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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Shedding:  spreading of a contagion or agent of a contagion through human exposure both socially and by physical contact.

Viral shedding refers to the expulsion and release of virus progeny following successful reproduction during a host-cell infection.

No one has EVER seen a living virus and no one has EVER proven that virus exist.  Notably, no one has EVER demonstrated that any so-called virus fulfills Koch’s postulates which are rules for determining responsibility for microbial cause of disease.


Shedding [and spreading] are similar concepts.  Shedding applies specifically to the spreading of a contagion following VACCINATION acquired agents.

The COVID mRNA vaccine is capable of spreading from one human to another via ‘shedding’ of foreign chimeric-derived spike proteins that are transferred to people who are not vaxxed.

Shedding is a very real threat because the vaccine turns the body of the vaxxed person into a spike protein factory and vector.

Shedding of a vaxx-derived chimeric proteins is NOT natural process since the agent[s] of dis-ease are acquired through inoculation and does not produce life-long immunity.  Naturally acquired immunity is permanent.


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  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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