Inflammation [vascular]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Vascular inflammation: inflammation of blood vessels; inflammation of the blood circulatory system of the body.


The term, vascular traditionally applies to the blood vessels only, but lymphatic vessels should be included in the concept of circulatory vessels of the body since the lymph system is every bit as important as blood.

The concept of low-grade inflammation is what is generally referred to as ‘inflammation’ rather than acute inflammation resulting from trauma or infection.

Low-grade inflammation exists well below medical radar and is typically ignored by practitioners.  the ONLY lab test that is sensitive enough to detect below radar inflammation is CRP [C-reactive protein].

The ONLY acceptable score for CRP is ZERO!  There is NO ACCEPTABLE level for CRP, even though labs and clinicians tell patients that anything under 1/0 is ‘normal’ and fine.

CRP flags the existence of low-level fires burning in the body, but does NOT identify where or why.  For example, flags such as arthritis, pain and suffering, deterioration of various body systems and organs, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, cancer.

Fact is aging is a word that describes ONGOING, LOW-LEVEL INFLAMMATION of the body.

INFLAMMATION is the RESPONSE and the SYMPTOM of underlying health issues, NOT the cause!


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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