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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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LimberMagic is about restoring flexibility to stiff, pain-filled bodies.  It’s also about keeping the body in a perpetual state of flexibility through improved blood flow and reduced inflammation.

Stiffness haunts people as they grow older, which begins by 35 years of age.  Premature aging is degenerative aging regardless if the label is arthritis, neuropathy or gout.  Stiff bodies are miserable bodies, and loss of flexibility is the product of neglect and poor diet and lifestyle.

The body is made to regenerate, but it can’t do it when we sabotage the repair process.  Stiffness and misery are products of systemic, ongoing, low-grade inflammation that precedes injury, regardless if from a fall or an accident.

In other words, we injure because our bodies are inflamed and in a state of systemic, deterioration.   Events are triggers and damaged sustained the product of our condition.

Inflammation and discomfort are wrongly considered to be the same thing.  They are not the same thing!  Practitioners blame inflammation and patients foolishly go along because neither doctor nor patient understand body physiology.

Inflammation says: poor circulation, insufficient oxygen supply to the mitochondria and elevated tissue waste.  Inflammation also says mitochondrial production of Mg-ATP in the cells is compromised, meaning, your cells aren’t making enough energy!

If you ONLY make enough Mg-ATP to get-by, then there is no way for the body to repair and regenerate.  Energy dictates healing!  [FYI: Mg-ATP is the body’s basic energy unit and it’s made by cellular mitochondria in the electron transport chain of the Krebs cycle.]

LimberMagic is about blood flow and dissolving of damaged, scared tissue at the cellular level where inflammation occurs.  It’s about providing oxygen and nutrients so the body can grow new bone, cartilage, muscle, ligaments and tendons.  It’s about reduction of inflammation.

LimberMagic is taken with a systemic catalyst, and together they help the body restore damaged tissues and joints, improve circulation, reduce inflammation.

Aging is NOT normal, and all aging is premature!  Don’t put up with it!  Now, there is a way to restore flexibility without killing yourself slow-motion style with pain killers and medications from Big-Pharma’s pantry of poisons.

LimberMagic will help you undo the misery of stiffness and old age by helping your body REGENERATE healthy, new tissue, instead of masking pain with drugs and band-aid herbals.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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