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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Exosomes: extracellular capsules/particles released into interstitial fluids between cells of the tissues.  Exosomes are part of the epi-immune system that interfaces with the greater immune system and the humoral immune system.


Exosomes were observed around 1892 and became a point of contention between Louis Pasteur and his nemesis, Claude Bechant.

Pasteur and his followers believed and promoted the Germ Theory of Disease which ultimately [and wrongly] became the basis of modern medicine.

Germ Theory replaced the idiotic teachings of Claudius Galen whose ideas were the dominating belief system of medicine for over 1600 years.

To save face and corral any possible heresy within Germ Theory, Pasteur and his followers coined the term viron, which later morphed into the word, virus.

Viruses were finally observed in 1932 with the invention of the electron microscope.  Electron microscopes make their observations in dead tissue, never living tissue.  Seeing the remnants of a cellular particle/capsule DOES NOT allow a leap of faith and say that the particle is/was a living organism and therefore, an agent of disease.

Before a suspected agent can be scientifically classified as an agent of disease, it must first meet and satisfy Koch’s Postulates.  Viruses DO NOT meet Koch’s definition and, therefore, cannot be considered a cause of disease.

Exosomes are commonly mistaken for and are wrongly believed to be viruses.  Viruses do NOT exist, have never been seen in living form and are NOT pathogenic agents of disease.

Exosomes DO NOT cause disease.  Exosomes are cellular particles/capsules released by cells as a part of an epi-cellular immune communication system that interfaces and directs immune function and response of the greater immune system and the humoral immune system.

Viruses should not be confused with bacteria and fungi; both of which are living organisms.

COVID-19 [and the pandemic associated with it] is a condition of dis-ease, but NOT a disease, therefore, the idea that an effective vaccine can be created against the COVID-19 virus [so called] are moot, riddles with fraud and dangerous since vaccines involve introduction of foreign materials into the body that do not belong and create chaos and bogus inflammatory response in hopes of creating immunity to disease.


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