Prognosis & Diagnosis

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Anecdotal observations by John Thomas

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Prognosis: is prediction of the medical outcome in the future based on diagnosis.

Diagnosis: is the medical conclusion following observation and gathering of signs and symptoms by a [medical] professional.


All too often, diagnosis and prognosis fall into the category of a WAG (wild ass guess).  When the model relied upon to come to a conclusion is false, diagnosis and prognosis are also false.

When the signs and symptoms observed and gathered are misidentified or misconstrued ,  diagnosis and prognosis are also false.

Defective treatment is common to orthodox medicine, and alternative medicine as well.  Why, you might ask, do alternative approaches, though less damaging in approach, so often fail and fall apart in the face of scrutiny and results?  The answer is a defective model and wrong headed thinking based on that model.

Like it or not, even good alternative practitioners HAVE NO CHOICE but to comply and act as worker bees for the medical system. At best, alternative practitioners are tolerated by the medical establishment.  The control mechanism is their LICENSE TO PRACTICE.

Failure to refer to a “real” doctor the moment any sign or symptom of clinical disease is observed, puts good practitioners at risk.  This is how the game is played.  The only defense a patient has is to become sufficiently knowledgeable so as to avoid trouble.

For example, the Germ Theory of Disease and the Cholesterol Theory of [Heart] Disease are completely false ideas and reliance upon them both misleads and misinforms.

The single most important thing a patient can do is to become sufficiently INFORMED so as to be able to separate truth from fiction and lies and make INFORMED decisions.  One of the primary purposes of the Young Again Club is to inform and clear away false beliefs.

Information and knowledge is what Young Again Club is about.  Read, Special Insights, Symptoms, Labels & Delusions by clicking hyperlink.


All too often, diagnosis and prognosis fall into the category of a WAG (wild ass guess).  When the model relied upon to come to a conclusion is false, diagnosis and prognosis is also false.

When the signs and symptoms observed and gathered are misidentified or misconstrued ,  diagnosis and prognosis are also false.

Defective treatment is common to orthodox medicine, and alternative medicine as well.  Why, you might ask, do alternative approaches, though less damaging in approach, fail and fall apart in the face of scrutiny?  The problem is a defective model and wrong headed thinking based on that model.

For example, the Germ Theory of Disease and the Cholesterol Theory of [Heart] Disease are completely false ideas and reliance upon them both misleads and misinforms.

The single most important thing a patient can do is to become sufficiently INFORMED so as to be able to separate truth from fiction and lies and make INFORMED decisions.

Information and knowledge is what Young Again Club is about.  Read, Special Insights, Symptoms, Labels & Delusions by clicking hyperlink.0


  1. Change your lifestyle and your diet.
  2. Embrace Young Again Club Protocols.
  3. Ask for help and be open to new ideas.

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