Food (reactive)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Reactive food: is food that causes the body to REACT due either the nature of the food itself or because of inability  to fully digest food and a porous gut wall aka: leaky gut!


Food reactions are usually called allergies, but it is the REACTION that triggers the so-called allergic response.

Food reactions are usually foreign protein driven, meaning the offending protein did not break-down into it constituent amino acids prior to entering the small intestine.

Proteins that enter the gut in undigested form and LEAK into the blood stream cause allergic reactions.

Allergic reactions can be mild to deadly depending on the immune response to the invasion of the offending FOREIGN proteins entering the blood stream.

Examples of non-protien food offenders are: sugar, sweets and fructose from fruit.

Spoiled or infected food is dangerous, but damage can be mitigated and often avoided by production and use of STRONG digestive enzymes like those available from YAC.

Intake of fresh lemon juice/pulp and charcoal tablets, prior to ingestion or immediately upon signs/symptoms of food borne pathogens and food poisoning is very helpful and may save your life.  Carry them when you travel and take them immediately prior to leaving for the emergency room.

Please read about the Autoimmune Attack Cycle, the Sugar Alcohol Cycle the Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlinks.

Please see Inflammation, Autoimmune Attack Cycle, Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlinks.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Also see Digestion, Terrain and Energy (bio-electric) in Glossary.

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