Latent, occult tuberculosis

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Latent, occult [tuperculosis]: hidden, not-active, dormant, latent, not visible, below medical radar; non detectable by conventional medical lab tests.


So-called viral infections such as COVID-19 are classic examples of occult latency morphing into virulence.  More below.

Biologically speaking, when something is in occult form or occult status, it is in a state that has some or all of the above mentioned characteristics.

Occult status applies to serious conditions of dis-ease, for example: cancer.  Organisms can exist in both pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic forms; meaning, they can switch forms at will depending on the conditions within the terrain.

For example, tuberculosis can exist in either active state in virulent MYCObacteria form or in latent form [non-pathogenic].  In latent form, fungal spores are dormant and do not present a threat to the host.  However, once fungal spores turn virulent, they create and bring-on the condition known as sepsis.  Sepsis is deadly and once systemic death occurs promptly.

The common definition of sepsis is INCORRECT because it is NOT a bacteria-caused state, but a state of fungal-mold dominance and total poisoning of vital organs and functions by mycotoxins produced by fungal-mold-yeast organisms.

Put the hosts terrain under stress, poor diet, sluggish bowels, junk-food diet, lack of sleep, etc. and TB spores emerge from their latent [non-pathogenic] forms into virulence.  Prior to emergence of virulence, people will experience pneumonia-like symptoms such as is seen with COVID-19.

COVID is not a virus and people who are supposedly sick with it or who test positive for it are NOT suffering from viral infection.  Rather, fungal molds are moving from non-virulence to virulence as fungal spores come to emerge in active status and become MYCObacteria organisms.

Bacteria and fungi are living organisms.  Viruses are not only NOT living organisms, but they are also not capable of spreading disease.  See Special Insight, Toilet Paper Paranoia and  Social & Medical Tyranny by clicking links.

Pleomorphic organisms in latency are in occult mode because they are in dormant, non-active and non-visible to labs and practitioners.

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