Sugar Metabolism [Functional & dysfunctional]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

Sugar-Time Blues

[Sugar Metabolism] 

Any medical diagnosis [especially diagnosis of degenerative disease] should be prefaced by the words diabetic or pre-diabetic, regardless if the diagnosis is cancer, vision, liver, hearing, arthritis, obesity, cardiovascular, neuropathy, bowel, skin, kidneys, teeth and gums, brain, or joints.

For example, diabetic neuropathy, pre-diabetic glaucoma, diabetic cancer, pre-diabetic dementia, and pre-diabetic obesity.  Degenerative dis-ease is dysfunctional sugar-metabolism in costume form!  Translation: dis-ease and faulty metabolism are flipside issues.  Count on it!

The first rule of self-care is to avoid medical flim-flam and faulty diagnosis.  The second rule is to understand body physiology, meaning how the body works.

This Special Insight is about the physiology of dysfunctional sugar metabolism and conversion of food energy into glucose and transformation of hydrogen-rich glucose into anabolic lifeforce.  To learn more, read on.


Faulty sugar-metabolism fuels all dis-ease and the symptoms associated with dis-ease.  Sick-care medicine’s diagnosis and treatment of symptoms of dis-ease is an ongoing disaster for people caught-up in the sick-care system.  Fact is sick-care medicine is a racket built upon 1600 years of fraudulent medical theory and bogus human physiology.

[Note: this Special Insight was challenging to assemble and it will be challenging to read.  Readers should try and capture key concepts of Applied [human] Physiology and learn how their body works, and then reach-out for guidance.  The information has been simplified to assist understanding.]

[Young Again Club and Special Insights is about understanding Applied [Human] Physiology and identifying causes behind symptomatic dis-ease.  Key words used herein are linked to glossary and protocol tabs of website.  To assist reader understanding, click on blue, underlined words.]

Inflammation: Acute vs. Low-Grade/Chronic

Degenerative dis-ease always involves low-grade inflammation and dysfunctional sugar-metabolism.  Acute inflammation is different.  Acute inflammation involves trauma and/or pathogenic infection where low-grade inflammation is chronic and is accompanied by dysfunctional sugar metabolism in the form of clinical diabetes or pre-diabetesTranslation: those who suffer from dis-ease, suffer from faulty sugar metabolism!

Contrary to academic, medical hocus-pocus and urban myth, inflammation is NOT disease nor does it cause symptoms people and practitioners associate with dis-ease.  Understand what drives low-grade, chronic inflammation and you will avoid misery and false diagnosis.  [Disease and dis-ease are very different.]

Dysfunctional [Sugar] Metabolism

Sweets are a problem, but sweets are NOT as big a problem as the inability to process food, regardless if the food is sweet or not sweet.  Age-related maldigestion is a fact of life and it’s everyone’s curse.

Dysfunctional metabolism is at the root of digestive insufficiency.  Digestive insufficiency is slow-motion dis-ease-in-the-making, meaning progressive loss of vital organ function and acidification of the terrain.  [Resurrect the efficiency of your organs and that of your pets by daily use of Biologic Glandulars for your liver, heart, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.  Check them out.

Age-related MALDIGESTION of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins limits creation of anabolic lifeforce we need for maintenance and regeneration of our terrains.  Considering that 50% of the populace is diabetic and the other 50% are pre-diabetic [think insulin/leptin-resistance!], your ability to process food, counts, and so does the ability to AVOID GLYPHOSATE IN FOOD AND TO RID YOUR TISSUES OF GLYPHOSATE.]

Properly digested food does not flood the bloodstream via a porous, leaky-gut wall, and it does NOT trigger immune system overresponses that practitioners mislabel as an autoimmune response, meaning where the body attacks itself.  Baloney!  the body never, ever attacks itself!  God was not stupid!

Fully digested food energy circulates as glucose sugars loaded with hydrogen ions with potential energy the body needs to function and maintain itself.

As we age, elemental ion levels deplete, digestion slows, and vital organs slow, followed by symptoms associated with disease instead of dis-ease driven by acidification of the terrain and faulty sugar metabolism.  [The Terrain pH Protocol helps reverse terrain acidification.  Check it out; it’s FREE!]

Energy, Calories & Glucose

The ability to process food is a VERY BIG DEAL because digestion dictates how much useable energy derives from the food and whether the energy in food is burned for potential hydrogen it contains or goes to fat.

Energy production is NOT about calories!  Fact is calories don’t matter if digestive efficiency is youthful.  Transformation of hydrogen in food into anabolic lifeforce is the goal.  Calories are a useless metric!  Fact is the more energy your derive from food-bound hydrogen, the less food you will eat, the less cravings you will suffer, and the less misery you will suffer from low-grade inflammation.

Conversely, those who suffer from digestive insufficiency need to eat often, suffer more cravings, put-on fat and inches and struggle with shedding them.  Translation: people are starving on full bellies for inability to digest food and burn hydrogen energy in food and inability to make sufficient anabolic energy for repair and regeneration of lifeforce.  [Digestion involves much more than eating and pooping!]

[FYI: the calorie is a misleading metric; a metric that ignores hydrogen metabolism. Understand food in terms of digestion and potential hydrogen energy and aging and dis-ease will take care of themselves.  Failure to make anabolic energy determines lifeforce and your body’s ability to grow, repair, and reverse symptoms associated with premature aging.

Cellular mitochondria need magnesium ions and elemental ions to transform potential hydrogen into anabolic energy.  Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are very rich sources of potential hydrogen.

[DYI: excess body fat is the metabolic opposite of muscle mass, and the way to shed fat and inches and build muscle is to restore digestive efficiency, reduce terrain acidity, and supplement with AminoMagicInsulin/leptin-resistance is the wild card behind acidity and excess body fat.

Hydrogen from digested food is processed in the Krebs [citric acid] cycle by cellular mitochondria.  Mitochondria provide ATP energy molecules to power cells only.  Contrary to academic theory, ATP is not the body’s source of fuel for general metabolism.  General metabolism is fueled by flameless oxidation of hydrogen.  [Hydrogen powers the Sun and it fuels production of anabolic energy, the energy of youth!

[FYI: a molecule is a compound of two or more atoms.  For example, the water molecule [H2O] contains two hydrogens and one oxygen.  Table salt (NaCl) is element sodium and the halogen-gas chlorine.  Molecules containing carbon (C) are referred to as organic.  Food contains lots of hydrogen and carbon.  Petroleum is a powerful hydrocarbon compound that is LOADED with hydrogen.  One barrel of oil has the equivalent energy equal to 25,000 hours of hard human labor, which is 12.5 years of work.]

The blood-glucose molecule is LOADED with potential hydrogen energy if the body can transform it into anabolic energy!  Hydrogen is the smallest [and most plentiful] molecule in the universe. The molecular formula for glucose is C6 H12 O6 [note: twelve hydrogens]!  Blood glucose is a measure of circulating glucose sugars.  Healthy range is 75-90; 90 to 130 says pre-diabetic insulin-resistance aka: diabetes type-3.

Elemental ions and a generous supply of magnesium ions fuels transformation of potential hydrogen energy into anabolic lifeforce.  Bodies suffering from magnesium ion insufficiency and depletion of essential elemental ions generate less anabolic energy, age faster and suffer more symptoms of dis-ease.

pH, Maldigestion, Fermentable Fiber & Bowel Activity

[FYI: as digestion slows, unburned hydrogen accumulates causing the terrain to turn acidic and urine pH to rise [as pH falls below 7.0, acidity rises and the lower the number the more acidic your urine; pH 6.0 is 10x more acidic than pH 7.0, and so on.  Urine pH is NOT the goal of Terrain pH Protocol; rather pH is only used to measure acid waste levels exiting the body attached to bicarbonates in baking soda.]

[By age 24, maldigestion is in-progress and terrain acidity is already on-the-rise.  By age 35, weight and waistlines grow.  By age 50, digestive efficiency drops to HALF of what it was at age 24, and symptoms of degenerative dis-ease begin to manifest.  After age 50, digestive insufficiency falls 50% every five years.  By age 70, digestive insufficiency is less than 3% of age 24 and degenerative dis-ease and terrain are reality.]

The more anabolic energy your body can generate from potential hydrogen in food and water, the more lifeforce energy you will have for growth and regeneration of the body’s seven connective tissues [muscle, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone, skin, and gums].  Connective tissue comprises 99% of body tissues.  [FYI: collogen supplements DO NOT substitute for failure to make sufficient anabolic energy.]  Ask for guidance!

Fermentable fiber has a powerful effect on bowel metabolism including irritable bowel, colon polyps, diverticulitis, and colitis.  Gas, bloat, and invasion by fungal-yeast haunt the general population, and belly-fat is confirmation of maldigestion and fatty-liver.  [These symptoms of dysfunctional metabolism that can be mitigated with Yucca Blend, FiberMagic, and Icelandic Magic.]  Ask for guidance!

A1c:  RBC Glycation & Glucose

An A1c score of 5.0 is NOT what patients think or what doctor says.  A1c is about: glycation of RBCs [red blood corpuscles], ongoing insulin/leptin-resistance, blood glucose above 90, over-eating, eating and snacking more often than six hours, eating more than two meals/day [including snacks and grazing], failure to consume lauric-acid and coconut fat prior to meals, inability to transport dietary fats from the gut to the liver, failure to convert fats into steroid-based hormones [sexual and non-sexual], and age-related maldigestion.  Ultimately, A1c hints at leptin/insulin-resistance and limited oxygen capacity of RBCs.  A1c is a misleading, worthless, metric that should never be relied upon for avoidance of diabetes!  Ask for guidance!

Sugar Diabetes & Obesity

Sugar diabetes was yesterday’s description for diabetes mellitus type-2 [and the symptoms that came with it].  Clinically, diabetes mellitus is about elevated blood glucose, but dysfunctional sugar metabolism is the core issue.  Degenerative dis-ease is the ongoing effect of insulin/leptin-resistance.  Believe it!

Consumption of sweets contributes to development of clinical diabetes because sweets deplete reserves of essential elemental ions the body needs to process blood glucose and regulate insulin production.

Long before official diagnosis of clinical diabetes is the ONGOING condition of pre-diabetes and insulin/leptin-resistance that goes on for decades.  Accompanying all blood-sugar disorders is ongoing, age-related maldigestion of food, fatty-liver, Metabolic Syndrome, and depletion of essential elemental ions.  [Dysfunctional sugar metabolism is about more than consumption of sweets.]

Insulin-resistance is refusal by cells to allow blood glucose to enter regardless of insulin levels.  Elevated blood-sugar levels, insulin/leptin-resistance, and terrain acidity are PRIMARY DRIVERS of cancer, cardiovascular and arthritis.  Translation: insulin/leptin-resistance PRECEDES diagnosis of degenerative dis-ease, and genes are NOT the source of people’s cancer.  Believe it!

Understanding Leptin

Leptin is the satiety hormone produced by fat cells.  Leptin tells the brain to STOP eating, and the pancreas to STOP producing insulin.  Excess insulin production causes the pancreas to burn-out!  First comes insulin/leptin resistance, then comes diabetes mellitus type 2.  Excess insulin is extremely inflammatory and affects every aspect of human physiology.

People suffer from low-grade inflammation because 99% of the population suffers from ongoing insulin/leptin-resistance and Metabolic Syndrome!  The problem is NOT inflammation but dysfunctional physiology and dysfunctional sugar metabolism.

Once leptin receptors become glycated [sugar coated], brain receptors lose the ability to shut-down excess insulin production which leads to insulin-resistance and refusal of cells to admit glucose.  If your body suffers from inflammation, insulin/leptin-resistance is your problem.  [Arthritis is a good example!]

Instead of taking over the counter pain killers and herbal band-aids, why not put an end to your suffering, naturally?  Instead of waiting for medical mis-diagnosis of clinical diabetes, why not put an end to pre-diabetes before you lose control of your health and life?  Ask for guidance!

Metabolic Syndrome, Fatty-Liver & Inflammatory Foods

Metabolic Syndrome, belly-fat and fatty-liver are symptoms of ongoing low-grade inflammation caused by insulin/leptin-resistance and foods that triggers inflammation in the body.  However, practitioners never speak to the cause of these disorders because they were never taught and don’t understand Applied [human] Physiology.

Oxalates, acrylamides, omega-6 seed oils are inflammatory foods, but for different reasons than dietary sugars, and it is vitally important to understand why.  Acrylamides, omega-6 [linoleic] oils, and oxalates assault the intestinal gut and produce inflammatory responses like arthritis.  Oxalates trigger leaky-gut syndrome and gluten-intolerance by sabotaging digestion and antagonizing age-related maldigestion.

Acrylamides are potent biologic disasters and so are omega-6 seed cooking oils common to in packaged and prepared foods!  Olive oil and coconut fat are the only exceptions, and olive oil is questionable!  [To determine purity, olive oil must congeal in a cold refrigerator.  If not, it is adulterated with omega-6 seed oils.]  Count on it!

Seed oils are a PRIMARY DRIVERS of belly-fat and obesity, both of which are confirmation of fatty-liver dis-ease and Metabolic Syndrome.  [De-grease your fatty liver and boost liver function with biologic saponins and avoid colon polyps and liver cancer, too!  [IcelandicMagic helps compromised colons and helps the body make its own B-vitamins.]

Vegetable greens [spinach, chard, and beet] and nuts are LOADED with oxalates! People are suffering because they eat foods that are LOADED with oxalates [especially vegetarians]!  [To neutralize oxalates, cook greens lightly and dress them with apple cider vinegar, olive oil and salt/pepper].  Avoid all rhubarb!

Use the Digestion Trio to mitigate age-related digestion and use biologic saponins to degrease your compromised liver.  Glandular insufficiencies [liver, heart, pancreas, kidney, and spleen] can be addressed naturally, and powerfully, by using Biologic Glandulars.


Readers needing help need to be open-minded and willing to take responsibility for their health.  Your body is made to regenerate.  It’s your job to make it happen!

Guidance is available without cost!

Email or Call John Thomas today! or 509 465-4154


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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