Flatten the curve

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Flatten the curve: a FRAUDULENT social/medical theory used to commandeer a population and justify intervention and central control.  [Example: COVID-19 in year 2020.]

Flattening the curve is a public health strategy to slow down the spread of disease.  In THEORY, the curve being flattened is the epidemic curve, a visual representation of the number of infected people needing health care over time.

During an epidemic, a health care system can break-down when the number of people infected exceeds the capability of the health care system’s ability to take care of them.

Flattening the curve means slowing the spread of the epidemic so that the peak number of people requiring care at a time is reduced and the health care system does not exceed its capacity. Flattening the curve relies on mitigation techniques such as social distancing, wearing of masks, contact tracing, vaccination, quarantine, etc.

None of the above counter measures are viable approaches to spread of disease.  The Germ Theory of Disease is the foundation of medical intervention and practice.  Germ Theory is a bald-faced lie; Pasteur was 100% wrong!


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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