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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Comorbidity: conditions of dis-ease that either contribute to OR are the primary cause of the disorder under scrutiny/discussion, and therefore a comorbidity; metabolic factor that eventually leads to death;  hence, the word, morbid.

For example, Corona virus [so-called] is the result of OTHER factors that weaken or compound symptoms of the condition that is under scrutiny or discussion.  Since there is NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS, it is impossible to die of a virus.

Viruses have NEVER, EVER been seen live, nor have they EVER been identified and isolated, and therefore DO NOT meet Koch’s postulates.

Viral theory is a knock-off of the Germ Theory of Disease and both are medical frauds.

The list of comorbidities is endless and usually derive from poor choice of lifestyle.  Fact is, most symptoms of so-called disease are nothing more than factors of comorbidity.

In the case of COVID, readers must think in terms of latent tuberculosis, diabetes, and compromised immunity, NOT bogus edicts from ignorant health officials and bought and paid for so-called, scientists.


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