FungalYeast Magic

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Fungal-Yeast Magic:  A bio-active offering for taking fungal-overgrowth of the body’s terrain and symptoms that come with it.  FungalYeast Magic [FYM] is gentle, but effective and works extremely well in conjunction with the Terrain pH Protocol or as a stand-alone application.

Typically, Fungal-Yeast Magic is used more during the first 90 days, thereafter, many people will be able to cut-back on dosage.  FYM is not about kill or eliminating all yeast from the body.  Yeast has a place, but it should NOT overwhelm or interfere with healthy physiology.

Yeast are fungus and fungus are molds and they morph according to the conditions within the body’s terrain, meaning, acidic pH, elevated levels of acidic waste bound in tissues, sluggish bowels and compromised liver function.

Excerpt from AVOIDING THE CANCER ROSTER [link to article].

Cancer LOVES acidity, but a pH test strip DOES NOT measure acidity in an acid-bound environment if metabolic acids are STORED in tissues and therefore, ARE NOT circulating.  Please read again!

Fungal-yeast LOVE acidity and perpetuate acidity by producing endless streams of metabolic waste acids.  FYI: yeasts are parasitic plants that create sub-clinical inflammation throughout the body.  People who suffer from arthritis are examples of people who are also OVERRUN by fungal-yeast.

Alkalinity and alkaline pH are meaningless metrics because cancer FEEDS ON ACIDITY.  You want acid-waste levels in tissues and in circulating to be low.  pH does not measure tissue-bound acid levels; pH only measures circulating hydrogen acids, as found in urine, for example.

No area of the body is better suited for yeast overgrowth than the bowel and pelvic regions, partly due to waste accumulation and partly due to hormones.  Antibiotics trigger a hormone-driven yeast blooms that can drag-on for a lifetime. [Read Jill’s Story here.]

Arthritis and sub-clinical inflammation are the same problem, so why DESTROY liver function with medications anti-inflammatory drugs?  Ditto for herbals!  Instead, put-out-the-fire by reducing the acidity of your terrain with the Terrain pH Protocol.  [It’s FREE!]

Inflammation of the lower abdomen and pelvic regions grows worse with age because of ONGOING insulin/leptin-resistance and terrain acidification.  In other words, aging is orchestrated by insulin-resistance and issues that flow from it.

If you suffer from arthritis, vaginal/scrotal itching, skin issues, grain-fog, sleep issues, moodiness, menstrual issues, menopause complaints, brain-fog, prostate challenges, eye floaters and ringing ears, know your terrain has fungal-yeast problems and your health would benefit from using Fungal-Yeast Magic and following the Terrain pH Protocol.  [Ask for help!

The bowels process 90% of the bodily waste and are the MOST toxic area of the human body.  This is where food putrefies and metabolic toxins accumulate and morph into powerful poisons.

The pelvic region area around the appendix is heavily populated by Peyer’s Patches that manage metabolic toxins.  The more sluggish your bowels, the more toxic is your lower abdomen region.

DO NOT ASSUME that active bowels will save you from metabolic cancer, or the knife, or the graveyard.  Active bowels are NOT INDICATIVE of dietary fermentation and B-vitamin production described herein.

Metabolic toxins fuel misery and suffering that sick-care medicine misdiagnoses with names that generally end with disease or syndrome.

Dis-ease is NOT disease and woe unto anyone treated for disease they do not have!  Misdiagnosis and medical exaggerations are common and are usually backed-up by compliant lab reports.  [A medical wild-goose is a wild-goose just the same!]


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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