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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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MaintenanceMagic is all about what the name implies!  A product to assist general health of all body functions.  How MaintenanceMagic is used depends on each person’s state of health, with emphasis on specific, problematic health challenges.

MaintenanceMagic is used where no significant issues exist and where maintenance of future health is the primary focus.  Note: your ability to nurture the activity of your cellular mitochondria [that are responsible for production of the body’s energy molecule, Mg-ATP] underwrites every aspect of healthy living.

Repair and maintenance of body systems and functions involves reduction and elimination of systemic, low-grade inflammation and restoration of mitochondrial activity for the liver, heart, kidneys, pancreas, bowels and digestion.  Diet and lifestyle are also, addressed.

Issues of metabolic significance are cellular energy production, sleep, bowel function, flexibility of connective tissues [muscle, ligaments, tendon, bone and skin], eyes/vision, hearing, sinuses, respiratory function, brain function, cardiovascular health and blood sugar/insulin-management.

Digestion is about MUCH MORE than eating and pooping!  And, while it’s true that constipation/bowel issues indicate poor digestion, they are the tip of the iceberg.  Bowel issues are universally misunderstood by patients and doctors, alike.

Normal is NOT as normal does, especially when it comes to bowel activity and health!  Poor digestion is the most common issue affecting people’s health, especially for those beyond 35 years of age.  Digestion and bowel activity control mid-life timeline for accelerated, aging.  Beyond age 50, these issues are of paramount, importance!

When digestion and production of Mg-ATP are operating as they should, all health-related issues become easier to address.  Sick, compromised bodies require massive amount of energy to heal, and your mitochondria are responsible for making that energy.

MaintenanceMagic is ideal for those with few needs and who want to maintain good health and extend longevity. Use it will help you avoid involvement and entrapment in the sick-care system.  The choice is yours.

Change your lifestyle and your diet.

  1. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  2. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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