
Biologic Glandulars

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Biologic Glandulars

[Lifeforce & Vitality Cofactors] 

Our ancestors prized organ meats for the lifeforce they contained.  Now, everyone can boost their lifeforce with bioactive, non-GMO, organ tissue supplements from healthy cattle raised on glyphosate-free pastures in New Zealand.

Our Ancestral Roots

After successful hunting expeditions, ancestral peoples feasted and thanked the Creator and animals who gave their lifeforce so humans could live.  Ancestoral peoples understood that organ meats possess co-factors needed for maintenance of health and unification of body, mind, and spirit.

Similarly, when predatory animals take-down their prey, they feast on heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver, and spleen because these vital-organ tissues are LOADED with lifeforce!  To learn more, read on. 

Cofactors Of Lifeforce

Biologic Glandulars™ are type-specific, organ tissues with lifeforce cofactors people need to boost vitality and restore compromised vital organs like pancreas, liver, heart, spleen, and kidneys.

Biologic Glandulars™ are freeze-dried, energy-stable, organ meats minus residues of glyphosate [Roundup], the most insidious, agricultural anomaly to ever climb the food chain.  Biologic Glandulars™ boost lifeforce and bring unity to your body, mind, and spirit.

Maldigestion & pH Limit Lifeforce

Age-related maldigestion limits expression of biologic lifeforce by limiting hydrogen-ion availability from food, water, and supplements, and by stoking acidification of the body’s terrain.  [FYI: pH stands for potential hydrogen, meaning potential hydrogen energy for peak health and avoidance of dis-ease.]

The Digestion Trio puts an end to age-related maldigestion, while the Terrain pH Protocol removes unburned, acidic, hydrogen waste from tissues and organs.  Use the Digestion Trio to free-up hydrogen ions in food, water, and specialized supplements like Biologic Glandulars™.

Lifeforce is an expression of healthy metabolism and the non-thermal oxidation of hydrogen.  While ATP energizes cells, hydrogen is what fuels our anabolic energy.  Peal health depends on proper digestion, elimination of acid waste, and co-factors from vital organ meats like those in Biologic Glandulars™.

Biologic Glandularsboost lifeforce and vitality regardless of your age!  Supplement with them, add them to soups, and give them to your pets.

Ask about the introductory offer.


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Biologics [anti-viral/genetic medications]

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Biologics [anti-viral/genetic medications]: medications that target cellular genetics and the MITOCHONDRIA within the cells with the mistaken idea that intervention with cellular machinery will ‘cure’ symptoms of disease.


Biologics are a new class of immunosuppressive drugs disguised as advanced medical therapy and protocol as anti-viral medications.

COVID-19 protocol calls for use of anti-viral drugs [biologic] drugs, steroids and antibiotics, all of which destroy the mitochondria and set the stage for virulent outbreak of latent-tuberulosis and sepsis.

Vaccinations for the so-called COVID-19 virus do violence to the immune system and create utter chaos and set the stage for systemic SEPSIS.  Avoid vaccination where possible and use Plan B to avoid adverse OVER RESPONSE.  Read Special Insight: Social & Medical Tyranny  as well as CoronaKarma 2020 to learn more.

Biologics focus on IMMUNE SUPPRESSION under the mistaken idea that the immune system does not know what it is doing and, therefore, must be overridden through medical intervention.

Practitioners who use biologics are totally confused and don’t have a clue how cellular and body  physiology works or why disease manifests.  They DO NOT understand the mitochondria.

Biologic medications add new meaning to medical malpractice.  The public has ZERO understanding of human physiology or of what medicine asks of them under the guise of medical science.

Biologics are promoted by big-pharma as a great advance in genetic medicine protocol by practitioners who refuse to admit that allopathic medicine is a complete and total fraud.

God help people who consent to use of biologics or who take mRNA vaccinations without FIRST having Plan B in place as a defense strategy.


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Biopsy (prostate)

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See Prostate in Glossary link below.

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Bisphosphonates: pharmaceutical drugs used to increase bone density.


Bone density is a false metric.  You do NOT want dense bone; they are brittle and weak.

You want bones that are flexible and strong.

These type of drugs increase incidence of breast cancer by 300%.  Avoid them.


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Bladder (urinary) & (Bladder Infections)

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Bladder: the organ responsible for collection and holding urine excreted by the kidneys prior to disposal by urination.


Women are plagued by recurring bladder infections because their terrain and hormones are OUT OF BALANCE.  We are not only referring to female sexual hormones, but also thyroid hormone which plays a decisive role in female physiology.

So-called bladder infections are fungal yeast infections, and NOT bacterial, at all.  Unfortunately, women are repeatedly prescribed ANTIBIOTICS for their bladder infections which guarantees a never ending cycle.

The bladder is suspended just above the pelvic floor which is composed of muscle, ligament tendon.  When these tissues begin to breakdown, the organs of the lower abdomen [bladder, uterus bowel] settle and drop, producing a distended belly.

Distended belly due to sagging connective tissue is not to be confused with belly gas and bloating common to people with compromised digestive tracts and people as they get into their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.  Gas and bloat occur because of dysbacteriosis and a compromised mucosa and is corrected with the YAC Immune Protocol.

Belly sag occurs in women earlier than men because the female anatomy ages faster due to shifts in female hormones and thyroid function, and because female anatomy accumulates acid waste faster than males.  Contrary to popular myth, childbearing is NOT the cause of bladder issues for women.  Bladder issues are confirmation of low-grade inflammation of the bladder caused by fungal yeast.   See Mold & Fungus Protocol.

See Origin & Loss of Human Immunity in the Special Insights Tab above or below.

Due to antibiotic exposure, use of hormonal contraceptives and steroidal drugs, and the fact that women are MORE HORMONAL than males, fungal yeast infestation is a an ONGOING issue for women and is behind so-called, bacterial, bladder infections and incontinence/leakage issues.

In men, bladder issues manifest as inability to hold their bladder [even when it not full] which is is aggravated by a swollen/fungal yeast infested prostate that prevents full release of urine and constant need to, go.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle both play a part in bladder infections. Address emotional stress, the gut, digestion and intake of dietary sweets and fruit, and bladder problems can be eliminated entirely.

Antibiotic usage is the surest way to perpetuate ongoing bladder infections [UTIs]. Instead, follow YAC protocols that deal with dysfunctional thyroid issues and elimination of fungal yeast and their mycotoxins from the female terrain.  Ask for guidance.

Please review previously Special Insights, Bladder & Prostate Issues by clicking hyperlink.

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See Inflammation, Digestion and Gut in Glossary.

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Bloat (gas, fungal infestation, distension of the belly)

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Bloat: refers to abdominal distension and/or pressure and discomfort from gas trapped in the intestine. Bloat is a ‘red flag’ condition that must not be ignored.

Gas: a general term used to refer to production and passing of intestinal gas. Excess and foul smelling  gas are early warning indicators that should not be ignored.

Why Gas & Bloat Occur

Gas is produced in the small intestine as part of normal metabolism.  However, excess gas or ongoing flatulence, especially following meals, indicates an out of balance condition involving mold and fungus take-over of the intestinal tract and body.

Gas and bloat occur with sluggish bowels and poor digestion. By sluggish bowel, I mean a bowel movement less than three times a day. The Enema Protocol trains the body to release the bowels three times a day, but mold and fungus issues must also be resolved.

To learn more, see the May Edition, 2017 of Special Insights entitled: The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link, above or below.

Poor digestion is a given for anyone suffering from gas and bloat with body odor and bad breath close behind. Poor digestion means: inability to break-down dietary proteins, assimilate fats and process carbohydrates.

Foul smelling gas is confirmation of intestinal putrefaction. Discomfort from intestinal gas generally occurs after meals in people age 35 and older.

Male & Female Manifestations

Bloat is  more prevalent in females than males for many of the same reasons as bladder infections are primarily a ‘female’ issue. Emotional stress and anxiety help drive gas and bloat problems in women and to a lesser degree, men. See Special Insight, Bladder & Prostate in Archive link above or below.

In males, gas and bloat are a good indicator of gut and intestinal inflammation and if ignored, eventually manifests as inflamed prostate i.e. prostatitis, which is just a fancy Latin term for inflamed prostate without any reference or idea what is causing it. See Special Insights, Bladder & Prostate in Archive Link below.

Bloat usually occurs at night because, by evening, the intestinal tract is sufficiently backed-up, stress has taken its toll and digestion suffers.  Night is also when molds and fungus release their mycotoxins.  Examples are: cardiovascular issues, asthma, acid reflux and peripheral neuropathy.

The following factors profoundly influence gas and bloat: not drinking enough water, eating sweets (sugar, fruit and juices) and carbohydrates, incomplete digestion, sluggish bowel, overgrowth of yeast, unbalanced intestinal bacteria, use of antibiotics and NSAIDS, anxiety and emotional stress and a damaged/compromised intestinal gut wall i.e. think leaky-gut!

Gas and bloat are side effects of the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and the Autoimmune Attack Cycle.


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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Each individual has their own set of problems and must be guided accordingly.

Also, read the 6th edition of my book, Young Again! It is available free, here.

See Colon, Inflammation, Cravings, Acid Reflux, and Gut in Glossary link below and take note of previously published issues of Special Insights by using the Archive link below.

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Blood: one of three fluid tissues of the body, the other two being, lymphatic fluid and cerebral spinal fluid.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients from the heart and lungs to the body; approximately 40% of the blood leaving the heart is SUPPOSED TO service the head i.e. brain, ears and eyes. However, only 90% of circulating blood returns as blood, meaning there is a 10% leak in the circulatory system.

The leakage is the plasma proteins (amyloid fluids) released into the extracellular spaces (also known as interstitial spaces). These ‘escaped’ fluids are the vehicle by which the body exchanges nutrients for waste at the cellular level.

Waste is acidic (corrosive) in nature and must be removed from the tissues or suffering and premature aging occur. Aging is another word for an acid terrain and a toxic body.

Only when excess tissue fluids are picked-up and absorbed into the lymphatic system are they called ‘lymph’ fluids. Edema is a classic example of fluid retention and waste accumulation; edema is confirmation of a poorly functioning lymphatic system.

In young, healthy, active people, approximately 80% of waste-filled tissue fluids are absorbed by the lymphatic system. In older, less active people fluid waste circulation levels can be as low as 25%. Fluids remaining in the tissue spaces are loaded with amyloid waste proteins.

Waste residing in tissue spaces eventually ‘morphs’ and forms either amyloid plaque or scar tissue or both. These wastes are ‘structural’ in nature and cannot circulate out of the body because structure waste is ‘solid’ waste. form.

Breakdown of both amyloid plaque and scar tissue is part of the aging reversal process and the Young Again Club Protocols. The Tissue & Liver Protocol is a key component of the process along with ancillary products to assist the body in the reversal process. Ask for help!

For your information: lymphatic fluids rejoin the blood at the subclavian vein entering the heart; waste filled blood is processed by the liver; waste products removed by the liver is called ‘bile’; fatty, scarred, cirrhotic livers are highly compromised livers; liver function diminishes greatly after age 35; people who move their bodies and exercise are healthier than others because of the movement of waste fluids out of their tissues and down the toilet; compromised liver function can be restored if the body is provided the means and opportunity to release tissue waste; plaque and scar is not hard to dissolve; it just takes time and effort.


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Blood clot

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Blood clot: is the common name for the medical condition ‘decimated thrombolitic coagulation’.


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Blood poisoning (sepsis)

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Blood poisoning (sepsis): extreme toxic poisoning of the blood stream and a major cause of death.


Sepsis as viewed from a medical perspective is blood poisoning, period.

However, the actual cause of sepsis is complete destruction of immune function by molds and fungi.  Sepsis is the ultimate example of fungal mycotoxin control of body metabolism and dysfunction of vital organs and their functions.

Cancer is another COMMON example of total takeover of the body by fungi.

See the following links to learn more.

Confused, Desperate Or Both Are You A Victim Of Triage?

Inflammation & Your Future [Special Edition!]

Cause, Unknown!” Diagnostic Roulette



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Blood Sugar

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Blood Sugar: refers to the amount of glucose sugar circulating in the blood.


Blood sugar tests identify the quantity of sugar circulating in blood at the moment of test, but the  measurements do not explain WHY, e the numbers are high or low.

Normal blood sugar levels (90-120) are common, but they are typically 20-40 points high; meaning, elevated, normal blood sugar levels create varnish-like plaques to caramelize  brain receptors and interfere with regulatory responses between the brain and pancreas.

The messenger molecules that are supposed to inform the brain of the body’s fats levels (amount of fat in storage) is a function of the hormone leptin which is produced by the fat cells.

Glucose is the primary source of energy for metabolism and ATP production for 99% of the population.  The problem is carbohydrates are a poor energy source with serious, long-term consequences for anyone who is carbohydrate dependent, as opposed to healthy metabolism of dietary fats for energy.  80% of energy should derive from fat metabolism.

Normal glucose levels [90-120] creates and maintains the condition of pre-diabetes (Type 3 diabetes of the brain).  Type 3 is known by other names, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, autism, Asperger’s, senility and brain fog.  These are all degenerative conditions of dietary neglect and abuse.  None of them are diseases and all are somewhat reversible.

Blood sugar levels of 130 – 150 is common and is the threshold of clinical diabetes mellitus.. Above sugar levels of140-150, patients are considered to be official, Type 2 diabetics.

The BIG PROBLEM with this story is that elevated normal blood sugar is an IMPORTANT FACTOR behind cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular disease.  Ideally, blood sugar should be between 70-90.

Low blood sugar is called hypoglycemia.  Symptoms of MISDIAGNOSIS are dizziness, low energy, brain fog, poor balance, disrupted sleep etc.  These symptoms appear to be low blood sugar when the problem is carbohydrate dependence and control of hormones by fungus and their mycotoxins.

Ideally, 75% of energy production should come from burning of dietary fat and excess body fat NOT from carbs.  Interestingly, when the body becomes a fat burner instead of carbohydrate dependent, so-called hypoglycemia/low blood sugar symptoms cease to be an issue.

If you wish to avoid the BIG FOUR (cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular) avoid the pre-diabetic state of elevated, normal blood sugar above 90.

See Insulin/Leptin/Adrenaline Resistance. by clicking hyperlink. Also see Special Insights, Fruit, Hormones, Carbs & Aging by clicking Archive below.

Be sure and read the ReVive Protocol and see how you can reverse and manage carbohydrate dependence.

Also, please read Special Insights, Premature Aging & Pre-diabetes.

Poor diet and dietary habits lead to blood sugar issues sooner or later.  Read Special Insights, FOOD CRAVINGS! The Other Side Of The Alcohol Story by clicking hyperlink.

Know that blood sugar issues has everything to do with the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. Click hyperlinks to read about them.

Lastly, read, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


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Blood Sugar (elevated)

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Blood sugar: refers to sugar levels in the blood.

Blood sugar is affected by diet and digestive capability with particular emphasis on management of regulatory hormones leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your life here.

The body seeks to keep sugar levels within normal ranges; elevated sugar indicates unhealthy diet, inability to digest food; consumption of ‘reactive’ foods; a porous small intestinal gut wall; a sign of diabetes or a forerunner to diabetes; and lack of dietary fats in diet. The pancreas produces insulin if blood sugar levels are elevated.

Consumption of too much carbohydrate, especially fruit juices and sodas, sugar, fruit and fructose leads to serious vision and hearing issues and kidney disorders and can be deadly if blood sugar levels remain elevated for long periods of time.

Restoration of liver function and reduction of inflammation in the liver are key tools for reversal of elevated blood sugar levels. See Tissue & Liver Protocol here.


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BloodMagic is John Thomas’ answer to compromised blood circulation and misdiagnosed symptoms of dis-ease and aging, such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular.

So-called, heart disease [A-fib, arrhythmia, plaque, high blood pressure, angina and heart attack] are SYMPTOMS of ion deficient and oxygen-poor circulation that limits the ability to make, ENERGY.  Aging and dis-ease are CONFIRMATION the body isn’t making enough, ENERGY.

Insufficient blood flow affects every aspect of body physiology and is central to diabetes, arthritis, cancer and lesser disorders.  Improve flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery solves many issues.

BloodMagic naturally assists blood flow and nutrient delivery by helping the body to help, itself.  For example, when blood vessels are inflamed, FLOW and VOLUME drop dramatically, depriving tissues and cells what they need to function and stay healthy.  [Cancer is a classic example of a toxic, oxygen deprived tissues; cancer has NOTHING to do with genes and family history.]

Behind issues of flow and volume is loss of blood vessel wall FLEXIBILITY; walls that can’t expand as fresh blood enters the loop.  Flexibility is controlled by the epithelial cells that line the arteries and capillaries.  These amazing cells are responsible for making nitric oxide.

BloodMagic provides the co-factors epithelial cells need so YOU CAN MAKE LOTS OF NITRIC OXIDE so blood can circulate freely, and artery walls remain flexible, regardless of one’s, age.

Hypertension describes elevated, blood pressure due to blood vessel wall inflexibility, under hydration, magnesium ion insufficiency, calcium overload and stress.  When you boost  epithelial activity, blood vessels dilate, plaque dissolves and blood flows at reduced pressure.  In other words, what people think and doctor calls, heart disease is NOT what’s really going on.

Cardiovascular issues correct themselves when the body gets what it needs to make plenty of its nitric-oxide, enriched blood that is the very basis of energy production, health and longevity.

BloodMagic is a self-help remedy for improved body physiology and better health.  Lab tests and medicine DOES NOT address these issues.  Use BloodMagic to avoid medical misdiagnosis and medication, abuse.  BloodMagic will justify doctor taking you OFF those nasty, medications.

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Body Fluid Dynamics

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Body fluid dynamics: refers to the movement or lack of movement of the body’s three tissue fluids: blood, lymph and cerebral Spinal fluids.

Fluid Dynamics ‘s is a most influential factor affecting aging, aging reversal and the ability to possess and produce life-force energy.

See Life-Force Energy and Dynamic Circulation Therapy.


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Also see previously published Special Insights in the Archive link below.

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Body Odor (BO)

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Body Odor (BO): is the product of a toxic, waste filled body ‘terrain’.


Body odor varies from one individual to another; however, a body that is internally clean i.e.low waste levels in the tissues, will have little odor.

Digestion issues, sluggish bowel and poor liver function are central to BO regardless of a person’s age. Similarly, bad breath may or may not indicate issues of dental hygiene and tooth decay; it is more often a gut, digestion and resistance to leptin, insulin and adrenaline. Read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

Gut issues are very much linked to BO because gut and digestion greatly influences the bowels. Poor bile production is a given where BO is present; babies smell sweet and healthy because their bodies have not had sufficient time to accumulate tissue waste and because their vital organs are generally functioning at peak efficiency.

Water consumption, sweets and fruit juices very much affect waste accumulation and inflammation in the tissues resulting in increased BO.  Use of deodorants, particularly anti-perspirents, are toxic and should be avoided.


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Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Body Roller (also see Spine & Neck Roller, Lymphatic Roller)

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Body roller: is a device used to slowly and gently break-down scar tissue, reduce inflammation and enhance blood and energy flow into displaced and chronically inflamed tissues of the upper back and neck.

The Body Roller is particularly useful for Chicken Neck and “tight” spinal tissues. It is mechanical in application and stimulates the body’s energy flow to increase chi and increased blood and lymphatic movement.

Use it to restore tone to the spinal column and improve deep sleep patterns. Lasts a lifetime; portable. Contact Young Again Club to learn more.

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Bone density

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Bone density: a misleading measure of the condition of bone; an INVALID and FALSE medical metric of the state of health of bone; a misdiagnosis of a state of disease; a state of latency and occult dis-ease of bone that is in the making but not fully expessed.  For example, a broken hip bone or bone that will not heal.

Clinical symptoms of osteoporosis [so-called bone density] are: diminished of bone density, failure to heal and brittle bones, all of which are symptoms NOT causes!

Medicine and Big-Pharma wrongly blame osteoporosis on lack of calcium when the problem is INABILITY TO RENEW YOUR BONES.  They are not the same!

See New Bones For Old Bones.  Bye, Bye Osteoporosis!  Hello, New Skeleton!


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Bone Turnover Rate [BTR]

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Bone Turnover Rate [BTR] is the rate [in years] that it takes for the body to build new bone to replace existing bone.  BTR is a description of skeletal, metabolic rate.

The BTR for a twenty-year old is seven years.  By age forty BTR is 12 years; age fifty, 15 years; and age sixty and beyond, 20+ years.  Skeletal degeneration and digestion are closely related issues that progressively go downhill together around ages 24, 35, 50, 60, 70 and beyond.

Your bio-electric age as discussed in the book, Young Again! includes all aspects of body physiology, metabolic rate, signs, symptoms and structure.


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Bone/skeleton: xxx


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BoneMagic is John Thomas’ answer to what is called osteoporosis [loss of bone density], as well as age-related deterioration of bone and connective tissue.

Instead of thinking of osteoporosis as  ‘loss of bone density’, people should think in terms of FAILURE TO BUILD NEW HEALTHY BONE.  They are not the same thing!

Loss of bone density occurs as a result of failure to build healthy, new bone faster than loss of mineral stores from existing bone.  Bone deterioration says, acidification of the body’s terrain and failure to supply all of the essential elements needed for formation of healthy, new bone.

Bone is just one of the body’s seven connective tissues.  The other six are: ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, skin and gums.  Connective tissue accounts for 90% of body mass and bone degradation is a sign and symptom of  what’s quietly occurring beneath the surface.

The forces behind deterioration of connective tissue also cripple vital organ function.  Low-grade inflammation plays a role in bone loss, as well as loss of vitality.  Inflammation is a symptom.

Contributing factors are poor dietary habits, wi-fi radiation, poor digestion, sluggish bowel, liver dysfunction, ongoing under hydration, fluoride [think toothpaste, non-stick cookware and medications] and environmental toxins such as, glyphosate [Roundup].

BoneMagic boosts formation of new bone by stimulating mitochondria in the cells to make more of the energy molecule, Mg-ATP.  [Translation: the body needs energy to grow and repair and without enough of it, osteoporosis, heart dis-ease, brain dysfunction, diabetes, arthritis and cancer develop.  None of these ‘conditions’  have anything to do with your genes or family history.

Lack of calcium is not the cause of osteoporosis, but medications and pain killers definitely accelerate the degradation process.  Worse, drugs shut-down mitochondrial production of Mg-ATP, and when connective tissue cannot regenerate, deterioration is automatic.

People’s perception of their state of health is misleading, regardless of lab reports and doctor conclusions.  Use BoneMagic to restore bone, improve circulation, boost your body’s ability to repair, and to reduce low-grade inflammation of your connective tissues.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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Bowel (bowel disorders)

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Bowel: the lower six feet of the intestine; also known as the large intestine or colon.


The bowel begins at the cecum (the fist-sized pouch at the junction of the small and large intestine; the appendix dangles from the cecum) and ends at the anus.

The bowel is the most toxic area of the body and the area of the body most subject to cancer because of mold and fungal infestation and production of their mycotoxins.

The expression, “Cancer begins in the colon!” says it best.  But wait, there is more!  Colon polyps are actually fungal growths on the wall of the colon.  Clipping of polyps is DANGEROUS!  Over 5,000 people die every year from post surgical removal of polyps during “routine” colonoscopy.

The question is: WHY do we develop polyps, NOT do we have them.  The answer is because we are toxic and acidic and systemically INFESTED with mold and fungus.

For you information, CANCER is not a disease; it is a systemic take-over of the body by mold and fungi.  See May Edition of Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story, Case Study #1 in the Archive Tab above.

The bowel is easily maintained and kept healthy by following the Low or High Enema Protocol. The bowel is the target zone for colonoscopy. Polyps form in the wall of the colon, but removal of polyps is a dangerous procedure. More people die each year from internal bleeding and complications associated with polyp ‘removal’ than die of colon cancer; 90% of polyps removed are benign.

Colon cancer is a TERRAIN and lifestyle issue that has absolutely nothing to do with your genes or DNA.  It is a self-imposed condition of neglect and abuse.

A better solution than subjecting yourself to colonoscopy and polyp ‘clipping’ is to practice Low or High Enema Protocol so you will not grow polyps or develop colon cancer.

The bowels should move at least three times a day, every day; anything les is modified constipation, opinions to the contrary not withstanding.  Constipation is FIRST and FOREMOST a fungus condition that also involves the gut, water intake, sweets, diet and digestion issues and can only be remedied by lifestyle changes.

The Mold & Fungus Protocol should be at the TOP OF THE LIST for all things, bowel!

The colon is the location for manifestation of diverticulitis and colitis.  In men, the colon is located next to the prostate and is a serious source of prostate infection. However, men’s #1 issue with prostate is inflammation, poor circulation and autoimmune attacks stemming from the intestinal tract both large and small intestine.

Male prostate issues always involve the colon; prostate problems are the male equivalent of bladder infections in females which are seldom ‘infections’ and almost always driven by inflammation in the gut. Prostate infections have a bowel/gut aspect, and in women they are closely linked to hormonal imbalances of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. To learn more, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

In women, the bowels are closely linked to menstrual difficulties and menopausal issues. Poor digestion of food drives and dietary sweets and carbohydrates fuel production of putrid gas and bloating. Yeast issues and bladder infections have a bowel/gut aspect, and in women they are closely linked to hormonal imbalances of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. To learn more, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

The existance of hemorrhoids confirms of bowel, diet, and digestion issues aggravated by incorrect positioning during defecation.

Bowel disorders are CLASSIC manifestations of a sick, compromised liver and poor bile production. Bowel issues have great impact on sleep disorders and inability to experience deep sleep.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle are active in all bowel disorders.  Terrain management is a core principle of YAC and the book, Young Again! 


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See the 6th edition of Young Again! for further discussion of this topic.

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Brain fog (mental confusion)

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See Memory (brain fog) by using Glossary link on this page.

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Brain Tangles & Holes

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Tangles (brain): a defining characteristic of neurological deterioration as seen in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and vascular dementia and usually accompanied by formation of plaques and ‘holes’ in place of lost brain tissue and inflammation.

Tangles refers to tangling of brain neurons.


Neurological deterioration is associated with plaque formation  and ongoing elevated blood sugar levels [above 90] that can exist for decades prior to cognitive decline.

Anyone suffering neurological deterioration is in a state of systemic low-grade inflammation and must become pro-acitve on a PERSONAL LEVEL if they wish to slow and reverse their condition.

Degeneration of brain tissue is accelerated by use of of STATIN DRUGS which starve the brain of cholesterol and cause it to shrink in the opposite manner in which a baby’s brain develops. Statins drugs are prescribed to ‘treat’ the cholesterol non-crisis.

The brain is made of approximately 90% cholesterol. Brain health is HIGHLY dependent on dietary and liver generated cholesterol.

Other factors that greatly influence degenerative brain dis-ease are elevated A1c and pre-diabetic insulin resistance, both of which contribute to ONGOING low-grade inflammation.

Elevated blood sugar [over 90] causes blood hemoglobin to “glycate”. Glycated hemoglobin is what the A1c measurement is about.

A1c is very different metric than blood glucose readings because it looks BACKWARDS over three months.  RBCs live about 120 days before losing the nucleus and is now called a red blood corpuscle.  Point: red blood cells/corpuscles live four months, three as a cell, and one as a corpuscle.

Medical theory says if you maintain your A1c below 7.0 you need not worry about becoming diabetic, However, a perfect A1c score [5.5] ignores the inflammatory nature of latent diabetes [i.e. pre-diabetes , which eventually leads to degeneration of the vital organs, organ functions, cognitive decline and metabolic syndrome.

Glycated hemoglobin increases reactive free radical production inside blood cells altering blood cell membrane properties and increasing blood viscosity and flow.  Elevated blood pressure is indicative of a LOW OXYGEN state.

Low oxygen is symptomatic of insufficient bi-carbonates and carbon dioxide needed to bond oxygen to hemoglobin for delivery to cells.  Read about the Terrain pH Protocol, here.

The above review should cause readers to make the connection between cardiovascular disease and the push by Big-Pharma and sick-care for intervention and unnecessary assaults on the body and prescription of medications, all of which are inflammatory and destruction to healthy body physiology..

Elevated blood ferritin results in excess iron in the brain, short circuiting of brain neurons and  is usually accompanied by systemic takeover of the body by molds and fungal organism and their mycotoxins.  Read about it here.

Brain tumors [which are often and wrongly called “cancer” are not cancer; rather, they are highly concentrated pockets of fungal spores, iron and ADE’s [advanced glycated end-products] in a state of perpetual, inflammation.  Learn why there is no such thing as cancer and free yourself of worry.

SUMMARY: elevated blood sugar[above 90] drives systemic, low-grade inflammation, free radical production and formation of advanced glycated end-products.

Arterial plaques [atherosclorosis] are the result of ongoing elevated blood sugar levels and excess calcium preciptating out of solution and combining with cholesterol.  Glycated proteins and lipids drive degenerative disease and brain deterioration and formation of plaques results from INABILITY to keep calcium and calcium in circulation for severe deficit of magnesium ions.

Read about DMSO for dissolving plaques and “tangled” brain neurons by clicking link.


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Bromide [bromine]

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Bromide: a salt of the halogen gas Bromine and third down from the top in column  VII A on the Periodic Table of Elements.


The halogen gases [Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine] are highly-reactive elements and combine readily with other elements by forming ionic and covalent bonds in living tissue.

Bromide is prevalent in all foams in furniture, pillows and mattresses.  Off-gassing is a MAJOR health issue.  Bromide is used a substitute for chlorine in pools and hot tubs.  Hot water dramatically increase body absorption of Bromine.  It is also used in flour to enhance texture of breads and pastries.  Flour labels with it read: Brominated.

Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine directly interfere with body organs and hormone activity by latching onto EMPTY receptor sites of key organs such as the thyroid, adrenals and pineal gland in the brain.

Tooth pastes [99%] medications [approximately 70%] and city water supplies are commonly contaminated with reactive halogens.

Dislodging of halogens from receptors requires usage of key Essential Elements on a daily basis for multiple years. Failure to remove halogens from

Ask John Thomas for guidance with this issue.


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Bronchial cough (bronchitis)

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Bronchial cough: is a condition of bronchial INFLAMMATION


Bronchial coughs in general, and especially PERSISTENT coughs should give notice of fungal infection resulting from production of mycotoxins by molds and fungi.

Chronic bronchial coughs are a FLAG of serious inflammation by fungi and should NOT be ignored.

The sick-care system does NOT recognize fungi as primary disease causing agents.  Their ONLY focus is bacterial and viral related infection.

See Special Insights, The MIssing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link below.

Also see, Cause Unknown!


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Bubonic Plague [black death]

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Bubonic Plague: also knows as ‘black death’.

A deadly epidemic of dis-ease and death SUPPOSEDLY brought-on by poor sanitation and infected, flea-spreading rats.  Popular stories of Bubonic Plague are medical MYTHS.

Medical history is rife with stories of bubonic plague, however we now know that the stories are NOT true, that rats were NOT the vector and that the epidemic spread at a rate of hundreds of miles per day; far beyond the capability of any vector, rodent or otherwise to spread disease.

Supposedly, fleas on infected rats bit humans and spreading plague.  The medical version of bubonic plague is an anachronism [in reverse] developed by practitioners of the Germ Theory of Disease developed by Louis Pasteur.

The occurrence of ‘black death’ paralleled comet invasion of Earth’s atmosphere which created massive electrical disturbances similar to the introduction of electricity and radio communications beginning mid-to-late 1800s.

In year 2020, it was the roll-out of 5G technology that set the stage for the so-called Corona virus pandemic.  PLEASE READ THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW by Firstenberg for more information.

Virology is the unholy extension of the bogus Germ Theory of Disease that has dominated medical witchery since Pasteur.  Viruses DO NOT EXIST and no one has EVER seen one or been able to satisfy Koch’s postulates, the golden rule of disease origin and classification.

These days [years 2020-2021] Corona virus [COVID-19 and its variants] are blamed for the great pandemic currently in-progress.  Like bubonic plague, Corona is a fraud in every respect.


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Buffer: is a natural mineral compound the body uses to neutralize and buffer acid waste and keep terrain pH neutral.


Bicarbonate is the body’s primary buffer.  Buffer capacity is extremely important for body maintenance of alkalinity and correction of excess acidity.

See Special Insights, Manage Your Acidity For Better Health in Archive link below.


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C-Magic is a new twist in self-help vitamin-C therapy, and everyone can benefit from it!  Use it to slow aging and restore bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendon, muscle and gums, and for regeneration of collagen scaffolding in the heart, kidneys liver and spine.  [FYI: wasting syndrome is medical speak for break-down of connective tissue.]

Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for vitamin-C in 1969.  John Thomas got to know Dr. Pauling while writing, Young Again!  Dr. Pauling’s observations on vitamin-C were viciously attacked by his so-called, peers and Big-Pharma.  He was ridiculed because ‘the authorities’ knew if people embraced Pauling’s message, allopathic, sick-care medicine would lose face and public endorsement of vaccinations and fraudulent therapies for cancer, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular dis-ease would, collapse!  [Read, Dr. Mary’s Monkey.]

Obstacles to vitamin-C usage center on absorption to the blood and inability to get vitamin-C across cell and mitochondrial membranes sufficiently to be of therapeutic benefit.  [This has been overcome!]

Liposomal vitamin-C is a useful, but limited approach.  Few realize that liposomes are fat-based and require healthy liver function to be of benefit.  [Thanks to high fructose corn syrup, statin drugs and glyphosate, present day status of liver function is seriously compromised, and a activated form of vitamin-C is needed.]

Manipulate the energy footprint of ascorbate [vitamin-C] and the molecules enter circulation and traverse cell and mitochondrial membranes.  Use C-Magic to manage your terrain and boost immune support when facing illness, medical assault, vaccinations or to protect against medication toxicity,  glyphosate and alcohol.

Get the ascorbate molecule across cell membranes and you have a very, powerful tool against flu, asthma, hepatitis, arthritis, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, fatty liver, kidneys, bladder, heart, COPD, diabetes and the worst of the worst, SEPSIS!  Understand why Linus Pauling was so viciously attacked?

Use C-Magic to protect against sickness and premature aging.  Use it to support mitochondrial integrity and for neutralizing iatrogenic [doctor induced] damage from medications, radiation and chemotherapy.  C-Magic is the ultimate, free-radical scavenger, anti-pathogen and electron donor.  Nothing else even comes, close!

C-Magic is useful for liver maintenance and when cardiovascular and neurological ‘events’ strike!  Use it to avoid metabolic damage and speed recovery with no, downside.  Use it to restore integrity to body structure, improve general health and to avoid the ugly side-effects 5G wi-fi radiation has on your cellular mitochondria.

‘Sub-clinical’ scurvy is rampant in the populace and the PRIMARY DRIVER behind poor health and, SEPSIS!  Challenges from arthritis, cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer and neurologic disorders are scurvy in disguise.  Doctor misdiagnosis and patient ignorance of body physiology perpetuates the sick-care dilemma.

C-Magic provides so many benefits.  Use it to improve your health and ease your suffering.


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Calcification (calcify)

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Calcification: deposition of calcium in the body.


Calcification of the soft tissues is abnormal.  Laying down of new bone or remodeling of existing bone is normal.  Calcium plays important roles in body metabolism and physiology.

Normally, calcification occurs throughout the body in an orderly and predictable manner, but when the body’s terrain is out of balance, as in excess waste accumulation, calcification results in mineral deposits where they do not belong. Abnormal calcification is a terrain condition.

For example, calcium deposits occur in the feet, joints and spinal column (spinal stenosis); deposits come with age because the body is unable to cope with slowing vital organs, hormonal imbalances and build-up of toxic waste throughout the system. The process is reversible using the Tissue & Liver Protocol. Click link to read about it.

Toxic bodies use calcium to buffer acidic waste, especially in the SOFT TISSUES resulting in stiffness, inflammation and swelling.  Fatty tumors (lipoma) are a sign of a highly acid, waste filled terrain.  Fluoride from tooth paste and drinking water plays a role in premature aging through calcification of the brain, ears, soft tissues and organs.

Imbalances and resistance of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin and adrenaline plays a pivotal role in calcification.  Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Daily use of raw apple cider vinegar is an excellent home remedy for calcification issues, but it is best to address the big picture, clear the body of accumulated acid waste and restore liver function by way of the Tissue & Liver Protocol.  90% of all waste exiting the body must pass through the liver on the way to the toilet.

The Enema Protocol is instrumental in helping the body restore the terrain.


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See Osteoporosis: Everyone’s Story.

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Calcium (overload)

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Calcium overload: is a condition where calcium is dominant [out of balance/ or ratio] with it counterbalance element, magnesium.


If you are in calcium overload [an abnormal condition affecting 99% of the population], you must think in terms of magnesium insufficiency [not enough magnesium] rather than in terms of too much calcium [which exists parallel to magnesium deficiency].

Calcium overload is much like iron toxicity which is a condition of excess ferritin iron in blood.

Know that collagen supplementation is useless without bio-active aminos, and that the cachexia/collagen story mimics the osteoporosis/calcium story.  Calcium does NOT prevent bone loss and collagen does NOT restore connective tissue.  Calcium is INFLAMMATORY and long-term, deadly!

When calcium settles-out of solution, it forms plaque and clogs blood vessels, makes bone spurs, spikes CRP, and creates hot spots in breast tissue that mammograms detect!  [FYI: osteopenia is a medical FRAUD!  Read, New Bones for Old Bones! and learn how to solve the bone, dilemma.  [FYI: AminoMagic is easy to use; 2 caps, 2x/day without food.]

To learn more about calcium overload and magnesium deficiency, go to Archive link below and click on: Heart Attack, Arthritis & Osteoporosis.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive.


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Calcium dominance (calcium overload)

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Calcium dominance: too much calcium in the face of magnesium insufficiency.


Calcium dominance is a common condition for most of the population, and particularly for females over age 35.  Meaning, because of magnesium insufficiency, calcium dominates the system and fuels low-grade inflammation in the system.

In other words, calcium and magnesium “counter-balance” each other.

Poor diet and accumulation of acidic waste [from maldigestion of food] causes the body to turn acidic.  This is one aspect of what is meant by the expression:TOXIC TERRAIN.

When bio-active magnesium ions are provided, the body automatically goes about dissolving excess calcium from organs and tissues to restore balance.

Calcium dominance causes bones to become brittle and deteriorate.  Collagen supplementation is useless without bio-active aminos, and that the cachexia/collagen story mimics the osteoporosis/calcium story.

Calcium does NOT prevent bone loss and collagen does NOT restore connective tissue.  Calcium is INFLAMMATORY and long-term, deadly!

When calcium settles-out of solution, it forms plaque and clogs blood vessels, makes bone spurs, spikes CRP, and creates hot spots in breast tissue that mammograms detect!

Osteopenia is statistical, medical FRAUD!  Osteopenia does NOT exist and is NOT a legitimate medical concern.

Read, New Bones for Old Bones! and learn how to solve the bone, dilemma.  [FYI: AminoMagic is easy to use; 2 caps, 2x/day without food.]

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life and  Heart attack, Arthritis & Osteoporosis by clicking links.


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Calorie: is a unit of food energy; a small unit called a calorie with a small c and a large unit is called a Calorie with a large C or a kcalorie (meaning 1000 calories).  Officially Calorie has been officially replaced by the term joule , meaning kilojoules which has a more precise meaning.


For purposes of discussion, we will use the term “Calorie”.

Please keep in mind, the amount of heat given off by ‘firing’ food is NOT representative of the amount of usable energy provided by metabolism, meaning the NON-THERMAL BURNING OF HYDROGEN contained in food and water molecules.

Food energy must be either burned for production of energy, or the energy must be saved by conversion into stored energy form, as in body fat.  Stored food energy complies with the Law of Conservation of Energy which says, energy is never lost, it merely changes form.

Calorie restriction, as a means of weight control, has very little meaning or use.  Better to learn how to use dietary fats and control resistance to the hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline.

The challenge for people is this: What is the body going to do with the food consumed? The answer to that question is determined by the body’s regulatory hormones, insulin, leptin and adrenaline and the glands, pancreas, liver, adrenals and thyroid.

Loss of regulatory function affects close to 100% of humans.  Dysfunction can occur because of emotional events, such as ongoing stress, traumatic stress/trauma as well as from use of antibiotics, medications, alcohol, immunization overload and of course, dietary abuse/neglect.

Back to leptin.  Leptin is made by the fat cells and tells the brain to either make energy or make more body fat.  At mealtime, brain receptors must read and respond one way or the other.

If leptin levels are not accurately read or are misinterpreted, the brain automatically goes into fat production mode leading to a condition known as leptin resistance.

Carbohydrate dependence, as well as insufficient dietary fat, are HUGE factors in leptin and insulin resistance.  Stress and anxiety affect and are affected by leptin resistance as well as adrenaline and cortisol issues.

leptin resistance leads to insulin resistance, fatty liver, obesity, and poor brain (memory) function.  Cognitive disorders such as Alzheimers, Parkinson’s Asperger’s, autism, ADD, ADHD, and senility are classic examples of brain receptor dysfunction involving low-grade inflammation and poor blood circulation to the brain.

Cognitive disorders are “disorders”, they are NOT disease in the classic sense and they have nothing to do with genes or DNA.

Instead, think in terms of TERRAIN which is a Young Again Club foundation concept.  Specifically, think of mental disorders in terms of diabetes of the brain or type 3 diabetes.

When given the opportunity, the body automatically corrects cognitive dysfunction and it does it with changes in dietary choice, dietary habits and individual guidance.

Central to this discussion is aging in general, but more specifically WHAT causes people to age.  The answer is systemic, low-grade inflammation driven by hormonal resistance, a condition affecting everyone, young and old alike.


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Campylobactor [bacteria]

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Campylobacter: an opportunistic, pathogenic bacteria 


Campylobacter bacteria are able to move via unipolar or bipolar flagella. They generally survive in environments with low oxygen and are capable of morphing into other strains.

Campylobacter are common to poultry and easily transferred by poor sanitary practices. The number one best defense against oral derived bacterial infection is high production of hydochloric acid.  Dietary supplementation is the best way to defend against gastrointestinal infections.

Campylobacter can cause a gastrointestinal infection called campylobacteriosis. The incubation period is 24–72 hours after infection.  This is characterized by inflammatory, sometimes bloody diarrhea or dysentery, mostly including cramps, fever, and pain.

The most common routes of transmission are fecal-oral, ingestion of contaminated food or water, and the eating of raw meat. Foods implicated in campylobacteriosis include raw or under-cooked poultry, raw dairy products, and contaminated produce.

Campylobacter is sensitive to the stomach’s normal production of hydrochloric acid: as a result, the infectious dose is relatively high, and the bacteria rarely cause illness when a person is exposed to less than 10,000 organisms.

Nevertheless, people taking antacid medication (e. g. people with gastritis or stomach ulcers) are at higher risk of contracting disease from a smaller amount of organisms, since this type of medication inhibits normal gastric acid.

A Campylobacter infection can be the underlying cause of Guillain–Barré syndrome.  Generally, infections tend to be self-limiting and settle on their own.

There is a growing number of quinolone-resistant strains. Evidence suggests this is caused by an overuse of this class of antibiotics in animal agriculture.


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Cancer: an “umbrella” term that describes total loss of control of the body’s terrain with limited function of the vital organs and serious fungal yeast driven hormone dysfunction.


Cancer is called, disease, but it is not a disease, at all.

Rather, cancer is the systemic take-over of the body’s terrain by molds and fungi.

When you eliminate the problems associated with invasion of these foreign life forms operating within the body [and UNDETECTED by the body’s immune system], cancer is manageable and  reversible.

Conventional forms of cancer treatment [chemotherapy and radiation] DO NOT WORK because they do not address the cause of the problem.  Worse, the absolutely destroy any change of recovery by destroying immune function.

Read Special Insights, Cause Unknown by clicking hyperlink.


Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH

This report focuses on ACIDITY because acidity is one driving force behind dis-ease and aging.

Acidity is often confused with pH, but they are NOT the same thing.  Understanding the difference could be the determining factor of your future health.

When terrain acidity rises, oxygen levels and energy production, falls.  As the process progresses, body pH becomes ever more acidic.  Acidity is step #1 of aging and degenerative dis-ease.

Acidity disrupts our cellular bacteria called, mitochondria.  Mitochondria produce the energy needed for good health, but they cannot do their job if the body is acidic and oxygen deprived.  Nothing destroys mitochondrial ability to maintain good health faster than, acidity!

Acidity and oxygen deprivation set the stage for cancer, arthritis, diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular problems because they destroy the mitochondria.  Acidity and low oxygen are prerequisites for FERMENTATION of glucose sugars.  Cancer NEEDS sugar to grow and spread!

Cancer is a FUNGUS; cancer is NOT a bacterial or viral condition.  Fungus spores enter the blood stream through a wound, the lungs and/or a leaky gut wall.  In a healthy body, fungus spores are dormant and not a threat.  But if the body is acidic, fungus spores take on a life of their own.

In the acidic body, fungus spores HATCH, GROW and SECRETE deadly mycotoxins that kill healthy cells, sparking inflammation and autoimmune reactions.  A body burdened fungal mycotoxins is fertile ground for cancer, and acidity is the controlling factor!

For example, under normal conditions, Candida albicans [yeast] is a symbiotic fungus.  But when the terrain turns sufficiently acidic and cellular fermentation takes-over, the biology of candida yeast morphs, switching from a symbiont [mutually beneficial organism] to a saprotroph [parasitic organism].  The experts call it, CANCER, but cancer is a fungus, plain and simple and medicine has known it since 1931, when Otto Warburg got the nobel prize in science for his discovery.

Question – Why do they call cancer a disease, when it is a reversible condition of the terrain?

CANCER HAS THREE PREREQUISITES: 1) acidity 2) low oxygen anaerobic environment of fermented sugar and mycotoxin dominance.  When fermented sugars overload cells, cancer erupts spontaneously, robbing cells of their energy, and the host of, life-force.

SOLUTION: You can restore cellular energy and terrain life-force by: raising cellular oxygen, reducing cellular acidity and stopping fermentation of glucose sugars by following the TERRAIN pH PROTOCOL.  Read more about this highly effective protocol here.

You may also wish to read Special Insights, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation & pH by clicking hyperlink or visiting the Archive link below.

Cancer is confirmation that the body is under autoimmune attack.  When you hear the word, cancer, think yeast and AUTOIMMUNE.  Read about the Autoimmune Attack Cycle here.

A special comment regarding breast cancer and mammogram will be found Special Insights, Breast Cancer, Calcium & Osteoporosis.  You will find it listed in the Archive Link, below.  I wish to call your attention to the issue of calcium intake/dominance and calcium deposits creating “hot spots” of inflammation in breast tissue and its preponderance with cancer.

Yeast infestation is a GIVEN for anyone with cancer [cancer is confirmation of a HIGHLY ACID terrain] Yeast and cancer are flip sides of the same problem.  In fact, if you are sickly or suffer from degenerative dis-eases and are aging, it is a GIVEN that your system is acidic.

Contrary to popular belief and medical folklore, cancer is NOT failure of the immune system.  Quite the contrary.  Cancer Is a fungal ATTACK on the host’s body and yeast and terrain acidity are in the middle of it.

To better understand the cancer/acidity story, click this link.


Cancer is a ‘label’, it is NOT a disease.  Cancer is a default condition; a condition that manifests in millions of different ways in millions of different people.  Cancer has NOTHING to do with your genes or DNA.  It is self-imposed!

“They” will NEVER find a cure for cancer because cancer is NOT disease; it is a condition and fungal takeover of the body is the mechanism by which it develops.  Don’t for get it!

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Better to take care of yourself and avoid becoming dependent on a medical system that does NOT have your best interest at heart.

Whether it is cancer or 99.9% of the ‘other’ diagnostic labels doctor provides, your body can restore itself, but only if you make the process possible by changing your diet, habits and lifestyle.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See autoimmune in Glossary link below.

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Cancer (breast)

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Breast cancer: obviously, cancer of the breast.  The question is why breast tissue and why cancer.


A comment regarding breast cancer and mammogram will be found Special Insights, Breast Cancer, Calcium & Osteoporosis.  You will find it listed in the Archive Link, below.

I wish to call your attention to the issue of calcium intake/dominance and calcium deposits creating “hot spots” of inflammation in breast tissue and its relationship to occurance of cancer and osteoporosis in general.  You will be surprised; see Special Insights mentioned, above.

You will find a broader discussion of cancer under the word, CANCER in the Glossary. Click link.


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Candida albicans

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Candida albicans: is an opportunistic fungus that is capable of taking over the body’s terrain.

Systemic yeast infestation causes loss of control of normal body  functions and organ take-over.  For details on the process, go to the Protocols Tab above and click on Molds & Fungus Protocol.


Cancer is a FUNGUS; cancer is NOT a bacterial or viral condition.  Fungus spores enter the blood stream through a wound, the lungs and/or a leaky gut wall.  In a healthy body, fungus spores are dormant and not a threat.  But when the body is acidic, fungus spores take on a life of their own.

[You may wish to read about the Terrain pH Protocol in the Protocols Tab above.]

In the acidic body, fungus spores HATCH, GROW and SECRETE deadly mycotoxins that kill healthy cells, sparking inflammation and autoimmune reactions.  A body burdened fungal mycotoxins is fertile ground for cancer, and acidity is the controlling factor

Candida albicans (yeast) is a normal flora of the intestinal tract; however, when antibiotics, birth control pills and steroids [think cortisone!] are used, yeast spores GROW and take over the body systemically and merge their DNA with that of the host [you and me].

Yeast overgrowth is a default condition, meaning yeast invades and takes control because the body is acidic, circulation is poor and sweets and carbohydrates have unbalanced hormonal regulatory systems related to leptin, insulin and adrenaline. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

When yeast takes over, female and male hormones feed the cycle and cause molds and fungus to grow and spread.  Candida diets help manage the misery, but when a DNA merger has occurred on a systemic level, the usual, faddish Candida approaches fail miserably.  [See the link for Mold & Fungus Protocol mentioned above.]

The conditions fueling the growth of yeast that results in  [candidiasis] must be corrected and the terrain of the body detoxified and cleared of metabolic waste, drugs, chemicals and heavy metals embedded throughout the system.

Follow the Tissue & Liver Protocol to clear your system of toxic waste and restore liver efficiency. Click hyperlink to read about it.

Attempts to kill off yeast overgrowth are totally misguided and are futile because of the nature of the condition, meaning, loss of control of the terrain and toxic, waste filled tissues that provide the perfect medium for yeast growth.

Please keep in mind, stress in general, and emotional stress in particular, is the TRIGGER that alters the energy state of the bio-electric body causing pleo-morphic bacteria already present in the body, to turn virulent and attack the host.

Practitioners have had very, very poor results dealing with Candida because they are working with an incorrect ‘model’, a model based on the Germ Theory of Disease.  Yeast is NOT the problem; the terrain is the problem.

Failure to restore the intestinal gut wall and settle immune system response dooms commonly used approaches. Yeast spreads when the gut wall is compromised by use of antibiotics, alcohol, emotional stress, high sugar diets, especially fructose from sweets and fruit.

Yeast generates waste toxins that severely aggravate and inflame every part of the body. Yeast overgrowth can be severe and in some cases life threatening and can only be corrected through improvements in diet, digestion, restoration of the small intestinal gut wall and balancing of the body’s regulatory hormone system. Yeast is a CLASSIC autoimmune disorder. See Terrain, Digestion, Inflammation, Sugar/Alcohol Cycle and Autoimmune Attack Cycle using Glossary link below.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.\

Follow the Tissue & Liver Protocol to clear your system of toxic waste and restore liver efficiency. Click hyperlink to read about it.

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Candida auris [C. auris]

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C. auris: a form of candida yeast that grows in people with weakened immune systems, and typically manifests in patients in hospital settings.


C. auris supposedly causes candidiasis, but this is NOT true!  Its growth and spread is the direct result of use of antibiotics.  THINK ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE!

Death in the USA is estimated at 175,000/year and 700,000/year worldwide.

C.auris [like its common cousin, C. albicans] is a sac fungi that grows in bodies where the terrain is severely compromised.  C. auris infection is the basis of SEPSIS which is blood poisoning driven by fungal yeast.  Consider it NOT as in infection, but as a total takeover of vital organ function and shut-down of the immune system.

C auris produces extremely potent mycotoxins that lead to death due to the weakened condition of people who develop it.  C. auris is NOT contagious, but it most certainly is an invasive fungal infestation.

C. auris us classufued as invasive fungemia and usually affects the bloodstream, the central nervous system, and internal organs. It has attracted increased attention because of its multiple drug resistance linked to widespread azole-type antifungal use in agriculture, particularly in the meat industry, and especially in production of chicken.

C. auris is easily misidentified with common fungal yeast varieties.  Its deadly nature has much in common with the notoriously famous hospital infections, such as MRSA.  It is extremely deadly BECAUSE it typically appears as an end-game development in the progression of loss of life-force as homeostasis is under siege.  

These runaway infections are NOT acquired in the hospital; rather, the organisms already exist in the patient PRIOR TO ADMITTANCE and only come to the fore when the patient undergoes surgical stress and use of hard core medications typical of the hospital setting, antibiotics being at the top of the list.


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Candidiasis (systemic yeast infestation)

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Candidiasis: is a systemic infection of the mouth [usually Candida albicans] that displays a thick, white coating of yeast growth.

The above is the official definition.  However, a more accurate description is system infestation of the body, regardless if the individual has oral thrush [yeast growth] in the mouth or not.

Know if you have yeast issues anywhere i the body, the condition is totally pervasive and you have it everywhere.  Just because you do not suffer from a fungal yeast symptom in a particular part or tissue or organ of the body does NOT mean you do not have a yeast, problem.  Examples are: toenail fungus, ringworm, oral thrush, vaginal/prostate issues.


Candidiasis is a fungal infection, and yeast is a fungus.

When it presents in the mouth and throat, it is called, thrush.  In the vagina or bladder, it is simply called a yeast infection.

Signs and symptoms include genital itching, burning, and sometimes a white “cottage cheese-like” discharge from the vagina.

Less commonly the penis may be affected, resulting in itching.  When candida is able to navigate to the prostate, prostate inflammation occurs; and if to the testicles, testicular inflammation occurs.

Candida yeast is easily transmitted between people, with or without sexual activity; however, infection is HIGHLY DEPENDENT on toxicity and pH levels of the body’s terrain.

Candidiasis a classic example of systemic infestation of yeast resulting from exposure to or abuse of antibiotics, birth control pills and steroidal medications, including inhalers, supported by a diet high in carbohydrates [sugar, fruit, juices, and soda.

Alcohol falls into a class of  its own because it is PURE MYCOTOXIN and the equivalent of jet fuel for explosive growth of yeast i.e.a yeast bloom.



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Caramelize (glycation)

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Caramelize: glazing of brain receptors that sense, measure and control production of various hormones [such as insulin and leptin] that regulate blood sugar levels and production of insulin and satiation of appetite.

Glycation: is the result of the covalent bonding of a sugar molecule, such as glucose or fructose, to a protein or lipid molecule, without the controlling action of an enzyme.


Caramelize it slang term describing the effect of excess blood sugars coating key body regulatory receptors and impeding their function.  An example is the caramelization effect seen when onions are slowly cooked in a skillet until sugars thicken and glaze the onions.



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Carbohydrate (sugar)

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Carbohydrate (sugar): is a biological molecule consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms, usually with a hydrogen to oxygen atom ratio of 2:1.


‘Carbs’ include any and all sugar and complex sugar energy molecules. All sugars are carbohydrates and food that converts to sugar upon digestion are carbohydrates. For example: potatoes, bread, beans, rice, alcohol, fruit (fresh and dried) and juice are carbohydrates.

Carbs are one of three food groups, the others being proteins and fats; complex carbohydrates impose less stress on the pancreas than mono and di-saccharide sugar carbohydrates like fructose and sucrose.

Carbohydrate intake should be kept to a minimum, regardless of source to avoid fueling the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle which you can read about by clicking hyperlink.

Blood sugar issues and diabetes are carbohydrate driven, autoimmune conditions where regulatory hormone resistance is at play. Regulatory hormones are insulin, leptin and adrenaline.

Please read Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging for a complete overview of the effects and symptoms of carbohydrate dependence. To read, click hyperlink.

Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

Carbohydrates drive the Autoimmune Attack Cycle which you can read about by clicking hyperlink.


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See sweets in Glossary link below.


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Carbohydrate dependence

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Carbohydrate dependence: means they body relies upon and is dependent upon incoming dietary carbohydrates for its primary energy source, as opposed to using incoming dietary fats [and excess body fat] as its primary energy source.


Carbohydrate dependence is reality for 99% of the general population, regardless of age.  Very few people live on dietary fats and that is the PRECISE reason for the epidemic of degenerative dis-eases from cancer, cardiovascular, arthritis and diabetes to thousands of lesser conditions  known as disorders and syndromes.

To break carbohydrate dependence and transition your body to the burning of fats as its primary energy source, the ReVive Protocol was developed.  Click hyperlink to read about it.

Be sure and read Special Insight, Pre-diabetes & Premature Aging by clicking hyperlink.

You will also find follow-up Special Insight, Overweight, Underweight & Unaware in the Archive link below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


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Carbon [bio-active]

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Carbon [bio-active]

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Carbon Dioxide (blood oxygen dynamics)

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Carbon DIoxide: this subject is under development and should appear in February or March of 2017 along with the release of Special Insight Report on the same topic subject.

Until then, patience please!



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Carbon Dioxide [blood saturation/oxygen delivery]

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Carbon Dioxide [Blood saturation/oxygen delivery]: xxx


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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

CardioMagic is John Thomas’ response to anyone interested in taking personal responsibility for their cardiovascular health, whether before or after an ‘event.’  Cardio disorders involve issues of oxygen delivery, blood flow, vessel dilation and ongoing, low-grade inflammation of blood and lymphatic circulatory systems.

What is done to avoid cardiovascular challenges is exactly what needs to be done to remedy the challenged state of health called, cardiovascular dis-ease.

For example, those with cardiovascular problems have a history of ongoing pre-diabetic insulin-resistance, fatty liver, magnesium-ion deficiency, poor digestion and low-grade inflammation, REGARDLESS if patient or doctor realize it or not.  Conventional medical thinking is a disaster for patients who have no idea how their bodies actually, work.

For example, despite millions of heart by-pass surgeries, practitioners are no longer pushing bypass to avoid embarrassment over 50 years of ignorance and arrogance.  Stents are next.  Researchers no recognize and few practitioners will admit, that stents are counter-productive!

Stents neither identify or address the causes behind millions of medical mis-diagnoses given to ignorant patients fill with fear of death and stress.  Statistically, patients who routinely embrace ‘stents’ are NO BETTER OFF than those who avoid this fraudulent procedure.

If you want control of your health and life and have the desire to escape sick-care medicine’s strangle hold on your life, you must play your God Card and withdraw from the sick-care system before your doctor, kills you!  Better to understand early and seek guidance to make-up for your ignorance of body physiology BEFORE an ‘event!’

Heart attack is NOT what people think it is; ditto for stroke.  The Cholesterol Theory of Disease is a FRAUD!  Statin drugs, proton pump inhibitors, blood thinners and drugs to control A-fib and arithymia systematically deplete your magnesium ion stores and GUARANTEE you will succumb to the antics of sick-care medicine that is designed to slowly kill you.

Life after an event is not proof the medical procedure was necessary or wise.  Better to avoid any form of medical intervention and allow your body to heal itself as it was designed to do.

CardioMagic and Young Again Club Protocols help the body heal itself. Guidance is COST FREE!

  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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Cardiovascular [disease]

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Cardiovascular: pertaining to the blood vessels and circulation of blood by various organs and processes as well as diseases and malfunctions of the organs and structures involved.

Conventional views and discussion of all things cardiovascular are incomplete.  Read on.


Degenerative and age-related cardiovascular problems are conditions of both neglect and abuse; meaning, the abnormalities that are created, NOT inherited.

Consider Cardiovascular issues as confirmation of systemic mold and fungal infestation, mycotoxin control of hormones, symptoms of systemic inflammation, and symptoms of leptin and insulin resistance (regulatory hormone imbalance).

Oddly, when mold and mycotoxin issues are addressed, many, if not all, of the symptoms of cardiovascular dysfunction diminish, which is confirmation that the problem(s) were never heart/cardiovascular disease in the first place.  [To learn more, see Mold & Fungus Protocol.]

Cardiovascular problems always involves the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle. You can read about both by clicking hyperlinks.

Cardiovascular problems are side effects of compromised liver function, restricted circulation, failure to drink sufficient water, lack of mineral electrolytes, excess intake of sweets, fruit and carbohydrates, poor bowel function, poor bile production, faulty digestion, sluggish bowels and poor dietary habits.

Cardiovascular issues are forever linked to insulin/leptin resistance.  See Special Insights, Premature Aging & Pre-Diabetes by clicking the hyperlink or in the Archive link below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Tissue & Liver Protocol.

Be sure to read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! 

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Cardiovascular Prevention Protocol

Heart and blood circulatory health issues should be discussed in future tense; meaning, AVOIDANCE!

Heart related problems (HRP) are ‘default’ conditions that can easily be avoided if people understood that when their regulatory systems overload and the liver is unable to do its job and remove toxic waste from the system, HRP’s will occur 90% of the time and kidneys issues the other 10% of the time.

HRP’s are ‘terrain’ issues plain and simple and there is absolutely no reason for HRP’s to be the number one killer of 32% of deaths worldwide.  HRP’s are the result of  abuse and neglect.

The same can be said for the other big three:  diabetes, arthritis and cancer.  All are conditions of default where the body is left no choice but to rob Peter to pay Paul i.e. to buy time vs. repairing itself and regenerating the terrain of the bio-electric body.

Heart attack is NOT about thrombosis, ischemia, blood flow or clots.  Heart attack is about elemental ions.  When you hear heart attack, think ion-deficient cells and charley-horse of the heart muscle.

Fact is HALF of heart attacks occur for lack of bio-available ions and inability to transport those ions into heart-muscle cells so mitochondria can generate ATP.  Ditto for symptoms of arrythmia, atrial fibrillation and hypertension.  ASSOCIATION IS NOT [≠] CAUSATION.  Don’t forget it!

Fact is HALF of diagnosed cardiovascular events are subclinical gallbladder and liver attacks that spike blood proteins.  Doctors and labs falsely report heart attack when NO SUCH THING happened!  By-pass surgery survivors and family believe the story and myths perpetuate!   Don’t forget it!

Heart attacks are seldom the result of occluded coronary arteries, low blood-oxygen levels or cholesterol and clots.  These myths keep cattle lines full and patients living in ignorance and fear of the unknown.  ASSOCIATION IS NOT [≠] CAUSATION.  Don’t forget it!

Your body is capable of regenerating itself if given the opportunity and support it needs.  What is most interesting is that the SAME THINGS THAT HELP THE BODY REVERSE MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES ARE THE SAME THINGS THAT PREVENT THESE PROBLEMS IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The key is to not wait until you are fighting for your life.  Wait too long and the medical system will have their hooks into you and you will  have no choice but to do as  your are told for the balance of your life.

Central to HRP’s is the liver, bowels, diet, digestion, accumulation of scar tissue and amyloid plaque, consumption of sweets, fruit and fruit sugar and alcohol, water issues, sleep deterioration, systemic, low-grade inflammation, the Autoimmune Attack Cycle, lack of exercise and stress and anxiety issues.  None of these things cause HRP, but all of them play a part.

This discussion is best left to the arena of a ONE-ON-ONE conversation focus on the individual’s age, issues and circumstance.

If you would like assistance, please ask.

Please read the following article as it applies to the Cardiovascular Prevention Protocol

​Vitality For Sake Of Vitality

The Sodium pH Mystery Finally Solved

∙ Anecdotal Observations ∙

After age 35, sodium naturally invades the cells and sets-the-stage for degenerative dis-ease. Sodium invasion is universal to everyone REGARDLESS of lifestyle or diet as discussed below.

Announcement!  This report is so critical to health that everyone who asks will get a FREE bottle of the new offering, Vitality! without any purchase requirement.  Here’s the whole story…

Sodium invasion Of Cells

The report is about sodium invasion of cells and what you can do about it.  It’s also about restoration of terrain pH and de-acidification of body tissues as measured by urine pH.

Sodium invasion is about accumulation of acid waste, low terrain pH and loss of essential elemental ions.  Sodium invasion is a DEFAULT CONDITION that accelerates after age thirty-five.

Baking soda [aka: sodium bicarbonate] is a powerful, natural remedy for reduction of acid waste as measured by urine pH.  Unfortunately, baking soda contains 65% sodium and causes edema in people who suffer from element depletion.  Sodium is one component of the invasion issue.

Edema refers to retention of excess fluid in the tissues and cardiovascular system.  Practitioners treat edema with diuretics and compound sodium invasion of cells and shut-down of mitochondria.

Diuretics upset the electrical grid surrounding cells.  Diuretics turn body physiology upside-down, particularly in people whose terrains are already a mess.  [And, so do statin drugs and monoclonal-antibodies, blood thinners, beta blockers and proton-pump inhibitors.]

Elevated sodium in body fluids with ion depletion ALLOWS SODIUM TO INVADE CELLS.  The problem is made worse by lack of bioactive potassium ions and bicarbonate INSIDE cells, a condition common to the general populace.  [Lab tests do not measure these critical factors.]

Jekyll & Hyde Sodium

Sodium is the body’s primary electrolyte; it CONDUCTS ELECTRICITY in blood and extracellular fluids.  Extracellular fluid refers to fluids outside cell membranes in the interstitial spaces BETWEEN cells.  [Extracellular fluid is NOT the same as lymphatic fluid; do not assume they are the same thing.]

Sodium’s dual personality shifts the electrical state of cells.   For example, heat stroke occurs when there is insufficient sodium in extracellular body fluids and insufficient potassium and trace ions, while excess sodium INSIDE cells shuts-down mitochondrial production of ATP and creates metabolic chaos and loss of cellular energy.

When deficient in Essential Elements, sodium invasion is predictable.  This is the public’s general state of health.  Sodium is critical for transmission of electrical impulses.  Lack of essential ions and excess sodium causes cell membranes to lose their electrical shield that KEEPS EXCESS SODIUM OUT OF CELLS.  Excess sodium inside cell membranes kills promotes cancer and mitochondria dis-ease.

When excess sodium invades cells, ATP energy production collapses!  Lack of cellular energy sets-the-stage for CANCER.  Excess cellular sodium fuels cell apoptosis and increases acid-waste burden on tissues and organs.  DIAGNOSIS OF CANCER IS CONFIRMATION of disturbed, aerobic respiration, that the terrain is acidic and glycolysis inhibits ATP production by cellular mitochondria.]

FYI: sodium ions line the outside of cell membranes and potassium ions line the inside of cell membranes, creating an electrical differential of competing charges that prevents invasion of excess sodium.  As bioactive potassium ions deplete, the electrical shield against sodium invasion collapses.

pH, Lab Tests & Germ Theory

A pH of 7.0 is neutral and nothing much is going on.  Raise pH to 8.0 cellular activity takes-off and tissues release acid-bound waste.  Bicarbonates in baking soda neutralize acid waste.  [FYI: blood pH is extremely stable; urine pH, however, rises and falls according to circulating waste levels.

Normal morning pH should be pH 6.5 [+ -].  ANYTIME  pH is in the 5’s or 4’s, ugly things are in-progress.  Ongoing low pH precedes onset of MAJOR dis-ease and miseries.  If you suffer from chronic or degenerative dis-ease, it’s time to rid your body of acid waste and restore healthy pH.

Forget lab tests and sick-care approaches to pH.  Fact is practitioners  suffer from the same issues as their patients.  Their problem is mal-training, Germ Theory, ignorance of mycology, failure to listen, phony labs tests, professional incompetence and the rules of Standard of Care.

Rare is the practitioner who does not believe in the Germ Theory of Disease.  Virology is a Germ Theory knockoff and the basis of the fraudulent Corona virus theory currently in progress.

pH management is a powerful tool for keeping health at peak levels and avoiding dis-ease.  Healthy cells DO NOT admit excess sodium because the electrical grid protecting cell membranes prevents sodium invasion across cell membranes.  pH response to soda requires vitamin-C at the same time.

Vitamin-C does NOT function as vitamin-C when taken with baking soda.  It’s job is to react with soda and release carbon dioxide to blood so red blood corpuscles [RBCs] can TRANSPORT MORE OXYGEN.  [Corona patients die for LACK OF OXYGEN, highly acidic terrains overrun by fungal-molds, latent-tuberculosis spores and undiagnosed scurvy.  Sepsis is the final symptom, but NOT cause of death.

Without enough oxygen and with an acidic pH, immune function collapses.  Read it again!

NOW, you can avoid sodium invasion, drive excess sodium from tissues and cells and restore terrain pH all at the same time.  The new offering is called, Vitality!

Vitality! For The Sake of Vitality

Vitality! is easy to use.  Just two caps 2x/day with each dose of baking soda and vitamin-C when urine pH test strips show pH is below 7.0.  [Details about the Terrain pH Protocol].

Vitality! is about avoiding sodium invasion and making more cellular ATP energy.  If you are sickly or old YOU WILL NEED LOTS OF ENERGY TO RESTORE YOUR HEALTH AND VITALITY.  If you simply want to feel better and boost energy levels, Vitality! is the ticket!

Vitality! is a formulation of hydrogen, bicarbonate, silica and chloride.  Mitochondria need free hydrogen to make ATP.  Hydrogen is what fuels the sun; it is the most POWERFUL element on the Periodic Table of Elements and all biologic reactions require it.   Vitality!  Is John Thomas’ answer to sodium invasion of cells and loss of age-related vitality.  Try a FREE bottle and see for yourself!

FREE OFFER [no purchase required]

To get your FREE bottle of Vitality! – ask!  There is no purchase requirement of any kind.

Shipping in the USA is $20 for a BIG bottle of 250 capsules of Vitality!

Regardless if you are using baking soda and following the Terrain pH Protocol or you just want to feel better and put some zip back into your life, Vitality! is for you!

You can’t beat FREE!  Try it! or 509 465-4154

Final Thoughts

The body is made to live; it dies when we kill it!  Aging and dis-ease are avoidable and reversible!  All you need to do is make the effort and your body will make it happen.

Ask for guidance.

Cardiovascular system [heart dis-ease]]

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Catalyst (catalytic)

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Catalyst: a substance, atom or molecule that when present makes a chemical/energy reaction possible and which would otherwise not occur in the absence of the catalyst.


Catalysts are everywhere present in living organism, both animal and plant.

Catalysts can be both chemical in nature [an element such as platinum in a catalytic converter used in automobiles] or in the case of digestion, protein serve as catalysts.  [MK Complex serves a catalytic function in body metabolism.]

Without catalytic reactions, life is not possible, and when limited or compromised, loss of health and vitality occur.

See News Release, MK Complex in the Special Insights Archive, below.


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Cataract: clouding of the lens of the eye.


Cataract is the product of waste accumulation on the lens of the eye due to restricted circulation i.e. poor blood supply and poor lymphatic circulation, lack of adequate oxygen and inflammation.  Cataract is an aging issue that has nothing to do with your genetics or DNA, opinions to the contrary not withstanding.

Cataracts develop slowly; result in poor vision; produce halos around lights at night.  Think of cataract as you would scar tissue and plaque. They are all terrain issues.

Believed to be the product of aging, when in fact aging is the product of slowing metabolism, poor circulation and hormonal challenges related to the hormones leptin, insulin and adrenaline along with poor liver function. See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Cataracts are the product of neglect; their formation has absolutely NOTHING to do with failure to wear eye glasses in the sun.  Low-grade inflammation is at the root of cataract, retinitis and macular degeneration. Restricted circulation and leptin resistance are primary drivers of inflammation as is autoimmune responses from a compromised intestinal gut wall.

Avoidance is the best solution for cataract. Cataracts can dissolve if blood and lymphatic circulation are restored, inflammation is eliminated and changes in diet, digestion and autoimmune related issues are addressed.

Dynamic Circulation Therapy (DCT) is the premier choice for anyone wishing to address eye problems by way of non-conventional. self administered therapy.  Prior to DCT development, the only options were: limited vision, functional blindness and surgical replacement.

Unfortunately, replacement lenses ‘fog’ and form new cataracts because the problem driving replacement was never diagnosed or corrected, thus causing the problem to reoccur.


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See Dynamic Circulation Therapy by clicking link.

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Causative agent

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Causative agent: the so-called germ that is responsible for manifestation of a state of dis-ease.

When a condition presents, doctor’s job is to determine the causative agent responsible. Unfortunately for patients, that determination is based on symptoms and the presents of the causative agent.


Modern medicine is based on bacteria or viruses.  Fungi (fungus) are NEVER considered primary agents of disease; rather, only secondary, and rarely then.

The classic example is CANCER.  Cancer is NOT a disease, it is merely confirmation of complete take-over of body metabolism and vital organ functions by FUNGUS.

To learn more, read The Missing Diagnosis, Jills Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link below.

See Special Insights, Cancer, Fermentation, Acidity & pH by clicking hyperlink.


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Cavitation [dental]

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Cavitation: a ‘bone’ cavity caused by incomplete removal of the root[s] of teeth; left-behind root fragments that become infected and spew a steady flow of toxins into blood on its return to the heart.

Cavitations can form denovo [as described above] or they merely become extensions of a formerly infected tooth.

Root canals become clinically infected and toxic within 5-10 years of when the tooth was ‘canalled’.  Failure to remove the periodontal ligament that anchors teeth in place becomes another source of toxin production.

ONGOING structural infection from inflamed/infected gums, cavitation, root canal or periodontal ligament automatically causes CRP [C-reactive protein] reading to spike.  The only acceptable CRP is zero [-0-].

Above zero CRP says there is low-grade infection somewhere in the body and dental dis-ease is ALWAYS a safe bet.

For guidance, contact John Thomas.

Dental dis-ease


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Celiac (dis-ease)

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Celiac (disease): a condition of SEVERE deterioration of the villi of the  intestinal wall that  gets its name from the portion of the small intestine in the region of the celiac artery.


Celiac is often confused and misdiagnosed as IBS/IBD (Irritable Bowel Syndrome/Disorder), gluten intollerance/synsitivity and Crohn’s because symptoms overlap.  All of these conditions have one thing in common: invasion by yeast and molds and mycotoxin dominance, both of which lead to LEAKY-GUT.

Choice of food and dietary habits dramatically affect celiac and the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin and adrenaline.  Be sure and pay attention to Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Celiac is an advanced stage degenerative condition of the intestinal gut that often begins as irritable bowel, gas/bloating, pain and cramps upon ingestion of gluten, use of antibiotics, poor liver/gallbladder function and especially, emotional stress.

It should be noted that few of the issues listed in the paragraph above are recognized by medicine as having anything to do with celiac.  Their focus is STRICTLY one of signs and symptoms and categorization of disease i.e. a label and who cares about cause or etiolgy!

Experts love to use words like: syndrome and disorder to describe things they don’t have a clue about, but wish to appear knowledgeable.  The words, syndrome and disorder imply a condition of dis-ease and infer something mysterious.

Additional factors not recognized as contributing to serious intestinal disorders are:  diet, intake of sugar and sweets and carbohydrates of all types, inability to process proteins (including gluten), pH of gastric juices, inflammation of the gut wall, leaky-gut, as well as fermentation i.e. brewery syndrome, related to the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, faulty digestion and emotional stress.

The terrain of the gut is managed by the gut microbiome, and regulatory hormones leptin, insulin, glucagon and adrenaline.  Diet and digestion play a pivotal part in the development and progress of celiac.

Digestion is a broad subject with many aspects. People assume that just because eat and  “poop” that everything is ‘normal and fine. These things have little meaning  as evidenced by the onset and progressive nature of serious intestinal dysfunction,

If you are over age 35, your digestive capacity is NOT what it was at age 20 and the older you are, the worse shape your digestion.  Hormonal RESISTANCE drives the process. Again, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Hormonal resistance is EVERYONE’S problem; it is UNIVERSAL.  It is what is behind cancer, diabetes, arthritis, liver and kidney issues and all degenerative challenges.  Resistance is how you spell, AGING!

Young Again Protocols are very useful for restoration of the terrain; they are not for curing or healing anything.  Those words (cure/heal) are owned by the medical establishment and are used after SIGNS and SYMPTOMS somehow ‘disappear’

Outside of emergency procedures and parts replacement (where no other option is available), the sick-care system is rapidly falling apart. The premise behind medical care as we know it is FLAWED.  Please study Germ Theory of Disease by clicking link.

Celiac disorder has recently been elevated to the status of disease because of the extreme destruction of intestinal villi that occurs in patients with the condition.

Contrary to medical folklore, celiac has NOTHING to do with your genes or DNA. Rather, these high-tech words are used to provide ‘cover’ and a boogeyman in the rear-view-mirror.  Genes and DNA are after-the-fact effects of a terrain  out of balance.

Typical of medical classifications and the diagnosis of disease, celiac, Crohn’s, IBD/IBS, gluten intolerance, fibromyalgia, lupus and thousands of other “labels” are openly recognized as conditions where etiology is UNKNOWN and no known ‘cure’ is available.

Pardon me, but that sure sounds like an open admission?  Like it or not, you are on you own, and it up to you to learn to care for yourself.

Like all degenerative conditions, celiac is CLASSIC autoimmune complicated by the factors like poor protein digestion and leaky-gut and hormonal resistance.

The body can reverse celiac just as it can reverse other so-called, diseases. Most health challenges are an AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE; meaning, the body reacts and attacks itself when food proteins gain access to the blood stream via an inflamed, compromised gut wall.

Deal with the factors that drive autoimmune reactions and you have the recipe for restoration of the terrain of the body.  Please click hyperlinks for Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle to better understand all things, autoimmune.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Please study Autoimmine Attack Cycle, Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, terrain, DNA, digestion, sweets, microbiome, protein, gluten intollerance, the nature of inflammation, These terms are easily accessible using Glossary link below.

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Cell Voltage

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Cell voltage: refers to the electrical life force “voltage” of the cells.


As acidity rises, electrical voltage of the cells, diminishes.

Cell voltage is reflects acidity level and mineral ion reserves, both of which actively affect production of the body’s energy unit called, Mg-ATP which is made by the, mitochondria.

People think they need more oxygen, when their problem is insufficient CO2.

Low carbon dioxide levels limit hemoglobin’s ability to carry and deliver oxygen.  Low cellular oxygen means low metabolism and rising acidity.  Symptoms are: aging and endless suffering!

Bicarbonates BOOST metabolism, while supplemental oxygen given in the face of insufficient CO2 increases terrain acidity for those with respiratory problems.

Low cellular oxygen increases acidity because of incomplete metabolism of glucose sugars.  And, as the mitochondria sicken and die, so do, you!

Acidity is the negative energy life-force behind CANCER, ARTHRITIS, DIABETES, KIDNEY AND CARDIOVASCULAR problems.  Acidity and oxygen control cell voltage for good and bad.

Read Manage Acidity For A Better Life, and Special Insights edition, ReCharge in February 2017 in the Archive below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life in Archive below.


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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Cellulite: adipose edematosa (adipose tissue [fat] that is abnormal).


Cellulite is fatty tissue that is jello-like in appearance; that does not respond well to exercise as a means of elimination. Cellulite is loaded with highly toxic waste the body created specifically for storage of waste.

Cellulite is not normal tissue.  One of the primary drivers of cellulite is pre-diabetic insulin resistance.

There is a big connection between cellulite formation and unbalanced regulatory hormones, such as: leptin, insulin, glucagon and adrenaline.  Be sure and read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking this link.

The hormonal hormone connection partially explains why even thin women develop cellulite.

Cellulite can be ‘worked’ mechanically with the YAC face and body rollers.  These are specialized tools that break-down waste laden tissue.  Implied in the cellulite story is liver inefficiency.

Cellulite formation is a dead give-away that the body is overloaded with waste, hormones are out of balance and diet and/or digestion are poor.

Cellulite is woman’s curse because it concentrates on the outer thighs and buttocks.  Men seldom develop it unless they become clinically obese.

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

Use of the Biogenic Body Roller is effective for reduction of cellulite.

See Special Insights, Waistlines & Necklines by clicking hyperlink.

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Cellulitis: is an extremely painful inflammatory condition of the fat layer beneath the skin.


Cellulitis is usually blamed on bacterial infection when the problem is directly related to and generally follows periods of HIGH emotional stress and anxiety.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria is confirmation of waste driven inflammation.  Cellulitis is a classic autoimmune response where the body attacks itself.

Use of antibiotics further injuries the intestinal gut wall and perpetuates autoimmune responses of which cellulitis is but one.

Cellulitis should serve as confirmation of systemic ‘resistance’ to regulatory hormones such as: leptin, insulin and adrenaline.  Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking this link.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Autoimmune Attack Cycle, Digestion, Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, Colon, Inflammation, Cravings, Acid Reflux, and Gut in Glossary link below.

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Charleyhorse: severe muscle spasm as a result of insufficient magnesium ion availability at eh cellular level.  Charleyhorse is a DEFAULT condition where the body has no alternative but to throw a muscle tantrum of a leg muscle [usually at night] or a so-called heart attack.

Heart attack is NOT some mysterious condition that happens without cause, but which doctors and medical lightweights like to blame on your ‘family’ history and/or The Cholesterol Theory of Heart Disease.

A heart attack is a massive ELECTRICAL EVENT caused by severe depletion of magnesium ions, NOT because of failure to use drugs and medications.

Heart by-pass surgery is avoidable and unnecessary if patients tended their terrains and changed their diets and lifestyles and addressed their single biggest driver of degenerative dis-ease:  insulin-resistance and maldigestion of food.

Heart attack and heart dis-ease are confirmations of a sick, dysfunctional liver, ONGOING insulin-resistance [be it in the form of pre-diabetes or diabetes] and ONGOING Metabolic Syndrome.

Click links to learn more.


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Chemical Sensitivity

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Chemical Sensitivity: a condition where people cannot tolerate chemical off-gassing from any source from household cleaners to perfumes.

Chemical sensitivity issues should be considered ABSOLUTE CONFIRMATION of systemic mold and fungus infestation and a severely compromised immune system.


See Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 in the Archive Link below.

For a good overview of issues related to allergy-type conditions, see Allergies & Leaky-Gut by clicking the hyperlink.

Know that the DNA of fungi [such as Candida albicans] is so similar to human DNA that  both species can merge and create a HYBRID ORGANISM.

When this occurs, the body’s immune system no longer recognizes foreign DNA as foreign; rather, the immune system sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you and allow molds and fungi to grow and spread throughout the body.

Be certain to learn how the Mold & Fungus Protocol can help, YOU!

Read, Special Insights, Cause Unknown! as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation and pH by clicking the hyperlinks.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life.


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  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Chicken Neck

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Chicken Neck: describes the forward distension of the neck and head where head precedes the torso when body is viewed from a side profile.


Existence of the condition is confirmation of breakdown of the connective tissues of the upper spine and neck, ongoing low-grade inflammation, loss of tone in the connective tissues of the upper shoulders and neck and high levels of acid waste throughout the body terrain.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Special Insights, Waistlines & Necklines by clicking hyperlink.


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Chimera [chimeric]

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Chimera [chimeric]: hybrid lifeforms composed of two or more genetically distinct DNAs; artificial lifeforms untrue to the original, God-given DNAs of the individual species from which they derived; creature having tissues of two or more species.


Chimeric proteins are man-made, proteins made from multiple organisms that do not exist in nature and have no business being introduced into the human body via vaccination or other means.

mRNA Corona vaxxes contain chimeric proteins that alter how genes and cells communicate and how our vital organs function.

In the bible, God commanded that all living creatures in the Promised Land be destroyed to prevent gene corruption of the children of Israel blood lines.

Trans-specie organisms  are part human/part animal.

When animal DNA merges with human DNA, chimera [hybrids] with compromised immunity are created.

Spike-protein vaxxes are breathing new life into Old-Testament, Promised-Land curses not seen since the days of Moses, Aaron, Caleb, and Joshua!

You have options!

It is said that God destroyed Atlantis because of cruelty to humans and animals and creation of chimera by men playing God.


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Chlorine: a halogen gas second in reactivity to fluorine.


A widely used poison used in public drinking water supplies that does tremendous damage to the intestinal mucosa of the gut,

Chlorine is toxic to friendly intestinal bacteria, especially when combined with use of fluoridated tooth paste, chlorine accelerates premature aging of the bones and connective tissues of the body.

The halogens are particularly destructive to brain tissues and lead the way for progressive deterioration of the nervous system, senility and Alzheimer’s.

The halogens are known for disruption of the regulatory hormones leptin, insulin, adrenaline, thyroid and cortisol.

Chlorine (and fluoride) intensify the Autoimmune Attack Cycle™. Avoid halogens at all cost.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See Fluoride in glossary and  the 6th edition of the book, Young Again! for a comprehensive review of the deleterious effects of halogenated chemical compounds.

See previously published Special Insights in the Archive link below.

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Cholesterol (Cholesterol Theory of Disease)

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Cholesterol:  is a lipid molecule synthesized by the body and an essential component of cell membranes that enables animal cells to function without a cell wall (plants and bacteria) and serves as a precursor for biosynnthesis of steroid hormones, bile and vitamin D.


In the late 1950’s, the Cholesterol Theory of Disease was popularized by the medical profession and embraced by the patients on a grand scale.  Cholesterol became the boogieman of cardiovascular disease.

Dietary culprits singled out for elimination (because of their cholesterol content) from the diet were animal fats, eggs and butter which supposedly formed plaque and drove heart disease.

Sadly, the following 50 years saw massive increase of cardiovascular disease as cholesterol levels were systematically ratcheted down to today’s abnormal, sick ‘target’ levels.

At the same time, rabid exercise was promoted as the cure all for heart problems, leading instead to more deaths along with worn out knees, hips and backs.

The Cholesterol  Theory turned out to be another medical sham and drove millions of innocent, ignorant people into the grave early from idiotic dietary restrictions and use of pharmaceutical drugs with their many side effects and contraindications.

[As an aside, another idiotic idea became popular writ in the dental arena: the widespread use of fluoride in tooth paste and public drinking water supplies.  it too was a lie, and it too is still widely believed by the public.  See Special Insight, Teeth and Gums in the Archive link below.]

Today, the Cholesterol Theory is finally being recognized for the sad joke that it always was; but the public is reluctant to recognize the entire ploy was driven by the food and pharmaceutical industries for selfist reasons.

It turns out that sweets drive triglyceride production and deposition of waste (plaque) in the arteries because of hormonal resistance to leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking link.

Acidifycation of the body terrain and accumulation of waste leaves the body no alternative but to park waste in deposits throughout the body.  Factors driving acidifycation are: poor diet, faulty digestion, an inflamed and compromises liver and sluggish bowels.

The diet should include eggs, animal fats and butter along with coconut and olive oils.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

See fats, cardiovascular and Special Insight, Ear Fats To Be Happy & Healthy.

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Chronic dis-ease

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Chronic dis-ease: persistent, ongoing never ending; a state of dis-ease that escapes medical diagnosis because practitioners DO NOT understand Applied Physiology.


The word chronic is refers to conditions of ongoing suffering that fails to respond drugs or therapy and fails to improve.

Chronic anything always involves systemic inflammation, whether low-grade or intense.

Degenerative conditions like arthritis, irritable bowel, asthma, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurologic, to name a few, are always involve chronically compromised and dysfunctional tissue and vital organs.  The word tissue includes blood and lymph fluids.

Chronic is often given the moniker, autoimmune along the goofy idea that the body is at war with itself.  Self-attack DOES NOT happen; the body is not stupid and God did not mess-up!

Chronic also implies a body RESISTANT to regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. Please read Special Insights, Food Reactions & Gluten Intolerance, Teeth, Gums & The Dental Cartel [see Archive link below], and Change Your Food Habits, Change Your life.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFS]: is a so-called autoimmune condition characterized by severe,  chronic fatigue that limits the individual’s ability to work and perform normal, daily functions.


CFS is not generally recognized as a pathological condition involving foreign microbes or other known infectious agents.

The Young Again perspective is that CFS is brought about by a MALDIGESTION and compromised, small intestinal gut wall leakage [leaky gut], use of antibiotics, insulin-resistance, acidic pH.  Exposure to spike-proteins from either the Corona vaxx itself or from humans who ‘shed’ contagious variants.

No matter the medical label applied to a dis-ease, whether so-called contagious or otherwise, illness and dis-ease are the result of a polluted, compromised terrain.  TRANSLATION: The weaker the terrain and the more polluted the body, the more vulnerable you are to physiologic triggers that feed on waste and acidic pH, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

CFS is closely associated with gluten intolerance, use of antibiotics and steroid, all of which promote takeover of fungal-yeast in the intestinal gut by fungal hypha.  See Mold & Fungus Protocol.

CFS implies fungal dominance of the terrain and [pre-diabetes diabetes Type 3].

Please read Special Insights, Premature Aging & Pre-diabetes, as well as Belly Fat Phenomenon and Change your Food Habits, Change Your Life.


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  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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Chronology Of John Thomas’ Medical History

John Thomas’ Personal Health Journey

Below is a chronology of my personal medical history that provides good examples of the body’s amazing power to heal and regenerate, despite ignorance and abuse.

1950: John Thomas [age 6] began usage of antibiotics at least once, yearly; ate lots of sweets.

1958: John Thomas [age 14] thrown through car window at 65 MPH; badly beat-up, 10 stitches to back of head, lots of antibiotics; slow recovery.

1963: John Thomas [age 19] liver damage, severe mononucleosis, heavy, on-going antibiotics, long [two years], slow recovery.

1967: John Thomas [age 23, US Army] tumor removed from pelvis, antibiotics, slow recovery.

1981: John Thomas [age 37] knee surgery with IV antibiotics, suferd 25 years before discovering how to dissolve scar tissue and regenerate knee.  [2006, full recovery.]

1985: John Thomas [age 41] blinded 3 days from battery acid in both eyes; slow recovery.

1989: John Thomas [age 45] right inguinal hernia surgery with IV antibiotics, very slow recovery.

1993: John Thomas grows a full head of genuine, natural colored hair and writes Young Again!

1994: John Thomas [age 50] follows the early version of the Tissue and Liver Protocol, seeing his eye color switch from life-long, dark brown to light green and caramel.  Regeneration continues for twelve years by implementation of Young Again Club Principles.

2006, John Thomas [age 63] suffers injury to hand in garden.  The story: microbes enter his left hand, ring finger.  Incubation period: one week, then football-sized hand and fire-red color up the forearm.  Medical prognosis: loss of hand or death.  Official diagnosis: septicemia [blood poisoning, but no idea of cause] followed by emergency surgery and heavy, broad spectrum IV antibiotics.  Official Cause: no clue!  John Thomas’ unofficial self-diagnosis:  fungal sepsis and immune system collapse from fungal growth and gross production of mycotoxin.]  Post prognosis:  surgeon: “Too old; hand can’t recover; hang-it-up and be glad you are alive!”  Three months later: normal hand function!  One year later: complete recovery; scar on palm for proof!

2012, John Thomas [age 68] undergoes repair of a 20 year inguinal hernia [left side.]  FYI: once torn, the muscle sheath covering visceral [belly] organs must be surgically repaired; it does not regenerate.  Incubation period following massive dose of surgical I.V. antibiotics. Four months later, July 4, trouble erupts followed by loss of 50 lbs. by late October: severe debilitation.  Official diagnosis: “Nothing wrong; your tests are perfect!”  John Thomas’ unofficial self-diagnosis: Epstein Barre (Landry’s Paralysis) caused by systemic mold/fungal takeover and collapse of immune function from broad spectrum I.V. antibiotics].  Early November status: John Thomas turns old man [WHITE HAIR] and prepares to die [literally!]  Eight months later: complete recovery [normal function, normal weight, good muscle tone and natural hair color i.e. no shoe polish!]

At risk of redundancy, if the above things can happen to John Thomas, they can happen to you.  Taking care of yourself is a never ending process that pays off big in time of crisis.

Introducing New Dynamics!
The sequence of events, products and protocols enumerated below came in the aftermath of the above crisis.  Each was identified and developed to assist John Thomas address his health horizon.  [FYI: dynamics change after age 40 and each additional ten years brings new issues.  To maintain your health and avoid entanglement in the sick-care system, ask for guidance.]

2013: John Thomas introduces ReStore [which was followed by ReSet] for restoring intestinal health, boosting of immune function and settling of autoimmune challenges.  [John Thomas developed ReStore & ReSet to address gut issues left over from his 2012 crisis.  ReStore & ReSet should not be confused with PROBIOTICS; they are NOT the same.  Great for gas/bloat and bowel issues and very popular.]  Read about them, here and here.

2015: John Thomas [age 71] loses his footing, falls off six-foot brick wall into street injuring two ribs while doing construction work.  Sixty days later, full recovery of strength and mobility.  [FYI: the same ribs were injured 25 years earlier (at age 46), requiring one year with limited recovery!]

2016: John Thomas introduces Dynamic Circulation Therapy for vibrational stimulation of good health and for personal, at-home-intervention by the individual.  [DCT was instrumental in John Thomas speedy healing follow the indent mentioned immediately above and his continued progress.  At age 71, thorough, speedy healing is difficult to achieve.]

2016:  John Thomas introduces ReVive for natural blood sugar management and improvement of memory and cognitive function.  [This protocol helped John Thomas sharpen his wits and boost his energy, energy and trim his waistline.]  Read About it, here.

2016: John Thomas introduces ReMove to assist reduction of excess ferritin iron and other heavy metals that drive inflammation in the body.  [John Thomas used ReMove to reduce excess ferritin iron without the hassle of blood donations.  Many people cannot donate blood for because of age, fear of needles, medications, etc.  Read about the protocol, here.]

2016: John Thomas introduces Ion Trio for better health and greater longevity.  [The Trio helped John Thomas improve his health in ways otherwise, unavailable.  Read about it, here.]

2017: John Thomas makes the Terrain pH Protocol available to everyone for FREE.  [This protocol boosts bicarbonate reserves and reduces terrain acidity; both prerequisites for maintaining good health and avoiding deterioration of so-called, normal aging.]  Read about John Thomas’ personal experiences with the protocol, here and here.

2017: John Thomas introduces exciting new product, ReCharge for boosting oxygen delivery and improving energy.  [ReCharge allowed John Thomas boost his overall health by increasing metabolism and blood delivery.]  Read about ReCharge, here.

2017: John Thomas introduces Mold & Fungus Protocols [I & 2]; the most recent discovery and offering from Young Again Club.  The dynamics of the protocol are central to all health challenges and symptoms, no matter what the official story may be. Read about them, here.

2017: John Thomas posts new teaching platform on Young Again website called, Missing Diagnosis Series. [The new platform profiles individual health histories so people can understand cause and effect, as well as how to reverse the aging process.]

2017: John Thomas is approaching age 73, and as the ad says: “Like it never even happened!”

2018: John Thomas begins [use of] and phased introduction of Essential Elements Protocol for restoration of vital organ function and reversal of symptoms associated with health in general and premature aging, particularly.  Elements initially offered were three followed by two more and eventually all 12 Essential Elements in 2019.  In 2020 three additional elements were made available.  The elements became the foundational fixture for creation of Plan-B for boosting metabolism and providing a natural means of protection against COVID-19 and mRNA vaccinations that are invading humanity under cover of ‘crisis!’

2020:  Crisis strikes on my birthday [December 8, 2020] and here is the story.

John Thomas has a confession to make.  “I have been haunted by old-man-veins in my right leg since 2015 and I was NOT happy about it!”  Engorged leg veins DO NOT go-away on their own, and they haunt men more because males suffer ongoing, systemic low-grade inflammation after age forty.  John Thomas needed a solution and he got it, too!  Here are the details of his story.

Physical movement was the only thing that kept my leg problem in-check, that is, until December 8 [my 76th birthday] when all hell let loose!

Every dog has its day, and that day while writing Special Insights, the inside of my right calf suffered burning pain, followed by blood blemish on the skin.  These issues persisted until December 20 when my right foot and calf suddenly SWELLED with fluid and turned rock-hard.

Knowing I was in trouble but UNWILLING to go to the ER or get involved in sick-care medicine, I called my deep-tissue massage Rolfer to assist with what seemed to be a severely knotted calf muscle and inflamed tendons in the knee and ankle.  Wrong!  But wait, there is more!

After the session, I applied ice therapy to the swollen leg with a block of  REAL ICE [not a cold pack] for 30 minutes, 3x/day until December 23.  [During this time, I cleared heavy snow and put my root-cellar to bed; vigorous activity for a guy with a dysfunctional leg.]

From the time the problem erupted, I loaded with PLAQUE FORMULA [dissolves fatty plaques] and applied liquid magnesium with boron followed by liquid DMSO.  [DMSO does what no other substance can do.  It supplies oxygen, boosts circulation, reduces inflammation and supplies bio-active sulfur and methyl molecules to angry tissue.]   I also took 1 tsp. of DMSO in water 3x/day and followed the YAC terrain pH protocol.

Also, I loaded my body with bio-active magnesium ions at the rate of 1,000 mg/day.  I am speaking of bio-active magnesium ions that are 100% assimilated by cells and mitochondria, NOT pill-bottle numbers on a label that provide 3-12% absorption near zero, assimilation.  Assimilation is key.

December 23: I began using my rebounder [mini-trampoline] for 20 minutes 3x/day; gentle up/down motion with feet on the mat [never any running or jumping].  Finally, my leg responded!

December 26: the pain and swelling in my leg eased by 90 %.  The calf softened and, miracle of miracles, the old-man-varicose-vein on the shin bone DISAPPEARED for the first time in six years.  The next day the leg started itching [a sign of healing and blood/nerve innervation].

TODAY is December 28, 2020 and my leg problem resolved itself.  People said, “Oh! You have a blood clot, get to the ER before you die!”  I said, “Baloney!”  Others said, “Get on aspirin, Aleve and/or ibuprofen immediately to ease the pain, reduce inflammation and thin your blood!”  I said, “No way!”

If you wish assistance, call John Thomas. 

Circulation (restricted)

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Circulation: is a general term used to refer to movement of the body’s fluids: blood, lymph and cerebral spinal.


Restricted circulation is a factor in inflammatory responses and conditions; it also a contributing factor in waste accumulation and the inability to restore damaged, compromised tissue be it from injury, surgery or old age.

The term, circulation includes in its meaning, the idea of “microcirculation”; meaning, the movement of fluids in the blood and lymphatic capillaries, the smallest of the vessels.

Vasomotion refers to the rhythmic movement of body fluids extending from the aorta (the largest artery) to arterial capillaries (the smallest vessels)  and veins on the return (venus) side of the fluid circuit.

Please study the information about Dynamic Circulation Therapy by clicking link.

See Special Insight, Cell Phones & Tissue Memory for an in depth discussion of energy flow and circulation from the perspective of “tissue memory.”


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Also, see terms: Blood, Lymph in the Glossary by clicking on the link below.

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Claudius Galen

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Claudius Galen: Claudius Galenus 129 CE – c. 200/c. 216; Anglicized as Galen and sometimes known as Galen of Pergamon was a Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher in the Roman Empire.

Comment: Galen’s teachings greatly influenced the future of medicine for 1600 years until officially dethroned by Louis Pasteur and the Germ Theory Of Disease took dominance in medical thinking between 1850 and 1890.

Closely aligned with Galen’s teachings was the theory of miasmic generated disease.

Galen’s influence was overpowering because his writings were profuse and the only writings to survive the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages.

Galen’s understanding of anatomy and medicine was principally influenced by the then-current theory of humorism (also known as the theory of the four humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm), as advanced by ancient Greek physicians such as Hippocrates.

Galen went to Rome in 162 and made his mark as a practicing physician. During the autumn of 169 when Roman troops were returning to Aquileia, a great plague broke out, and the emperor summoned Galen back to Rome. He was ordered to accompany Marcus and Verus to Germany as the court physician.

The following spring Marcus was persuaded to release Galen after receiving a report that Asclepius was against the project. He was left behind to act as physician to the imperial heir Commodus. It was here in court that Galen wrote extensively on medical subjects. Ironically, Lucius Verus died in 169, and Marcus Aurelius himself died in 180, both victims of the plague.

Galen was the physician to Commodus for much of the emperor’s life and treated his common illnesses. In about 189, under Commodus’ reign, a pestilence occurred which at its height killed 2,000 people a day in Rome. This was most likely the same plague that struck Rome during Marcus Aurelius’ reign.

Galen’s teaching on the Four Humors dominated medicine until the late 1800’s.

Miasma: noxious exhalations from the bowels of Earth that transmit poisonous effluvia or germs to the atmosphere. In other words, medical, superstition!

Miasmic superstition totally dominated medical thinking into the early 1900”s, and truth be told, it is very much alive today.  Fact is anytime medicine can’t explain the presence of dis-ease, they fall-back to talking in terms of miasma, but these days it’s miasma wrapped in virus theory to add a twist of make-believe science.

Sixteen-hundred years of Galen idiocy was displaced by Pasteur’s flimflam known as, The Germ Theory of Disease until the late 1800s.  Germ Theory was perfect because it fueled public superstition and belief in miasmas, but with a scientific-like name: germs!

For over a 100 years the experts blamed Pellagra and beriberi on unidentified, miasmas.  John Thomas would remind readers that the same breed of medical ding-dongs running the show back then are the same ding-dongs that today claim COVID-19 is a virus-driven disease.

After 100 years of suffering and hundreds of thousands of deaths, it was PROVEN that most so-called diseases that are NOT DISEASES AT ALL!  Rather, they are conditions of toxicity and deficiency.  Unfortunately, medical ding-dongs are still running the show today.

Medical-science defers to miasmas and humors to explain-away degenerative disorders for which they have no answers.  Galen taught that four bad humors were responsible for dis-ease and death and appeared as distinct personality types, namely: melancholy, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic.


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Clinical Disease vs. low-grade dis-ease

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Subclinical describes a condition where symptoms fall BELOW diagnostic radar, meaning symptoms that fail to rise above diagnostic radar; symptoms of imaginary medical disorders that end in MISDIAGNOSIS instead of the missing diagnosis.  To learn more, read on.

Clinical disease is a medical condition complete with signs and symptoms that sick-care practitioners use to justify medical intervention, medications and/or surgery.


Sub-clinical disorders are low-grade, BELOW MEDICAL REDAR issues of suffering and degeneration.

Clinical dis-ease is the opposite of sub-clinical status. Most suffering and issues of aging are low-grade in nature; meaning, symptoms that are in the patient’s head.  i.e. non diagnosable!  Practitioners rely on SIGNS and SYMPTOMS to conjure diagnosis and justify intervention.

If you suffer from symptoms of dis-ease, or are aging, and/or losing control of your body and health but fall short of clinical status, then you suffer from symptoms of sub-clinical dis-ease.

Low-grade status is a wake-up-call because you have room to heal and time is on your side, regardless of your age.  Aging and symptoms of disease occur slowly long before CLINICAL SIGNS manifest.  Suffering and aging are driven by low-grade inflammation that damages the terrain and slowly destroys the physiology of the bio-electric body.

Insulin/leptin-resistance plays a central role in systemic, low-grade inflammation and the development of the big four: cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and arthritis.

Disorders, syndromes and so-called dis-eases begin as conditions of low-grade inflammation.  Symptoms of dis-ease eventually receive the label of  DISEASE along with a diagnosis from doctor.


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In the words of Joseph Campbell, “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

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Clostridium difficile (C-diff)

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Clostridium difficile: a VIRULENT form of clostridium.


C-diff is a bacterium involved in MRSA and is a VIRULENT form of staph.

C-diff infections occur when the terrain of the body comes under extreme assault.

See Mysterious Infections and Diseases by clicking hyperlink.

According to the Germ Theory of Disease, infection is blamed on foreign ‘agents’ that  invade the body, set up shop and go about infecting the system.  According to Germ Theory, MRSA is such a bacteria, but is it?

‘Staph’ is a resident bacterium in the body; it is not something you ‘catch’ in the hospital environment. The trigger that causes benign staph bacteria to turn virulent is stress and trauma associated with surgery and hospital related emergency procedures, NOT some unknown acquisition of a distinctly different form of staph.  MRSA is a morphed form.

MRSA [methecilin-resistant staphaureous] is another example of a morphed virulent bacteria for which patients are wrongly treated.  Presence of a particular bacteria DOES NOT prove cause, just presence and it is mycotoxins from molds that cause non-virulent bacteria to morph into virulence.

Use of antibiotics is a factor in turning regular staph into virulent MRSA.  Antibiotics do serious  damage to the intestinal (gut) wall, but MOST IMPORTANTLY, cause fungal takeover and DNA merger of human DNA with fungal DNA and the creation of a hybrid human being whose immune system see fungus as “human” and normal and not a threat to the body.

Antibiotics destroy the gut microbiome (friendly bacterial matrix) causing the gut wall to become inflamed and the intestinal tract, toxic.

Antibiotics have their place in life or death medicine ONLY!!!!

Other factors trigger MRSA, such as stress, drugs, trauma etc. which cause metamorphosis and outbreak of friendly bacteria into virulent organisms.

The controlling factor is the ‘state’ of the patient’s TERRAIN prior to admission for surgery or trauma.

The terrain controls, and molds and fungus control the terrain. See Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlink.

Also see Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ by clicking hyperlink.


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Read the 6th edition of the book, Young Again!

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Cognitive Dysfunction (type 3 diabetes of the brain)

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Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s: are chronic, neurological, degenerative disorders.


Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s: like most everything in the medical arena, have been presented to the public as diseases based on their progressive nature while completely ignoring the factors behind their development and the forces driving them.

These disorders are common and predictable because they are the product of diet and lifestyle and directly related to leptin, insulin and adrenaline resistance.

Most importantly, cognitive disorders should be thought of and viewed in terms of diabetes of the brain or type 3 diabetes brought on by pre-diabetes. Click link to read about it.

See Special Insights, Pre-Diabetes & Aging for the rest of the story by clicking the Archive link below.

In order to correct a problem, you must understand how and why it occurred, and that is precisely the problem here. To understand the dilemma  and nature of the sick-care system, read Germ Theory of Disease by clicking hyperlink.

The word degenerative may describe the nature of disorders involving loss of cognitive function, but cause is never discussed.

The problem is the medical model and the sick-care system.  They need to blame either genes and DNA or a boogieman to keep the public in a state of fear and confusion.


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CognitiveMagic is John Thomas’ response to cognitive decline age-related, brain dysfunction that has morphed into a major source of concern and worry for those over age 40.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are expected to affect one in four adults.  These heart-wrenching disorders are preventable and reversible, but you will NEVER hear any of this from medical experts and practitioners who are 100% responsible for creating the, crisis!  Believe it!

Neurologic decline is NOT natural to aging, and it has NOTHING to do with genes or family history.  Cognitive decline is the product of bad choices in diet and lifestyle, and use of medical drugs such as: statins, PPIs [proton pump inhibitors], anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, blood thinners and beta-blockers doctors prescribe and patients [foolishly] use.

If you want to stay off [or get off] the cognitive decline roster, you have no choice but to play your God Card and withdraw and avoid further involvement in the sick-care system.  [The emergency room is the ONLY valid, exception!]

CognitiveMagic assists with natural reduction of free-radical oxidation, protects against 5G wi-fi radiation, environmental chemicals, boosts methionine production, enhances your ability to exercise, and helps greatly with reversal of degenerative issues.

Blood flow to the brain is a, big deal, and it does not happen if there is low-grade inflammation in the arteries and capillaries.  Restricted flow causes oxidative damage in the vital organs for lack of availability.  Common to these issues is our cellular energy molecule, Mg-ATP.

Mg-ATP is the body’s energy molecule, and it’s made in the Krebs cycle of the mitochondria which is EXTREMELY dependent on available magnesium and hydrogen ions.  Translation: if you suffer from cardiovascular disease or cognitive decline, you have magnesium and hydrogen problem.

What you do about correcting these issues will determine the quality of your life in the years to come and your hope of avoiding involvement in neurologic, sick-care medicine.  Decide what you want and act upon it while you still have your faculties.  No second changes, available!

CognitiveMagic will help you to enjoy a sane, healthy, future.  Guidance is provided COST FREE!

Change your lifestyle and your diet.

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  2. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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Colic (earache, thrush, respiratory issues, colds, flud and sinusitis)

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Colic: pertaining to or affecting the colon or the bowels.

Closely related conditions are: earache, thrush, respiratory issues, colds, flu, yeast & sinusitis are conditions that are fungal related terrain issues.

Conventional thinking blames earache on bacteria and viral issues, but it is WRONG!  These organism only appear AFTER fungi have instigated the inflammation and weakened the system.


Earache [especially in children] cannot be understood or properly treated in the face of fungal ignorance, which is present among medical professionals every bit as much a among patients.

For now, know this: mycology [the study of molds and fungus] has NOT been taught to doctors since the early 1950s.  Outside of ring worm, toe nail fungus and bladder/vaginal yeast infections, they know very, very little, leaving patients at the mercy of total ignorance.

When you think earache, THINK: colic, oral thrush, vaginal yeast, bronchial cough, respiratory issues, sinusitis, colds and flu, THINK mold and fungus, NOT bacteria and viruses.

Behind most health issues [dis-ease] is indiscriminate use of broad spectrum antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills and dietary sweets] by both mother and child, as well as, the general population who suffer from fungal infestation on all levels.

Read Special Insights, Cause Unknown! as well as The Missing Diagnosis, Jill’s Story: Case Study #1 which you will find in the Archive Link below.


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Colon: the lower six feet of the intestine; also known as the large intestine or bowel.


The colon begins at the cecum (the fist-sized pouch at the junction of the small and large intestine; the appendix dangles from the cecum) and ends at the anus.

The bowel is the most toxic area of the body and the area of the body most subject to cancer.  The expression, “Cancer begins in the colon!” says it best.

The bowel is easily maintained and kept healthy by following the Low or High Enema Protocol. The bowel is the target zone for colonoscopy. Polyps form in the wall of the colon, but removal of polyps is a dangerous procedure. More people die each year from internal bleeding and complications associated with polyp ‘removal’ than die of colon cancer; 90% of polyps removed are benign.

Colon cancer is a TERRAIN and lifestyle issue that has absolutely nothing to do with your genes or DNA.  It is a self imposed condition of neglect and abuse.

A better solution than subjecting yourself to colonoscopy and polyp ‘clipping’ is to practice Low or High Enema Protocol so you will not grow polyps or develop colon cancer.

The bowels should move at least three times a day, every day; anything les is modified constipation, opinions to the contrary not withstanding.  Constipation is a gut, water, sweets, diet and digestion issue and can only be remedied by lifestyle changes.

The colon is the location for manifestation of diverticulitis and colitis.  In men, the colon is located next to the prostate and is a serious source of prostate infection. However, men’s #1 issue with prostate is inflammation, poor circulation and autoimmune attacks stemming from the intestinal tract both large and small intestine.

Male prostate issues always involve the colon; prostate problems are the male equivalent of bladder infections in females which are seldom ‘infections’ and almost always driven by inflammation in the gut. Prostate infections have a bowel/gut aspect, and in women they are closely linked to hormonal imbalances of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. To learn more, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

In women, the colon is closely linked to menstrual difficulties and menopausal issues. Poor digestion of food drives and dietary sweets and carbohydrates fuel production of putrid gas and bloating. Yeast issues and bladder infections have a bowel/gut aspect, and in women they are closely linked to hormonal imbalances of the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin, adrenaline and glucagon. To learn more, read Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life here.

The existence of hemorrhoids confirms of bowel, diet, and digestion issues aggravated by incorrect positioning during defecation.

Bowel disorders are CLASSIC manifestations of a sick, compromised liver and poor bile production. Bowel issues have great impact on sleep disorders and inability to exerience deep sleep.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle™ and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle are active in all bowel disorders.  Terrain management is a core principle of YAC and the book, Young Again!


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Read the 6th edition of Young Again!

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Colon Therapy (hydrotherapy, high enema therapy)

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See Low & High Enema Therapy by clicking hyperlink.


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Colonoscopy: the endoscopic examination of the colon (large intestine).


Colonoscopy is the most invasive and problematic method of examining the colon for lesions, polyps, diverticulitis and colitis.  Submit at your own risk!

Colon cancer is the most predictable and prevalent form of cancer.  It is also the simplest form of cancer to PREVENT.  it is promoted to the public on the basis of fear and uncertainty rather than educating the public in prevention and mediation.

Colon cancer has NOTHING to do with a person’s genes or DNA and EVERYTHING to do with neglect and abuse of the body’s terrain.  Specifically, colon cancer [along with all other forms of cancer] are the product of and confirmation of systemic take-over of the body by molds and fungi.

In fairness, 99% of the population over age 35 has serious fungal take-over developing in their colons which is what drives colon cancer.  Factors behind the development of colon cancer are: fungal infestation, diet, digestion, compromised liver, sluggish bowels (less than three movements per day), sugar intake, failure to drink enough water, failure to do enema therapy on a multi-times per day basis.

Clipping of polyps during colonoscopy results in one death in every thousand people due to internal bleeding following this dangerous procedure.  Polyps are not, in and of themselves, a cancer risk; the factors behind their formation is the real risk in the form of neglect and abuse.

Little is said about the harsh and toxic chemicals given the patient prior to the procedure.  There is nothing nice or healthful about it.

Colonoscopy falls into the same category as mamograms and prostate biopsies which are unnecessary and seriously damaging to the body and its organs.  PREVENTION is the key.

By the time colon cancer is discovered, the patient has progressed beyond simple, prevention.  At this stage of the game, the patient MUST BECOME PERSONALLY ACTIVE in the future of their health knowing full well, that the conventional approach is inadequate and misleading.

It is a documented fact that mammogram has been a statistical failure in preventing and forecasting breast cancer.  Sadly, millions of women line up yearly for this archaic procedure, just as millions line up for colonoscopy under the mistaken impression that the prevent cancer.  They DO NOT!.

You don’t see any men having their testicles mashed, but you do see men, driven by fear and uncertainty, submitting themselves to prostate “biopsy”; another archaic procedure bordering on criminal for failure to inform patients of the health risks involved and the fact that all of these so-called preventative procedures are based on THEORY and BAD SCIENCE.

Hemorrhoids are another easily preventable bowel disorder with many contributing factors.  Sadly, if people were taught early how to move their bowel, hemorrhoids would never develop in the first place.  Check out the Enema Protocol for more details.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
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  3. Ask for help and be open t new ideas.

See colon, waste, toxicity, terrain, dis-ease, bile, constipation, bowel disorders and inflammation in the Glossary by clicking link.

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Color of Law

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Color of law: misuse of power and authority that deprives a citizen of his rights or compels him to act against his best interests.  

Example: the COVID-19 [so-called] pandemic.

Deprivation of rights under color of law

The deprivation of rights under color of law is a federal criminal offense which occurs when any person, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person on any U.S. territory or possession to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens (18 U.S.C. § 242). When two or more persons conspire to prevent the exercise of constitutional rights, or to punish an individual for having exercised them, it is deemed a conspiracy against rights (18 U.S.C. § 241). The death penalty is applicable in extreme cases when the crimes cause the death of the individual being deprived of constitutional rights. 

Under color of authority/law: is a legal phrase used in the US indicating that a person is claiming or implying the acts he or she is committing are related to and legitimized by his or her role as an agent of governmental power, especially if the acts are unlawful.


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ColorSmart Learning System

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ColorSmart Learning System: a simple learning system by which people become knowledgable, proficient and gain understanding of good science in life and medical sciences without exposure to flawed medical concepts inherent to formal schooling and medical indoctrination.


The ColorSmart Learning System utilizes clearly written scientific concepts in conjunction with active coloring of plates similar to painting by number.  It is the third aspect [reading aloud] that allows the student to hear yourself that SETS the material to permanent memory and provides foundation for additional learning.


Practitioners are smart people.  However, they do not understand human physiology and dis-ease.  Their university schooling is flawed and colored by Germ Theory.  And if practitioners suffer from limited understanding, what makes regular people think they understand physiology when they have little or no academic foundation or exposure to clinical dis-ease or schooling in the sciences of inorganic, organic and biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy and physiology and biology?  Academic schooling is NOT about understanding! Parroting of flawed information perpetuates sick-care medicine.  The internet offers information without understanding!  Use the ColorSmart Learning System and read Special Insights if you want to get understanding, develop foundation and rise above limitations inherent to academic schooling.  ColorSmart teaches real physiology and avoids getting caught-up in the narrative called sick-care.  Understanding counts!  Please read again.

For more details and to get started, ask John Thomas for guidance.


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Commensal organisms

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Commensal organisms: are organisms that have a symbiotic relationship; usually between a larger host organism [man] and small/microscopic organisms.  Organisms whose presence and DNA  compose the microbiota, microbiome and influence the epigenome.


Commensal organisms are generally friendly organisms, however, they can also be pathogenic organisms that coexist along side other microbes, be they bacterial, viral, nanobiotic or parasitic.

When conditions in the body’s terrain become unbalanced, non threatening organism MORPH into their virulent forms and attack the host.  Such outbreaks are typical of infections such as C-diff, MRSA, Klebsiella, etc. that exert dominance and secrete endotoxins that kill dominant, friendly organisms.

Diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and fever are typical of virulent outbreaks of otherwise commensal organisms that normally inhabit the body.


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Comorbidity: conditions of dis-ease that either contribute to OR are the primary cause of the disorder under scrutiny/discussion, and therefore a comorbidity; metabolic factor that eventually leads to death;  hence, the word, morbid.

For example, Corona virus [so-called] is the result of OTHER factors that weaken or compound symptoms of the condition that is under scrutiny or discussion.  Since there is NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS, it is impossible to die of a virus.

Viruses have NEVER, EVER been seen live, nor have they EVER been identified and isolated, and therefore DO NOT meet Koch’s postulates.

Viral theory is a knock-off of the Germ Theory of Disease and both are medical frauds.

The list of comorbidities is endless and usually derive from poor choice of lifestyle.  Fact is, most symptoms of so-called disease are nothing more than factors of comorbidity.

In the case of COVID, readers must think in terms of latent tuberculosis, diabetes, and compromised immunity, NOT bogus edicts from ignorant health officials and bought and paid for so-called, scientists.


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Complete Digestion

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Complete digestion: means full breakdown and absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.


Fats are not digested in the stomach or gut, rather they are emulsified and absorbed in the lacteals of the gut and transported to the liver for processing arriving by way of the portal vein (which is a venus blood supply; the liver also has arterial blood supply).

The liver is responsible for fat processing and incomplete or faulty processing of fats deprives the body of needed energy and interferes with the production of hormones.

Digestion heavily influences the regulatory hormones: leptin, insulin and adrenaline and vice versa. Please read Special Insights, Change Your Dietary Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.

The best way to restore digestion and lighten the waste burden on the body is by implementing the Tissue & Liver Protocol. Click hyperlink to read about it.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open t new ideas.

Also, see Digestion, Inflammation, Putrefaction, Sugar?alcohol Cycle and Autoimmune Attack Cycle by clicking Glossary link below.

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