Cavitation [dental]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Cavitation: a ‘bone’ cavity caused by incomplete removal of the root[s] of teeth; left-behind root fragments that become infected and spew a steady flow of toxins into blood on its return to the heart.

Cavitations can form denovo [as described above] or they merely become extensions of a formerly infected tooth.

Root canals become clinically infected and toxic within 5-10 years of when the tooth was ‘canalled’.  Failure to remove the periodontal ligament that anchors teeth in place becomes another source of toxin production.

ONGOING structural infection from inflamed/infected gums, cavitation, root canal or periodontal ligament automatically causes CRP [C-reactive protein] reading to spike.  The only acceptable CRP is zero [-0-].

Above zero CRP says there is low-grade infection somewhere in the body and dental dis-ease is ALWAYS a safe bet.

For guidance, contact John Thomas.

Dental dis-ease


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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