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Anecdotal Observations by John Thomas

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Virus [official definition/theory]: a microscopic, non living agent that replicates inside living cells of other organisms and takes control of cellular machinery and DNA.

Virus [unofficial definition based on 100 years of astute observation and challenge of UNPROVEN theory about viruses]:  microscopic vesicles called exosomes are excreted by mitochondria WITHIN the cytoplasm of cells into interstitial/extracellular fluids.

Exosomes are key components of the epicommunication system cells use to communicate with each other in an effort to maintain homeostasis, and are unrecognized components of the greater immune system.


What science calls viruses are exosomes from WITHIN living cells, not invading foreign agents.  Viruses have NEVER EVER been seen in living form nor identified.  Exosomes have been seen but never identified;  electron microscopy can only photograph cellular components and bacteria in non-living form.  A virus is NEITHER a bacterium nor a fungal mold.

Viruses DO NOT EXIST; they are NOT toxic/pathogenic agents as taught and popularly believed, and they are NOT transmissible.

From the time of Claude Bechamp [a contemporary of Louis Pasteur] until today, medical science has taught and perpetuated the SCIENTIFIC MYTH that viruses are pathogenic agents capable of transmitting and facilitation spread of disease.

Virus are the perfect medical boogeyman because you cannot see them nor identify them and can be [are are] promoted as disease causing agents by Big-Pharma and medical quackery to perpetuate fraud upon mankind and fund the racket called modern medicine.

Today [year 2020 and beyond], viruses are used to justify medical intervention when none is due or justified.  Intervention in the form of pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, vaccinations, surgery and endless testing.

Proponents of the Germ Theory of Disease from Pasteur through today have skillfully perpetuated the idea of viral caused disease and infection when nothing could be further from the truth.

Not only has NO ONE ever seen or identified a so-called virus particles that meets Koch’s Postulates which are the gold standard of identification and proof of existence.

The pandemic called COVID-19 and morphed versions of it are complete and total medical FRAUD upon science and unsuspecting, ignorant people.  PCR [polymerized chain reaction] testing is fraudulent and should NEVER be used for diagnosis.  Yet, COVID and all other virus-driven epidemics are based upon PCR testing.

No scientist who values his reputation will agree with the above summary.  If they were to openly admit these things to be true, their careers are finished.

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