Teeth (dying teeth)

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Teeth: that become infected from either deep cavities or leaking fillings eventually die when internal pressure from infection cuts blood supply and the nerve dies; or infection itself kills the nerve.


Dying teeth says your body is inflamed and highly toxic, saliva secretion is poor and you are under hydrated.  When the dentist gets into the tooth and discovers infection that requires him to work so close to the nerve that the trauma, the tooth dies.

WHEN PAIN AND SWELLING OCCUR, YOU CAN OCCASIONALLY SAVE A TOOTH FROM DYING.  The solution is simple, but you must call to find out what to do to save the tooth.  Time is of essence!

The only conventional options for dying teeth is either a root canal or extraction and replacement with a bridge or dental implant.

Bad breath is generally a liver/gut issue that can be solved by following the Tissue & Liver Protocol. Click hyperlink to read about it.

It should be obvious that infected, rotting teeth contribute to bad breath along with long-term, low-grade inflammation that attacks the heart muscle leading to serious cardiovascular issues,

Infected teeth are a reflection of poor digestion, sluggish bowels and a toxic, compromised liver and terrain.  They also mean you have poor circulation of blood and lymph in the mouth and head i.e. congestion!

Please see Special Insight, Teeth & Gums, Things Your Should Know by clicking the hyperlink.

ALso see Root Canals and Inflammation in Glossary link below.


  1. Change your lifestyle and diet.
  2. Tend to your teeth.
  3. Embrace Young Again Protocols.
  4. Ask for guidance and be open to new ideas.

See Root Canals in Glossary link below, and Special Insights, Teeth & Gums by clicking archive link below..

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