Biologics [anti-viral/genetic medications]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Biologics [anti-viral/genetic medications]: medications that target cellular genetics and the MITOCHONDRIA within the cells with the mistaken idea that intervention with cellular machinery will ‘cure’ symptoms of disease.


Biologics are a new class of immunosuppressive drugs disguised as advanced medical therapy and protocol as anti-viral medications.

COVID-19 protocol calls for use of anti-viral drugs [biologic] drugs, steroids and antibiotics, all of which destroy the mitochondria and set the stage for virulent outbreak of latent-tuberulosis and sepsis.

Vaccinations for the so-called COVID-19 virus do violence to the immune system and create utter chaos and set the stage for systemic SEPSIS.  Avoid vaccination where possible and use Plan B to avoid adverse OVER RESPONSE.  Read Special Insight: Social & Medical Tyranny  as well as CoronaKarma 2020 to learn more.

Biologics focus on IMMUNE SUPPRESSION under the mistaken idea that the immune system does not know what it is doing and, therefore, must be overridden through medical intervention.

Practitioners who use biologics are totally confused and don’t have a clue how cellular and body  physiology works or why disease manifests.  They DO NOT understand the mitochondria.

Biologic medications add new meaning to medical malpractice.  The public has ZERO understanding of human physiology or of what medicine asks of them under the guise of medical science.

Biologics are promoted by big-pharma as a great advance in genetic medicine protocol by practitioners who refuse to admit that allopathic medicine is a complete and total fraud.

God help people who consent to use of biologics or who take mRNA vaccinations without FIRST having Plan B in place as a defense strategy.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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