Neuropathy (peripheral)

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Neuropathy (peripheral): a chronic, degenerative condition that affects the peripheral nerves of the hands, legs and feet with symptoms of pain, burning, restlessness and inflammation.

Note: anyone who suffers from any form of neuropathy is diabetic or pre-diabetic and BOTH are insulin-resistant.


Neuropathy is a condition of systemic, LOW-GRADE inflammation of the terrain.  The question of course is, why are people’s bodies so, inflamed?

And, the answer is an acidic pH and pre-diabetic insulin-resistance accompanied by invasion by fungal yeast and mycotoxins they produce.

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.

Ongoing, low-grade inflammation and diabetic-related insulin-resistance made worse by systemic acidity as a function of urine PH.

Metabolic waste is acidic, meaning, its corrosive and attacks nerve tissue causing inflammation and deterioration of the myelin sheath that protects and insulates nerve fibers.

Blood sugar levels over 90 feeds systemic acidity and causes glycation of RBCs [red blood corpuscles], glycation of brain receptors responsible for monitoring leptin levels and controlling production of insulin by the pancreas.  Excess insulin is inflammatory,

Please read Special Insights: Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance.

The general population of all ages is pre-diabetic insulin-resistant and burdened by infestation by fungal yeast which causes ongoing, systemic inflammation from production of fungal mycotoxins.

Restricted blood flow and a poorly functioning lymphatic system are aspects of low-grade, systemic inflammation.  The lymph system is responsible for removal and movement of waste from the tissues, BUT ONLY IF YOU CAN GET THE BODY TO RELEASE AND PROCESS HIGHLY ACIDIC WASTE FOR REMOVAL FROM THE BODY.]

Sexual dysfunction loss of sex drive, ED, inability to orgasm are side effects of systemic, low-grade inflammation and insulin/leptin-resistance.

Assume if you suffer from neuropathy, you have poor liver function REGARDLESS of what doctor or lab test tell you.

Use of steroidal medications and both prescription and over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs make matters worse in the long run.

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle  has a central role in triggering inflammatory responses associated with neuropathy. To learn more, click  the hyperlink.

Lifestyle and dietary changes are absolutely necessary to reverse neuropathy and the suffering that comes with it.

Because insulin-resistance is ALWAYS a factor in neuropathy, and because depletion of Essential Elements is ALWAYS a factor in insulin-resistance, is is obvious that body stores of elements be returned to healthy levels.  The ONLY way to make this happen is the Essential Element Protocol from YAC.

You will need assistance in mapping out a plan.  Please ask for help.

The Tissue & Liver Protocol is one of the best ways to address degenerative problems related to over-acidity, degenerative aging and neuropathy.  Use it to peel away years of abuse and neglect. You can read about it by clicking the link.

See Youthing Formula, and Sugar Blues. 


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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