Subsclinical Scurvy

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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How [subclinical] Scurvy Undermines Health & Vitality

Clinical scurvy haunted sailors and travelers for thousands of years, causing untold death and suffering.  And like pellagra and beriberi of the 19th and 20th centuries, scurvy was mischaracterized by so-called medical authorities as infection by a foreign agent instead of dysfunctional metabolism!  Rid your body of [subclinical] scurvy and health and longevity can be yours.

Subclinical scurvy is a master ‘umbrella’ disorder that sets-the-stage for other parallel disorders like Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin/leptin-resistance, and terrain acidification.  Umbrella disorders can be best described with two words: DYSFUNCTIONAL METABOLISM!

Dysfunctional metabolism accompanies all dis-eases and disorders of Applied [human] Physiology, no exceptions!  Meaning, if your body’s physiology is compromised and your vital organs are dysfunctional, terrain management and restoration of health and vitality is not possible.

This issue of Special Insights focusses on factors [like subclinical scurvy] that affect management of your ability to manage your terrain and avoid dis-ease, suffering, and premature aging.

Overview of [Subclinical] Scurvy

Subclinical describes symptoms of abnormal physiology that falls BELOW diagnostic radar, meaning symptoms that fall short of diagnostic protocols; symptoms of unknown cause that end in MISDIAGNOSIS instead of the missing diagnosis.

Subclinical scurvy is dysfunctional metabolism that is more than just lack of vitamin-C.  Metabolic disorders with symptoms that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with genes, family history, or invasion by foreign agents.

As for supplemental vitamin-C, the body needs a minimum of 5 grams (5,000 mgs)/day taken in 1-2,000 tranches.  There are many forms of vitamin-C from ascorbates to liposomal-type ‘Cs’.  Liposomal-C sounds great, but they have serious limitations due to fatty-liver dis-ease.  [Here is how to de-grease your ‘fatty’ liver.]

FYI: liposomal-C is imbedded in phosphatidyl fats that REQUIRES a transport to move fat-saturated ‘C’ to the liver where the bat is broken down and ‘C’ is released directly to blood.  Because the population suffers from fatty-liver (steatosis) liposomal-C cannot fulfill it’s promise.  If liposomal-C never reaches the liver, the ‘C’ is lost, and money is wasted.  [A better venue for absorption of supplemental vitamin-C is ‘C-Magic’].  Check it out. ]

Clinical scurvy is CLINICAL; subclinical scurvy is subtle, and rare is the practitioner who has seen clinical scurvy, but RAMPANT are populations that suffer from symptoms of subclinical scurvy!  The problem is practitioners don’t understand Applied  [human] Physiology and believe in the  Germ Theory of Disease.

Clinical scurvy was NEVER cured because clinical scurvy was NEVER a disease!  These days, subclinical scurvy is known by labels like arthritis, neuropathy, dementia, inflammation, cardiovascular dis-ease and cancer all of which are metabolic disorders, but not actual diseases!  Symptoms of clinical scurvy ease when citrus, fresh vegetables, meats, and glandulars are consumed; symptoms of subclinical scurvy continue as low-grade, chronic suffering; symptoms the sick-care racket calls disease instead of dis-ease.

History Of Vitamin-C & Body Physiology

Vitamin-C was first identified by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in 1927 and confirmed in 1932.  He received the Nobel Prize in 1937.  Linus Pauling elucidated vitamin-C physiology in the 1960s.  Pauling was one of only two people to ever receive the Nobel Prize in Science and Physiology twice: first for co-discovery of DNA with Watson & Crick in 1954 and in 1969 for vitamin-C.

Your author had the privilege of speaking with Linus Pauling many times while writing the book Young Again!  Pauling was a marvelous scientist and the premier biochemist of the 20th Century!  Pauling taught at Stanford into his nineties, and yet, he was mocked and attacked by windbag academics and big-pharma for his discoveries and research on vitamin-C.

Vitamin-C restores toxic liver and reduces terrain acidity [as measured by outflow of carbonamide-bound, hydrogen waste] using the Terrain pH Protocol which is FREE!]  However, vitamin-C does not degrease fatty-liver; that is the job for Yucca Blend!

Vitamin-C performs miracles if: there is ample bioactive magnesium ions, the body is fully hydrated, the colon can ferment food and make B-vitamins, and, most importantly, the digestive tract is NOT BURDENED by age-related maldigestion.  [The Digestion Trio solves the digestion/acidification issue.]

History Of Vitamin-C & Body Physiology

Vitamin-C was first identified by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in 1927 and confirmed in 1932.  He received the Nobel Prize in 1937.  Linus Pauling elucidated vitamin-C physiology in the 1960s.  Pauling was one of only two people to ever receive the Nobel Prize in Science and Physiology twice: first for co-discovery of DNA with Watson & Crick in 1954 and in 1969 for vitamin-C.

[FYI: your author spoke with Linus Pauling many times while writing the book Young Again!  Pauling was a marvelous scientist and humble, too, considering he was the premier biochemist of the 20th Century!  Pauling taught at Stanford until age ninety-two, but he was mocked and attacked by no-nothing academics and big-pharma for his work on vitamin-C.  We own much to Dr. Linus Pauling.]

Vitamin-C restores a toxic liver and reduces terrain acidity [as measured by the outflow of carbonamide-bound, waste-hydrogen] using the Terrain pH Protocol, which is FREE!  Vitamin-C DOES NOT DEGREASE a fatty liver; that is the job of Yucca Blend!  Vitamin-C can performs miracles when the body has a steady supply of bioactive magnesium ions, and it is fully hydrated, and the colon ferments food and makes B-vitamins, and when the digestive tract is not burdened by age-related maldigestion.

Signs and symptoms of scurvy and subclinical scurvy: sepsis, arthritis, loose teeth, inflamed/bleeding gums, sluggish bowels, connective tissue disorders, low-grade inflammation, osteoporosis, aching joints, swollen leg veins, lethargy, thinning hair, tinnitus, eye floaters, poor sleep, brain fog, bruising [petechiae], anxiety, gas/bloat, toenail fungus, colds, respiratory issues [including so-called COVID-19], wounds that don’t heal, skin eruptions [moles/acne/eczema/psoriasis], brain fog, mental confusion, dementia, Parkinson’s/Alzheimer’s], muscle loss, inflamed tendons/ligaments, jaundice, loss of cartilage and peripheral neuropathy.  All of the above are symptoms of subclinical scurvy and insulin/leptin-resistance, and ALL ARE EPIDEMIC TODAY in the 21st Century.

[FYI: cyan-blue pigments and nucleic acids in UltraBlue subdue subclinical scurvy.  The Digestion Trio breaks-down glyphosate residues and transforms dietary coconut fat into natural hormones.  Saponins in Yucca Blend DEGREASE fatty liver, boost liver function, and flush glyphosate from the body.  Bioactive magnesium fuels over 1,000 reactions and is of crucial importance.  Leaky-gut syndrome and fatty-liver are symptoms of maldigestion, insulin/leptin-resistance, and subclinical scurvy.  Gluten intolerance is a trigger response, but NOT a disease!]

[DO NOT ASSUME your magnesium levels are fine if you take magnesium oxide, carbonate, malate, citrate, taurate, glycinate, and/or threonate.  These forms provide about 5% ion absorption to blood, so 200 mgs. only provides 10 mgs.  How much USABLE ions of magnesium does your body need?  Can you say 800-1000 mgs. daily?  And, the body needs a transport to shuttle magnesium ions from blood into cells where hydrogen generates anabolic energy.  ATP fuels cells; hydrogen fuels metabolism.]

Terrain pH & The Effects Of [Subclinical] Scurvy

The body turns acidic with age, and as acidification accelerates, waste hydrogen accumulates in tissues and organs and leads to dysfunctional metabolism.

FYI: modest intake of vitamin-C eases most symptoms of scurvy, but allows symptoms of subclinical scurvy to haunt people with compromised terrains.  Liposomal vitamin-C is beneficial for people who don’t suffer from fatty-liver.  Problem is, 99% of population [young and old alike suffers some level of fatty liver, which manifests as Metabolic Syndrome [symptoms here]; Fatty-livers can’t process phospholipids in liposomal-type vitamin-C.  [BTW: ascorbate is lost when taken with baking soda [it is neutralized by bicarbonate].  Do not count 3,000 mg dosage of vitamin-C that is taken with baking soda as part of your daily dosage of vitamin-C, and always take two Vitality with every dose of soda and C to offset sodium intake in soda.  Baking soda is sodium bi-carbonate.  C-Magic is a great source of useable vitamin-C, but it is not used to trigger soda reaction.  Inexpensive tableted vitamin-C is used with soda.]

Ordinary ascorbate-C tablets/powder activates bicarbonates in the Terrain pH [Baking Soda] Protocol.  Bicarbonates scavenge acidic, waste hydrogen in the body.  Bicarbonates also boost blood levels of CO2 and oxygen-carrying capacity of RBCs [red blood corpuscles].  [Waste hydrogen exits the body in urine as carbamide which is the active component in the practice of urophagia.

Full-spectrum table salt boosts magnesium absorption, as does bioactive sulfatesEssential Elements police sugar metabolism and control incidence of insulin/leptin-resistance.  [FYI: half of the populace suffers from diabetes mellitus type 2, and the balance suffer from insulin/leptin-resistance (diabetes type 3).  Terrain acidity, subclinical scurvy, and elevated ferritin iron increase systemic inflammation.  Rid your body of hydrogen waste with the Terrain pH Protocol.  [It’s FREE, and it works!  Check it out.]

Your A1c Score Is Not What You Think

A1c measures glycation of red blood corpuscles [RBC’s] and hints of low oxygen binding capacity, subclinical scurvy, and terrain acidity.  [FYI: red blood corpuscles are cells that do not have a nucleus.  Glycation is common to dysfunctional metabolism, and as glycation increases, metabolism slows, and acidification rises.  For example, respiratory infections such as pneumonia, sepsis, and so-called COVID are conditions of extreme acidity and invasion by fungal-yeasts.]  An A1c score under 7.0 will NOT avoid diabetes mellitus type 2, but it does imply ongoing diabetes type 3.  Fact is Insulin-resistance and subclinical scurvy commonly accompany degenerative, metabolic disorders, especially cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular and diabetes.  These go together!  People with so-called healthy A1c scores are shocked when doctor utters the words, “Diabetes mellitus type 2!”     Please read again!

People with low A1c scores and acidic terrains are AT-RISK because they don’t recognize subtle effects of ongoing, low-grade [subclinical] scurvy and insulin/leptin-resistance!  Metabolic Syndrome haunts most people, but few understand the meaning of the word, metabolic.  [BTW: low-grade inflammation and compromised vision/hearing are driven by subclinical scurvy.]  Please read again!

Cancer is PREFERABLE to diabetes!  Insulin/leptin-resistance set-the-stage for cancer by destroying the vital organs [liver, heart, spleen, pancreas, kidneys].  Ignore A1c, and instead keep your blood sugar between 75 and 90.  Leptin management is critical to blood sugar and insulin management and is key to control of obesity and constant hunger.  Meaning the drive to constantly snack and eat.  Believe it!

Age-Related Maldigestion & Dysfunctional Metabolism

Maldigestion skews pH and limits the ability to digest food, meaning failure to release and burn hydrogen ions in food and water.  Excess hydrogen fuels acid-waste accumulation of the terrain.  Age-related maldigestion affects EVERYONE beyond age forty and gets progressively worse with age!  Failure to release and burn hydrogen forces the body to MAKE BODY FAT for storage of acid waste.  Maldigestion fuels acidity and creates low-grade inflammation associated-with arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular issues, and so-called osteoporosis.  [If you eat food, you should be using the Digestion Trio!]

[FYI: as goes digestion so goes the pH of your terrain, meaning accumulation of hydrogen wastes.  By age 24, maldigestion is in-progress.  By age 35, weight and waistlines grow.  By age 50, digestive efficiency is HALF of age 24, and aging is in full swing.  FYI: digestion FALLS 50% every five years after age 50 and by age 70 digestion is less than 3% of age 24 and symptoms of degenerative dis-ease prevail.]

Thin or overweight METABOLISM CONTROLS!  Metabolic dis-ease is code for subclinical everything.  [BTW: do not take vitamin-C with meals because it accelerates uptake of elemental iron.  Iron fuels systemic inflammation, and boosts ferritin-iron levels.  [Anemia is NOT about low ‘iron’.]  Wake-up!

[Young Again Club and Special Insights is about understanding Applied Physiology and resolving symptomatic dis-ease.  Key words used herein are linked to glossary and protocol tabs of website.  To assist understanding, click on the blue, underlined words.]

The Fungal-Yeast & Obesity Connection

Fungal-yeasts are opportunistic [plant] organisms that invade the body and manipulate pH and hormones.  Antibiotics cause fungal-yeasts to spread beyond the GI tract.  Fungal-yeasts FEED on acid waste, fuel inflammation, manipulate hormones, and fuel increase of excess fat and inches.

Bodies with acid terrain pH have difficulty shedding fat and inches.  Bodies with elevated acidity  develop comorbidities.  A less acid body regenerates easily and injures less easily regardless of one’s chronologic age!  Lastly, acidity FORCES THE BODY TO CANNIBALIZE BONE and go-into osteoporosis.

Yeasts are fungi and fungi are molds, and both feed and breed on acid waste fueled by maldigestion, and antibiotics, low-fat, high-carb diets, depletion of Essential Elements, alcohol consumption [especially wine], inability to make B-vitamins, and sluggish bowels [less than 3x/day].

[Myco is Latin for yeasts, fungi, and molds.  Mycoplasmas are mycotoxins that manipulate body chemistry, hormones, and acidity.  [The Terrain pH Protocol is FREE and a good way to care for yourself!]

Subclinical Scurvy & Sluggish Bowels

Sluggish bowels drive premature aging in every way, meaning obesity, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, arthritis, loss of flexibility, inflammation, low sex drive, prostate challenges, female issues, insulin/leptin-resistance, subclinical scurvy, and Metabolic-Syndrome to name a few.

Six-hours between meals slows pancreatic burn-out and eases insulin/leptin-resistance.  Yo-yo dieting and maldigestion drive cravings, which is starvation on a full belly!  Sluggish bowels of less than 3x/day sets-the-stage for all kinds of metabolic-challenges!  Eating more than two meals/day [snacks are mini meals] is a recipe for disaster.  Hunger and lack of satiety are symptoms of diabetes type-3.

Contrary to myth, normal and regular bowel activity is a vague, MEANINGLESS concept!  Bottom line: the healthier your colon and the more active your bowels, the lower the risk of cancer in the body.  [Use the Enema Protocol to release acid waste from your terrain.]  Believe it!

Readers who wish to AVOID premature aging and avoid suffering associated with [subclinical] scurvy and insulin/leptin-resistance, should reach-out for guidance.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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