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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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SugarMagic is about blood sugar management and insulin metabolism.  Use it to boost cellular energy and vitality and to circumvent dependence on medications and involvement with sick-care medicine.

Caring for yourself is better than dependence on medications that kill you and complications that follow surgical interventions.  Healthy insulin metabolism is how you avoid pre-diabetes and insulin-resistance.

SugarMagic helps the mitochondria in your cells make Mg-ATP.  Use it to boost output of Mg-ATP and without spiking blood glucose and insulin production and avoid pancreatic ‘burn-out!’

Insulin-resistance and inflammatory aging fuel premature aging and disease.  Keep inflammation down to avoid aging and restore your body!  Inflammation is a SIDE-EFFECT of leptin and insulin resistance caused by glycation of the brain receptors that regulate your pancreas and production of insulin.

Did you know that 50% of the population is diabetic, and the other 50%, pre-diabetic?  Pre-diabetic insulin-resistance is driving neurologic disorders like dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  These ugly disorders are epidemic in those over age 50, affecting one of every four adults.  You can avoid them!

Use of statin drugs by patients who SHOULD KNOW better and doctors who SHOULD NOT be prescribing them is fueling neurologic decline and degenerative aging.  Insulin-resistance and dietary fructose are drive inflammatory aging which is made worse by use of statin drugs.

Elevated ferritin iron is common and extremely inflammatory, and not the same as heme iron.  Lots of confusion among practitioners and patients regarding iron, energy, anemia and hemoglobin.

Degenerative aging and neurologic disorders of the brain are products of dysfunctional sugar metabolism, insulin resistance and, low-grade, systemic inflammation.  The major killers [cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular] are inflammatory disorders BROUGHT ON BY ONGOING INSULIN-RESISTANCE occurring over decades.   [FYI: sexual dysfunction and neuropathy are real-time side effects of insulin resistance.  Know that all are avoidable and reversible.]

SugarMagic is a better way to manage your health.  Please note: your perception of your state of health has little to do with your actual state of health; meaning, the condition of your  metabolism and your terrain.  Self-care is smarter than sick-care!  The choice is yours; choose wisely.


    1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
    2. Embrace Young Again Club Products and Protocols.
    3. Ask John Thomas for personal guidance and be open to new ideas.

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