Cell Voltage

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Cell voltage: refers to the electrical life force “voltage” of the cells.


As acidity rises, electrical voltage of the cells, diminishes.

Cell voltage is reflects acidity level and mineral ion reserves, both of which actively affect production of the body’s energy unit called, Mg-ATP which is made by the, mitochondria.

People think they need more oxygen, when their problem is insufficient CO2.

Low carbon dioxide levels limit hemoglobin’s ability to carry and deliver oxygen.  Low cellular oxygen means low metabolism and rising acidity.  Symptoms are: aging and endless suffering!

Bicarbonates BOOST metabolism, while supplemental oxygen given in the face of insufficient CO2 increases terrain acidity for those with respiratory problems.

Low cellular oxygen increases acidity because of incomplete metabolism of glucose sugars.  And, as the mitochondria sicken and die, so do, you!

Acidity is the negative energy life-force behind CANCER, ARTHRITIS, DIABETES, KIDNEY AND CARDIOVASCULAR problems.  Acidity and oxygen control cell voltage for good and bad.

Read Manage Acidity For A Better Life, and Special Insights edition, ReCharge in February 2017 in the Archive below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive below.


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