Probiotics & Prebiotics

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Probiotics: microorganism-based supplements; microorganisms whose BY-PRODUCTS provide health benefits, ease digestion for  people with compromised intestinal tracts [mucosa].

Endospheres SURVIVE the stomach and are master microbes capable of overseeing restoration of the intestinal mucosa.  They are exclusively available for YAC under the name EndoBiotica & EndoMax.


Natural probiotics are supplied in supplemental form or they are supplied by naturally fermented foods such as, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha tea and kefir.

Contrary to urban myth and health industry propaganda, probiotic organisms DO NOT survive healthy stomach acid levels because they are NOT SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE.

Very few probiotic supplements survive passage through the stomach, meaning they are worthless or do not do what people think they do.

High stomach acid kills and breaks-down ALL incoming organisms; it is the way the system was designed and it is our #1 defense against microbe invasion.

Pathogenic organisms that survive passage through the stomach  set-up shop in the the intestinal tract and take-over the intestinal mucosa and dominate the microbiome.  Takeover generally occurs in the face of missing master bacteria that are responsible for gut and terrain maintenance and orchestration of primal immunity.

Probiotic bacteria DO NOT and CANNOT repair or regenerate a dysfunctional intestinal mucosa, a condition commonly called leaky-gut.

Probiotic supplements DO NOT contain endospheric, MASTER microbes responsible for maintenance and restoration of Primal Immunity.

We are born with endospheric, master microbes and we lose them the first time and every time we use antibiotics.  When we loss them, we forfeit primal immunity and the ability to restore primal immunity without intervention that CANNOT be accomplished with ‘probiotics’.  Once it is lost, we lose the ability to manage our microbiome and immune function suffers.

Restoration of Primal Immunity is accomplished with the YAC Immune Protocol.

The protocol breaks-down fungal mycotoxins and supplies endospheric, master bacteria.  Only then can the body and immune system recover and regenerate.

Fungal yeast produce and use their mycotoxins to control and manage human metabolism in an effort to complete their lifecycle by using the human body as a substrate for its own purposes.

To learn more, see the YAC Mold & Fungus Protocol.

Probiotic bacteria contained in supplements are a waste of time and money.  Lack of survivability and lack of endospheric master bacteria are the issues. Supplemental probiotics have been around for over 30 years and they do not work.

Antibiotics are the antithesis of master bacteria primal immunity. They are the single most damaging drugs commonly used. NSAIDS (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) also do damage to the gut wall and destroy the microbiome, in general, and the intestinal tract, specifically.

Constipation and bowel disorders are red flags of an unbalanced gut environment. Alcohol (including wine), sugar, sweets and excess carbohydrates fuel a hostile environment for friendly bacteria while creating the perfect environment for hostile, pathogenic organisms and parasites.

Stress and anxiety are VERY destructive to the intestinal wall and account for at least 50% of gut wall damage under normal conditions.  Use of antibiotics is anything but, NORMAL!

Without a balanced microbiome and a healthy, non-porous gut wall, the body’s immune system ceases to function as designed.

The word AUTOIMMUNE is popularly defined as a state where the body attacks itself.  However, the definition is wrong and misleading. So-called autoimmune reactions are REACTIONS TO UNDIGESTED FOOD PROTEIN IN THE BLOODSTREAM.

Glut to blood leakage is referred to as ‘leaky-gut’ and is the result of fungal-yeast invasion of the gut wall via hypha [roots] that embed in the gut wall [perforate it] and allow UNDIGESTED food protein into the bloodstream.

Mold and fungal yeast and their mycotoxins CONTROL and ORCHESTRATE the body’s vital organs, hormones and regulatory functions so they CEASE to function as designed.  Symptoms of illness and disease are the effects.

Also, see the Sugar/Alcohol Cycle, the Autoimmune Attack Cycle and auto-brewery syndrome.  These Cycles are extremely prevalent in the population, regardless of age.

Another very big factor affecting the gut wall and microbiome is hormonal resistance to leptin and insulin, both of which are regulatory hormones that regulate the body. Read Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life by clicking hyperlink.


Prebiotics are NOT probiotics; they are food substrates that act as a substrate and energy supply for healthy bacteria to function.

YAC offers a PREBIOTIC that was discovered by the Russians about 50 years ago.  YAC also offers a highly effective biologically active product called FiberMagic that is far beyond common so-called fiber supplements on the market.

Prebiotics can be used separately or with  and a ‘sticker’ agent to keep them in contact with an inflamed and compromised intestinal wall.  Another very useful approach is use of galacto, oligo saccharide mannans [called ReStore] to help the gut repair and restore itself.

Endospheric master bacteria go far beyond common so-called probiotic bacterial strains.  People with autoimmune-type symptoms and who suffer autoimmune responses and autoimmune diseases suffer because they have lost their endospheric master bacteria.


Probiotics are NOT a valid approach for maintenance and restoration of the gut and DO NOT restore health.  The concepts outlined herein are beyond conventional medicine, as well as, alternative practitioners and is evidenced by the fact that they themselves age and suffer along with their patients because these concepts are NOT taught in medical curriculums.

Young Again Club principals and protocols go far beyond common medical understanding and they are NOT based on the Germ Theory of Disease.

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