloodMagic provides the co-factors epithelial cells need so YOU CAN MAKE LOTS OF NITRIC OXIDE so blood can circulate freely, and artery walls remain flexible, regardless of one’s, age.

Hypertension describes elevated, blood pressure due to blood vessel wall inflexibility, under hydration, magnesium ion insufficiency, calcium overload and stress.  When you boost  epithelial activity, blood vessels dilate, plaque dissolves and blood flows at reduced pressure.  In other words, what people think and doctor calls, heart disease is NOT what’s really going on.

Cardiovascular issues correct themselves when the body gets what it needs to make plenty of its nitric-oxide, enriched blood that is the very basis of energy production, health and longevity.

BloodMagic is a self-help remedy for improved body physiology and better health.  Lab tests and medicine DOES NOT address these issues.  Use BloodMagic to avoid medical misdiagnosis and medication, abuse.  BloodMagic will justify doctor taking you OFF those nasty, medications.

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