Signs & Symptoms

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Signs & symptoms: clues practitioners use to justify ‘diagnosis’ and prescribe medications to achieve palliation (cure, absent knowledge of cause and/or addressing cause).


Signs and symptoms cause people to seek medical care under the impression that ‘they’ know the cause and can ‘cure’ the problem.

Nothing could be further from the truth and the sooner you care for yourself and help your body heal itself, the better off you health and life will be.

Be sure and read Special Insights, Symptoms, Labels & Delusions by clicking hyperlink.


  1. Ask for help.
  2. Be open to new ideas.
  3. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.

Read the book Young Again! to understand the significance of key words and why people forfeit their health and control of their future to a system that hampers instead of helps the body heal itself.

Progressive aging and inability to recover from health challenges/surgeries is confirmation of the problem.

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