Thyroid Metabolism

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Anecdotal Observations by John Thomas

Thyroid: a critically important gland that makes thyroid hormone for regulating metabolism and sensitivity to other hormones.

The thyroid is considered the master, regulatory organ of the body.  The thyroid gland is heavily influenced by the adrenal glands which are heavily influenced by stress and anxiety.

Thyroid issues are epidemic in women partly due to takeover by fungal yeast and the production of mycotoxins that influence metabolism, but also by poor and incomplete digestion of food [maldigestion].

The DNA of fungi [such as Candida Albicans] is very similar to human DNA.  The similarity allows allows DNA of both species to merge, creating a HYBRID influence.  Gene interference with thyroid function is accomplished via the epigenome and microbiome.

When DNA merger occurs, the immune system loses the ability to identify influence from foreign life forms, and instead sees hybrid DNA as YOU because it is you, at least in part.

This Trojan-horse effect allows molds and fungi to freely grow and spread throughout the body without detection by the immune system.  Use of antibiotics can have lifelong effects.  Birth  control medications heavily influence fungal-yeast takeover of the terrain.

Read, Special Insights, Cause Unknown! as well as, Cancer, Acidity, Fermentation and pH by clicking the hyperlinks.


Iodine, selenium and zinc are CRITICAL for proper thyroid function, especially for women who have had their thyroid gland ‘killed’ or surgically, removed.

Symptoms that led to surgical intervention of the thyroid [nodules, cancer, etc.] often continue to haunt the women long after thyroid removal and/or radiation of the gland.

Sadly, the experts DO NOT HAVE A CLUE why women who test NORMAL for thyroid function [as measured by T-4, T-3 and TSH] continue to suffer from hypothyroid symptoms.

Goiter is classified as an autoimmune disease/condition [Graves disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis], but in reality, the body NEVER attacks itself.  So-called autoimmune symptoms [including food allergy such as gluten-intolerance is the result leakage of undigested food proteins into the bloodstream.

Prescription drugs do not solve thyroid issues, regardless of lab test results because cause has not been addressed.  At best, medications hide symptoms.

Goiter is a hypertrophied [abnormally enlarged] thyroid gland with the appearance of n enlarged, neck.  After 1920, surgical REDUCTION of the thyroid was the official ‘cure!’

Today, doctors irradiate the gland to make it NON-FUNCTIONAL and the patient is forced to use synthetic thyroid drugs with attendant risks for the remainder of their lives.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and hypothyroid are autoimmune responses brought on by maldigestion of food and/or fungal mycotoxin interference and lack of biologically active essential elemental ions.  See Mold & Fungus Protocol, here.

Iodine is used by every organ and all cells and tissues of the body.  When the thyroid is dysfunctional iodine insufficiency accompanied by selenium and zinc is a major factor.

Some low thyroid symptoms are: coldness, slow metabolic rate, obesity, low energy, foggy brain, loss of sex drive, loss of muscle mass, reduced body temperature [or at least the feeling of ‘coldness’ even on hot days] and cardiovascular issues.

Iodine must be supplied in usable form [not potassium iodide form] and should be taken with selenium and zinc am and pm.  Large amounts of bioactive magnesium ions are also needed to stabilize thyroid function and support adrenal response.

Two CLASSIC indicators of thyroid insufficiency are pre-diabetes [blood sugar levels over 90], clinical diabetes and sub-clinical insulin/leptin-resistance.

Disorders of the skin [eczema and acne] and breast and prostate issues are indicative of insufficiency and depletion of essential elements.

Pre-diabetes is a term that applies to anyone who is not yet a clinical diabetic.  People live their lives in the pre-diabetic state that is better described as insulin/leptin-resistant.

Only when metabolism gets out of control does the doctor render the misdiagnosis of diabetes mellitus, type II.  Pre-diabetes, diabetes and insulin-resistance are REVERSIBLE disorders.

Iodine is STORED in the thyroid, ovaries and breasts in females, and the thyroid, testicles and prostate in males.  These high energy organs CANNOT FUNCTION without a daily supply of bio-active iodine and essential elements.

Thyroid dysfunction is an autoimmune response.  What is really happening is fungal yeast have seized control of thyroid metabolism and the symptoms and labs appear to be the problem when in fact, it’s a problem of insufficiency of essential elements..

Thyroid problems are far more prevalent in women than men, by 100:1.  The female body needs ten times (10x) more bio-active ions to function and maintain healthy metabolism than does the male body.

While not a sexual hormone, thyroid function very much affects the menstrual cycle from puberty to after menopause.

Show me a man or woman with hormonal and premature aging issues, and I will show you a person who is drastically deficient in all the essential elements, and especially iodine, selenium, zinc, chromium, and magnesium.

For fast, dependable results, mineral ions MUST be taken in liquid form and have a bio-enhanced energy, profile.

See Special Insights, The Missing Diagnosis by clicking hyperlink.

Learn more about regulatory hormones by reading Special Insights, Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life .

The Autoimmune Attack Cycle and Sugar/Alcohol Cycle also play important roles in thyroid metabolism.


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

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