Autoimmune Attack Cycle™

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Autoimmune Attack Cycle: a complex series of immune system reactions stemming from maldigestion, compromised [inflame] intestinal gut wall, invasion of fungal-yeast hypha that have perforated the gut wall, poor diet and lack of essential elemental ions.

Included in the above description is systemic take-over by molds and fungi and their production of mycotoxins they use to control and orchestrate body functions in order to complete their life cycle within the human body.

Implied above is merger of fungal DNA with human DNA so the immune system only sees ‘self’ and not foreign agents [mold, yeast and fungus] and their toxic excretions.

To understand more on issues involving fungal infestation of human DNA, read Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis and the Mold & Fungus Protocol.


Gut reactions manifest as signs and symptoms of disease, disorders and syndromes. The Autoimmune Attack Cycle can affect anyone of any age, including newborn babies due to the ability of molds [and their toxins] to traverse the placenta while in the womb.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle is one of the PRIMARY driving forces behind aging and dis-ease.  Know that MALDIGESTION [inability to fully digest and process food] drives and perpetuates so-called autoimmune symptoms.

The Sugar/Alcohol Cycle is yet another degenerative cycle by which the body loses control of vital organ function and response.

A third factor is imbalances in the regulatory  mechanisms of the body in the form of resistance to the hormones: leptin, insulin and adenaline/cortisol.  See the Glossary in link [above] for more information on these terms.

Autoimmune responses (A/I) are the “effects” of immune system operating in overdrive and REACTING to blood invasion of UNDIGESTED food proteins.,

A/I effects are symptoms maldigestion and yeast produced mycotoxin,  bacterial endotoxins and toxins leaching into the blood stream through a leaky-gut wall.

Behind gluten and food-related reactions [including so-called allergy responses] are a number of factors, including systemic mold and fungus take-over of metabolism and organ functions by their toxic waste that act as hormones on body systems.

A/I reactions are commonly triggered by one or more of the following: undigested food and foreign proteins, carbohydrates, food born chemicals, and aromatic off-gassing of perfumes, room deodorizers and laundry products, just t name a few.

Allergies are reactions to foreign proteins and chemical molecules [mycotoxins and endotoxins] that the body interprets as a threat to the system. allergies are not autoimmune response, but a REACTION to undigested food proteins in the bloodstream.

Insect stings, snake bites and undigested food proteins are foreign proteins capable of provoking an immune response when they access the blood stream.  The response is not an ‘allergy’ as commonly described and understood by sufferers.

Proteins are chains of amino acids that should NEVER access the blood in protein form. Undigested i.e. less than completely broken-down proteins, provoke so-called autoimmune responses in the body.

Proteins require an EXTREMELY ACID stomach environment to break-down into their constituent amino acids.

Proteins not digested in the stomach raise hell by producing toxic organic chemicals that poison the body. Gas, bloating, indigestion and acid reflux are digestion and bowel issues are examples of digestion problems.

There is NO SUCH THING AS GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). The symptoms are real, but the theory behind GERD is a, hoax.  GERD is not disease, but a label created to capture an idea.

Disease should be spelled dis-ease and explained in terms of the body’s terrain and response to foreign proteins rather than on the basis of FRAUDULENT MEDICAL THEORY known as The Germ Theory of Disease.

Behind GERD is maldigestion, leaky-gut, dysfunctional microbiota, microbiome and epigenome along with dysfunctional adrenal and thyroid glands and compromised liver function.

Use of antibiotics, birth control pills, and steroidal medications and overconsumption of carbohydrates [particularly sweets and alcohol], alter the intestinal environment in favor of pathogenic organisms such as yeasts, viruses and parasites.

High fructose corn syrup, agave, fructose (even from fresh fruit) and juices are highly reactive substances and should be avoided. Wine is a fruit based alcohol; avoid it!

Autoimmune-type reactions can be as complex as: asthma, diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or as simple as eczema, psoriasis, Lyme, acne, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, sinus issues, vision problems, bladder and prostate troubles, nail fungus and memory and cognitive disorders.

The list of autoimmune symptoms and responses is ENDLESS.  ALL degenerative medical conditions are autoimmune in nature. They are called diseases when they are NOT diseases; rather, they are A/I responses and if ignored or perpetuated will lead to serious health issues.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a condition where food proteins and toxic chemical molecules access the blood stream due to a compromised intestinal wall. Probiotics CANNOT restore a damaged gut wall.

Restoration of a compromised intestinal gut wall can only be accomplished with use of endospheric, master bacteria exclusively available from YAC [under the name EndoBiotica.]

In addition to endospheres, systemic bound endotoxins and mycotoxins must be broken down and eliminated from the body to avoid absorption and continuation of autoimmune issues.

Hyphal invasion of the gut wall by the root structure of molds and fungi creates the “leaky” mechanism that manifests as Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Junk foods and sweets severely alter gut wall integrity and destroy the gut microbiome (DNA and healthy bacterial microbe populations). Unless the Autoimmune Attack Cycle is stopped and the terrain immunity restored with endospheric, master bacteria, it is impossible to escape the problems associated with leaky-gut and autoimmune associated problems.

Drugs, both over the counter such as: NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and prescription medications of all types, do serious damage to the intestinal mucosa (small intestinal wall).

Chlorinated water and fluoridated tooth paste also do serious damage and should be avoided. Antibiotics are the MOST damaging of all drugs.

And once damaged, the gut wall is incapable of repairing and regenerating itself on its own. Regeneration requires guidance and use of endospheric, master bacteria.

Emotional issues, stress and anxiety raise havoc with the gut wall and do severe damage regardless of dietary choices and food digestion issues.

In cannot be over emphasized how vitally important activated, liquid iodine, selenium and magnesium ion sufficiency is to maintenance of immune function.

To learn more, read Special Insights, Bio-Friendly Iodine & Perpetual Health by clicking hyperlink or by using the Special Insights Link below.

See Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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