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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Subclinical describes symptoms of abnormal physiology that falls BELOW diagnostic radar, meaning symptoms that fall short of diagnostic protocols; symptoms of unknown cause that end in MISDIAGNOSIS instead of the missing diagnosis.

Below the threshold of identification or classification of disease and diagnosis. Any condition where a medical label and diagnosis cannot be assigned and where symptoms are below diagnostic radar, as in: “It’s all in you head; go home” OR “We ‘think’ your problem is…!”

Most people live their lives in the ‘subclinical’ state, not sick enough to be diagnosed with an official disease, yet marginally ill and not able to live healthy, happy lives.

A big risk patients face is MISDIAGNOSIS, meaning diagnosis for a disease you don’t have.  The only thing worse is TREATMENT for a disease you don’t have!

For a broader overview of ‘things’ subclinical, click Special Insights ARCHIVE [above], then Publications, then locate Insight: How Subclinical Scurvy Undermines Health & Vitality.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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