Hiatal Hernia

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Anecdotal Observations by John Thomas

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Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia is the product of 20 feet of backed-up intestine exerting upward pressure against the diaphragm [the flat, sheet-like muscle, separating the thoracic cavity (chest) from the peritoneal cavity (belly) containing the stomach, small intestine, gut, pancreas, colon, liver, kidneys, and spleen.

Continuous pressure against the diaphragm [and ongoing pH acidification of the terrain] causes the gut, bowel and stomach to exert pressure that causes the diaphragm to tear and pull-away from the esophagus, allowing the stomach to protrude up and into the thoracic cavity (chest) where it does not belong.

Surgery for hiatal hernia is a very bad idea that would be better handles by reversing the above described conditions of self-neglect and self-abuse.

The diaphragm is a muscle and like other connective tissues of the body, it deteriorates with age and ongoing pH acidity.   The inability to regenerate healthy tissue prevents successful surgical intervention for hiatal hernia and ongoing deterioration resulting in recurrence.

Hiatal hernia produces pain and discomfort and eventually leads to esophageal cancer!

Acid Reflux [GERD]: a symptom of chronic MALDIGESTION and sluggish bowel [less than three complete bowel movements/day]. Stomach acidity is NOT the cause of acid reflux.

GERD has nothing to do excess stomach acid gaining entrance into the esophagus.  Undigested food that cannot exit the stomach and move downline has no place to go but up the esophagus where stomach acids assault mucous membrane lining.

Acid reflux is known by the acronym, GERD which stands for: GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease.  Heartburn and indigestion are misleading side-effects of maldigestion and sluggish bowel.  Acid reflux is not disease and is easily reversed.

Common to acid reflux is fungal takeover of the intestinal tract by fungi sinking their roots [called hypha] into the gut wall and secretion of mycotoxins that antagonize the symptom called acid reflux.

Acid reflux is generally worse at night and after meals because food cannot exit the stomach and pass into the intestine because of failure to move food along. The bowel should empty at least three times a day.

Bowel function diminishes as people age because MALDIGESTION ADVANCES WITH AGE, and with it comes acid reflux and eventually, hiatal hernia.  Both conditions are symptomatic of pre-mature aging and maldigestion and inability to make B-vitamins in the colon as the body was designed to do. See Icelandic Magic here.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life for more details on this important subject.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle also play important roles in bringing about autoimmune responses, like eczema and psoriasis to outright autoimmune attacks, like asthma and fibromyalgia,  where the body attacks itself.

See, Inflammation & Your Future [Special Edition!] and The Sense Of, Well-being! Examples & Notes From The Field.

Solutions for Acid Reflux

The wise individual practices the Enema Protocol daily to train the body to release waste in timely fashion, keyed to meals.

The Tissue & Liver Protocol is everyone’s GET OUT OF JAIL CARD because it allows a person to undo the damage imposed by poor lifestyle choices over many years.  Us it to speed the aging reversal process and lift years of abuse from overloaded tissues and joints.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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