Undigested food

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Undigested food: is food that failed to completely break down into its constituent parts in timely order as it passes through the GI tract that beings in the mouth and end at the anus.


Proteins are composed of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.

Failure to digest proteins means that stomach acidity is weak, and proteins are NEVER supposed to enter the small intestine as unbroken protein ‘chains’ of amino acids.

When they do enter the gut and if they access the blood via a porous and inflamed intestinal wall (leaky-gut), they ‘trigger’ an autoimmune response causing the body to ATTACK ITSELF!

Autoimmune responses can manifest in hundreds of major and minor ways, such as: diabetes, thyroid, arthritis, eczema, fibromyalgia, sinus, vision and hearing, brain fog, cancer, etc.

Corn (or any other food) seen in the stool is confirmation of incomplete digestion.

Biologically active and food group specific enzymes are crucial for total digestion of food. Undigested food triggers and feeds the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. You can read about them by clicking the hyperlinks.

Digeston of food is HEAVILY INFLUENCED by hormonal resistance to insulin and leptin. To learn more, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Young Again Club offers racemized, food group specific bio-active digestive supports. Common supplemental enzymes are insufficient and non-specific to get the job done.

See Digeston, Inflammation and Terrain in Glossary link below.

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