Glyphosate [residues, drugs, & drug resistance]

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Glyphosate & Drug Resistance

GLYPHOSATE IS A METABOLIC DISRUPTER!  Glyphosate [aka: Roundup] is also a type of antibiotic and the food chain is loaded with it!

You can’t avoid glyphosate no matter how clean you eat.  Fact is, our bodies are burdened by glyphosate residues and we must get rid of it!

Glyphosate disrupts DESTROYS LIVER FUNCTION, messes with hormones, sabotages immunity, kills the mitochondria, promotes infection, destroys the mucosa and leads to endotoxicity and dysbacteriosis.

It is no accident that we are seeing more, and more fast-moving, drug-resistant infections.  Did you know, glyphosate ACCELERATES drug resistance by 100,000 times for infections like MRSAC-diffKlebsiella and Campylobacter.  Drug resistance means TREATMENT is available in a crisis!

A REAL-LIFE SCENARIO:  you suffer an accident or surgery and receive antibiotics [You will not be asked; they are mandatory!] and the next thing you know, you are fighting for your life because of a drug-resistant infection FUELED BY GLYPHOSATE RESIDUES ALREADY IN YOUR BODY!  Add, a compromised immune system and mucosa, 100,000 dead and 1,000,000 infections a year in the USA alone and INFECTIONS take-on meaning and become less mysterious!

Roundup is sold as an herbicide, but it’s an ANTIBIOTIC that penetrates cell membranes, destroys the mitochondria, wreaks havoc on the microbiome and epi-genome, and fuels GROWTH of pathogenic microorganisms.  [Glyphosate is behind the  Mysterious Diseases & Strange Infections.

The Young Again answer to glyphosate poisoning is the DIGESTION TRIO and Yucca Blend.  Purging of glyphosate and drug residues gives your body the opportunity to identify and correct imbalances in the system.

Popular cleanses  are useless against glyphosate [and fungal overgrowth] because glyphosate is a metabolic disruptor that should not be taken lightly.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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