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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Gas/bloat: a symptom of intestinal inflammation and/or bound intestinal gas that results in belly bloat.  Typically, the condition occurs in the evening and is particularly prevalent in females.


Gas/bloat are side effects of compromised digestion, intestinal leakage [leaky gut/GIRD], sluggish bowels, irritable bowel, colitis, diverticulitis, compromised liver and/or bacterial, fungal-mold [yeast] and/or parasitic infection.

Women suffer from gas/bloat much more than do males.  The condition has a hormone connection and is closely related to the menstrual cycle, stress and sluggish bowel and liver dysfunction.

Gas/bloat is a classic condition of people with any or all of the above and should NOT be dismissed as normal; it’s not normal and it can be corrected.

Because there are dozens of contributing factors involved in the genesis of gas/bloat, you will need guidance.

Please contact John Thomas.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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