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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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SleepMagic is about using DEEP SLEEP as a natural therapeutic for maintenance of health.  The inability to experience DEEP, coma-like sleep accelerates aging and sabotages healing.

During DEEP SLEEP [between four and six a.m.] the body releases waste from cells and tissues.  The process is accompanied by release of stress and anxiety with vivid dreams.

DEEP SLEEP is also the window of growth and repair.  A window of child-like sleep that is impossible to duplicate with Big-Pharma’s devilish drugs that deplete your body of magnesium ion reserves that mitochondria need to make the energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

Inflammation blocks the body’s ability to enter into that magical, comma-like state called, DEEP SLEEP.  Low-grade Inflammation haunts everyone.  Low-grade inflammation blocks the ability to get-into [and remain] it that comma-like state of truly wonderful, DEEP SLEEP.

Low-grade inflammation blocks the ability to get-into [and remain] it that the comma-like state of truly wonderful, DEEP SLEEP.

DEEP SLEEP allows the body to heal on three levels at the same time.  Meaning, body mind and spirit.  Quality sleep has NOTHING to do with your pillow or mattress, and EVERYTHING to do with low-grade inflammation that accompanies compromised body physiology.

DEEP SLEEP is the only state where mind disconnects from body and ego; where healing and repair occur without interference and where the negative energy accumulated during awake hours can be dealt with and released.

The terrain influences DEEP SLEEP, and so does wi-fi radiation from phones and towers, blue light from LEDs and router signals.  The crippling effects that non-ionizing radiation on vital organs is, real, and the more depleted your body of Essential Elements, the more severe the effects.

DIS-SEASE IS CONFIRMATION that the body isn’t making enough cellular energy to function and simultaneously heal and regenerate.  This is the state of mitochondrial dysfunction.

Cancer is a classic example of dysfunctional energy-metabolism in the cells.  Cancer has NOTHING to do with your genes or family history and EVERYTHING to do with low-grade inflammation and inability to achieve the state of DEEP SLEEP that sick bodies need to heal.

SleepMagic offers health-minded people a novel path for accelerating healing through DEEP SLEEP.  A natural therapeutic that simultaneously unifies body, mind and spirit.

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  3. Ask John Thomas for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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