Food to Energy Conversion

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Food to energy conversion:. The proton hydrogen is the source of your body’s real source of energy.  Sugar [C12H22O12] contains 22 hydrogens.

Water [H2O] contains 2 hydrogens. Food and water are hydrogen proton donors.  Bio-electric energy that fuels the body comes from non-thermal burning of [food and water-derived] hydrogen, the element that powers the sun.

ATP energy fuels the individual cell; ATP is NOT the body’s source of energy.  Digestion frees covalently bonded hydrogen contained in food and water.  When hydrogen in food combines with oxygen, water is formed.

The body turns ACIDIC when unable to burn hydrogen.  Hydrogen is an acidic element.  Urine pH measures the amount of hydrogen ions in circulation.  pH rises and falls as hydrogen levels [in circulation] rise and fall.  Hydrogen is potential lifeforce [‘p’ in pH stands for ‘potential’ hydrogen].

The more efficient your digestion the more energy available for growth and repair.  Dis-ease and symptoms of dis-ease are issues of poor hydrogen metabolism.  Compromised digestion accelerates aging.  Read it again.