Adrenaline (resistance)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Adrenaline: a regulatory hormone produced by the adrenals that regulate metabolism of fat cells. The body has two adrenal glands; one on each kidney.


Adrenaline Resistance: refers to poor fat cell response to stimulation. As fat cells become leptin resistant, they do not respond to adrenaline stimulation. They become sluggish and accumulate fat more easily and refuse to give up fat when they should. A key obesity factor.

Properly functioning adrenals is highly dependent upon hormonal balance between insulin and leptin. Stress and anxiety create tremendous burden on the adrenals, which in turn burdens the thyroid.

Adrenaline resistance plays a MAJOR role in sexual hormone management, especially in females which partly explains why women cope with and express stress and anxiety differently than men.

Eliminate insulin and leptin resistance, dissolve sugar-based brain plaque, clear brain receptor function and the body automatically restores balance to the system, including pancreatic overload and adrenaline resistance.

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  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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