Bile (activated)

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Anecdotal observations by John THomas

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Bile: a surfactant and critically important digestive support filtered and removed by the liver from blood.  Bile is stored in the gallbladder.


Young Again Club offers bio-active bile [called Pro-Ox] in supplement form.  Inquire for more information.

Bile is an emulsifier and is EXTREMELY important for processing of dietary fats and for BREAKING-DOWN toxic wastes as they move through the intestinal tract.

For example, glyphosate [RoundUp] must be broken down from incoming food OR it is released through normal cell death of 2-3 millions cells/day.  passage through the intestine is the ONLY opportunity available for getting rid of glyphosate BEFORE it can be reabsorbed back into the body.

Bile is filtered by the biliary ducts of the liver from blood. Sea sickness is the effect of the liver dumping bile and the body reabsorbing it, hence, the green color and nausea that accompanies sea sickness.

A bilious personality is a bitter, difficult, hateful personality.  Hangover after drinking too much alcohol is the manifestation of an overloaded, inflamed liver.

Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) is the effect of a poorly function liver and elevated bilirubin levels in the blood.

The liver makes hundreds of soft pellets daily that are stored in the gallbladder and released into the small intestine about 2 inches below the outlet of the stomach.  The bile duct outlet is located opposite the outlet from the pancreas.

Pellets that take on the characteristic of stones are combinations of waste, minerals and cholesterol. If this material hardens in the biliary ducts of the liver the waste is referred to as nails because of their shape.

Gall stones are generally the size of small pebbles [think of lentils to green peas, but can be as large as gold balls.  Both stones and nails can be softened and purged from the liver/gallbladder using the Tissue & Liver Protocol. [Click hyperlink to read about it.]

Bile is a VERY alkaline substance as are pancreatic enzymes both of which transform highly acid stomach juices and food into the alkaline state for passage down the small intestine.

Acidity and alkalinity of food during passage should NOT be confused with acidic waste lodged in the tissues and joints.  pH of body fluids vs acidity of waste STORED in the tissues are not the same thing.

Eating triggers the release of bile, and release of bile triggers bowel activity. Bile production diminishes after approximately age 35; lack of bile production accompanies onset of symptoms of premature aging and plays a part in both menopause and andropause and degenerative disease in general.

Colon cancer and bowel disorders have everything to do with poor bile production. Bile is critical for longevity and good health.

Failure to remove excess waste from the body by way of the liver/bile pathway leads to many health issues. A healthy liver and lots of bile production are absolutely critical for health and longevity, particularly these days because of the ubiquitous nature of glyphosate [RoundUp] in the entire food chair.

YAC offers bio-active bile called Pro-Ox.  It is one of the components of the Digestive Trio, the other two being activated R/BHCl and DisorbAid #3.

ProOx is also a key component of the Immune Protocol. Click hyperlink to learn more.

Also, see Tissue & Liver Protocol here.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Also see previous issues of Special Insights in the Archive link, below.

The 6th edition of Young Again! offers a fuller discussion of the liver and liver function as it relates to health and dis-ease.

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