ADE [Antibody-Dependent Enhancement & VED [Vaccine-Enhanced Disease]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Antibody-Dependent Enhancement [ADE] and Vaccine-Enhanced Disease [VED]: a terrain condition that unleashes the body’s own immune system against internal VITAL ORGANS; a condition where those inoculated die-off in great numbers due to ‘metabolic priming’ of the immune system as a direct result of mRNA inoculation against imaginary boogeyman viruses such as COVID-19 and non-existent variants.

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement [ADE]: is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.  Autoimmune chaos follows ADE and VAC.

ADE/VED provokes respiratory disease and acute lung injury after respiratory virus infection (ERD) with symptoms of monocytic infiltration and excess of eosinophils in the respiratory tract.

ADE/VED hampers immune response because vaccines trigger production of antibodies which worsen the disease symptoms that the so-called vaccine is supposedly designed to protect against. This was a serious concern during late clinical stages of vaccine development against COVID-19.  We now know that so-called clinical trials for the COVID vaccine were either non-existent and flawed adding tremendous support to the idea of ADE/VED.

ADE/VED along with type 2 T helper cell-dependent mechanisms may contribute to a development of the vaccine associated disease enhancement (VADE), which is not limited to respiratory disease.

ADE/VED effects on pregnant women are a known risk manifesting in miscarriage and possible sterilization.

A contagious, pathogenic condition that is created when humans, animals and birds are inoculated against a threatening virus and, instead, the inoculated organism becomes the asymptomatic carrier and spreader [vector] of a dis-ease causing agent.

ADE/VED usually involves a DELAYED-REACTION  of attack on the lungs and other internal vital organs that manifests from time of inoculation up to one year.

ADE/VED is the result of recombinant alteration of one’s DNA [think Corona virus vaxx]  where the body BECOMES a literal factory for the manufacture of synthetic, NON-HUMAN proteins due to modification of DNA by mRNA type of vaccines [so-called].  mRNA inoculation is NOT a vaccine and does NOT prevent spread or infection by virus agents.

ADE/VED is the product of therapies DESIGNED to target T-cells rather than antibody.  T-cells protect against severe infection and re-infection, mRNA inoculants DO NOT PROTECT and DO NOT provide lasting immunity.

mRNA inoculants and resulting ADE/VED is the recipe for mass infection and killing of humans under the false banner of medical science.  Instead think, EUGENICS!


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