Cardiovascular [disease]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Cardiovascular: pertaining to the blood vessels and circulation of blood by various organs and processes as well as diseases and malfunctions of the organs and structures involved.

Conventional views and discussion of all things cardiovascular are incomplete.  Read on.


Degenerative and age-related cardiovascular problems are conditions of both neglect and abuse; meaning, the abnormalities that are created, NOT inherited.

Consider Cardiovascular issues as confirmation of systemic mold and fungal infestation, mycotoxin control of hormones, symptoms of systemic inflammation, and symptoms of leptin and insulin resistance (regulatory hormone imbalance).

Oddly, when mold and mycotoxin issues are addressed, many, if not all, of the symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction diminish, which is confirmation that the problem(s) were never heart/cardiovascular disease in the first place.  [To learn more, see Mold & Fungus Protocol.]

Cardiovascular problems always involves the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. You can read about both by clicking hyperlinks.

Cardiovascular problems are side effects of compromised liver function, restricted circulation, failure to drink sufficient water, lack of mineral electrolytes, excess intake of sweets, fruit and carbohydrates, poor bowel function, poor bile production, faulty digestion, sluggish bowels and poor dietary habits.

Cardiovascular issues are forever linked to insulin/leptin resistance.  See Special Insights, Premature Aging & Pre-Diabetes by clicking the hyperlink or in the Archive link below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Be sure to read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! 

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