Causative agent

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Causative agent: the so-called germ that is responsible for manifestation of a state of dis-ease.

When a condition presents, doctor’s job is to determine the causative agent responsible. Unfortunately for patients, that determination is based on symptoms and the presents of the causative agent.


Modern medicine is based on bacteria or viruses.  Fungi (fungus) are NEVER considered primary agents of disease; rather, only secondary, and rarely then.

The classic example is CANCER.  Cancer is NOT a disease, it is merely confirmation of complete take-over of body metabolism and vital organ functions by FUNGUS.

To learn more, read The Missing Diagnosis, Jills Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link below.

See Special Insights, Cancer, Fermentation, Acidity & pH by clicking hyperlink.


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