Proanthrocyanidin (PACs)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Antioxidant: substances that prevents formation of oxygen reactive species [free radicals].


There are many foods and supplements that contain and function as free radical scavengers in the body.

All such foods and supplement are useful.  Many, however are far more effective than others.

John Thomas’ absolute favorite is called, PACs.  These go far beyond anything currently available, period.

PACs are a mainstay of the Tissue & Liver Protocol because this program requires self-protection as serious waste in the form of STORED free radicals and heavy metals are released into circulation on their way through the liver on the way to the toilet.

Similar issues arise when doing the Mold & Fungus Protocol, but here the problem is transitional management of mycotoxins; meaning, reducing their effects on the system to make the transition easier and less difficult.

Lastly, highly toxic people and older people appreciate the buffering effects of PACs as they slowly work their way along various Young Again Club, protocols.

PACs are disolved in the mouth and are very tasty.  Try them, you will like them.

You can read about the Tissue & Liver Protocol, here.

You can also request John Thomas email you an overview and actual instructions.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.


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