Racemization (racemized)

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Racemization: refers to expansion of food energy footprint by expansion of food energy profiles contained in a food substance for improved viability and value.

Racemization is unrelated to traditional, chemistry concepts.


Racemization is not a physical ingredient. It is energetic in nature and an esoteric, biodynamic  concept that is outside the bounds of conventional and alternative thinking.

The beneficial effects of racemized products is similar to the beneficial effects bio-dynamic live food has on the bio-electric body, as compared to the effects of unhealthy, junk food, dietary sweets and agriculturally poisoned food.


All food has an energy footprint regardless if it good, bad, junk, biodynamic or organic.

Plants radiate energy frequency and insects intercept plant electrical signals.

Sick food crops emit stress signals with low life-force and energy footprint.

Racemization boosts energy profiles and food nutrient values so the body operates at a higher frequency. The higher  a foods energy profile, the higher the profile can be elevated.  The object of the process is to elevate a target profile by a factor of 10 times.

Food is about much more than proteins and fats, carbs and calories.  Food is about energy conversion efficiency on a biodynamic, cosmic scale.

Racemized™ food supplements target the energy profile of the bio-electric body.  The best way to experience their impact and value is to use them.  People who use them notice the difference, just as people notice the difference between healthy food and unhealthy food.

Racemization is an exclusive  Young Again Club concept and offering of John Thomas.

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