Angry/Inflamed tissue

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Angry/Inflamed tissue: tissue that refuses to heal and function as designed; tissue that is ‘angry’ and in chronic pain/suffering.


Angry, inflamed tissue lacks the ability to heal and settle-down for lack of bio-active aminos.

Regeneration of muscle and restoration of vital organ function requires a daily supply of high-grade, bio-available, energy-formatted aminos that assimilate quickly for maximum benefit.

AminoMagic supplies high-grade, bio-available, energy-formatted aminos the body needs and because everyone’s digestive efficiency is compromised and their essential elements are depleted, supplementation with the Digestion Trio and Essential Elements is of critical importance.

AminoMagic helps yo grow muscle, restore joints, and put an end to ANGRY TISSUE THAT REFUSES TO HEAL.  Formatted aminos and Essential Elements fill the collagen substrate of the body’s seven connective tissues [ligaments, cartilage, muscle, tendon, gums, skin, and bone].

Know collagen supplementation is useless without bio-active aminos, and that the cachexia/collagen story mimics the osteoporosis/calcium story.  Calcium does NOT prevent bone loss and collagen does NOT restore connective tissue.  Calcium is INFLAMMATORY and long-term, deadly!

When calcium settles-out of solution, it forms plaque and clogs blood vessels, makes bone spurs, spikes CRP, and creates hot spots in breast tissue that mammograms detect!  [FYI: osteopenia is a medical FRAUD!  Read, New Bones for Old Bones! and learn how to solve the bone, dilemma.  [FYI: AminoMagic is easy to use; 2 caps, 2x/day without food.]

John Thomas used AminoMagic to successfully regenerate his 77-year-body!  He also uses the Terrain pH Protocol to keep low-grade inflammation down and his CRP [C-reactive protein] score at zero!  Now, everyone can use AminoMagic and look forward to a more youthful body.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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